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Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative
Masterand comunicare si relatii publice
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Opening Statement
The following pages contain information to support the argument that
representations of crime and justice in the media feed off of cultural fears, and in
doing so, reinforce these fears for the audiences consuming these forms of media.
While it is impossible to objectively capture any sense of reality within a medium,
such as television, the representation of crime in the news and other forms of
television programming often resort to sensationalism in order to attract a mass
mediated audience.
*Please note that the mock trial contained within this website is based on an actual
criminal rape case. Photos taken of actors standing in for the accused and his
alleged victim are meant only to visualize how the media is capable of
manipulating how individuals are represented, and thereby read and received by an
audience member.
Brief History of Media Representations of Crime
Media cannot exist without the presence of an audience. As long as there have
been audiences, there has been an arena for media to exist, and in a significant
way. Currently, technology has enabled the media to infiltrate several facets of
daily life, which allows these media forms to come into contact with an audience
on a regular basis, whether that be via radio, television, newsprint, the Internet
and several other components of the industry.
The most notable early forms of modern mediation of information took place in
the 1920's and 1930's, through the use of mass propaganda by Nazi Germany via
radio, film and newspaper (Pope,2004).
With the invention of television in 1947 came a new media format by which
audiences could receive both information and entertainment (Pope, 2004). Soon,
as televisions became a staple in nearly
every household in
could deny that the content shown on a television set within the home had some
impact and influence on the viewers who were watching.
However, despite attempts to manipulate audiences through the media,either by
politicians or those who run the industry,audience members have become more
and more sophisticated in their behaviour everyday, as the more mediated
information they are exposed to, the better chance they have of picking out what
they chose to accept and that which they reject.
How Audiences Use the Media
Changes in audience behaviour, from that of the passive, acted upon spectator,
to a more active form of audience member, occurred as the audiences' use of
media changed. According to audience theorists Blumler & Katz(1974), the
audience member uses and consumes media in order to meet their own needs
and wants in four different ways:
. Diversion- as escapism or emotional release.
. Personal Relationships- companionship with characters from television
programs, as well as interaction with other people who may enjoy the
same medium, such as a television show or film.
. Personal Identity- gaining perspective on one's own life through a
comparison with the characters represented in the media, mainly
. Surveillance- being able to see what else is happening all over the world.
Yellow Journalism
'Your true yellow journalist can work himself into quite a fiery fever of enthusiasm
over a Christmas fund or a squalid murder, as over a war or a presidential
campaign. He sees everything through the magnifying glass and can make a
firstpage sensation out of a story which a more sober paper would dismiss with a
paragraph inside.' -journalist Willis J. Abbott (Cohen, 20)
The idea of sensationalism has existed as long as there has been reported news.
Often associated with terms such as the penny press, jazz journalism, tabloid,
gossip, and of course, yellow journalism, it has always been a part of this form of
media culture (Cohen,8). Sensationalism is a marketing strategy that over the years
has managed to significantly affect how audiences read and react to the news.
No longer confined to the world of newspaper print, the notion of yellow
journalism and senationlism now runs rampnat on television and the Internet, and
has led to the creation of new media genres which focus soley on reporting on
gossip and specualtion.
When looking at how crime and justice are represented in the media, it is common
to associate the notion of sensationalism with this type of news reporting. Despite
the number of crimes being committed each and every day, it is only the most
violent, severe and high-profile crimes that receive media attention.
Social Learning Theory: What We Learn From The News
Albert Bandura's social learning theory focuses on how individuals learn about
themselves and the world in which they live through the observation and
imitation of others (Rutledge, 2000).
Studies in social learning theory and the presentation of news in the media found
that most audience members remember the news based on the degree of
negatively compelling images and sounds
that make up the broadcast (
12). As the complexity of the story increases, the chance of a viewer
remembering the particular event decreases. Therefore, in order to maintain
audience viewership, it is necessary for television news to create brief yet
memorable segments when it comes to reporting the news.
Audiences use what they see in the news, more specifically the representation of
crime and justice, to comprehend social issues that may affect their own lives
television, shapes our views of what a criminal looks like, issues surrounding
right and wrong, and other problematic representations, especially those around
social constructions such as class, gender, race and ethnicity.
Social Learning Theory requires 4 conditions on the part of the observer
(according to Albert Bandura)
. Attention must be paid to the model being observed
. That which is observed must be remembered by the individual
. The individual must have the ability to replicate the model being observed
. The individual must possess the motivation necessary to properly
demonstrate what they have learned
Cultivation Theory: Television vs. Reality
Based on the work of George Gerbner in the 1970s, cultivation analysis looks at the
relationship between audiences and how they perceive reality, based on what they
have seen or continue to watch on television (Borchers, 47).
Gerbner created cultivation theory from his cultivation hypothesis, which states his
attempts to understand how 'heavy exposure to cultural imagery will shape a
viewer's concept of reality', in reference to the viewing of television commercials
and programming.
Gerbner continued his research in cultivation theory over the years, and at one point
served as Dean at The Annenberg School of Communications at the University of
Although this theory is based on research concerning fictional television programs,
such as soap operas or sitcoms, it is still applicable to how crime and justice are
portrayed on television, not only on the nightly news, but also in the form of crime
talk shows or small-case trials, such as Judge Judy or Celebrity Justice, which
border the lines of fiction and non-fiction.
The cultivation theory can be related to the television news in the way that news
events, such as crime stories, are transformed into narratives in order to be better
understood by mass audiences.
Keep in mind as you continue to explore this website the main argument of
Gerbner's cultivation theory, and how it may apply to the representation of crime in
the media.
Does the media shape your opinions on how you think of crime in your local area?
In regards to high profile celebrity cases?
Declaratie de deschidere
Urmatoarele pagini contin informatii pentru a sustine argumentul ca reprezentari ale criminalitatii si justitiei in mass-media se hranesc cu temerile culturale, precum si in a face acest lucru, sa consolideze aceste temeri pentru publicul consumatoare de aceste forme de mass-media.
In timp ce este imposibil de a captura obiectiv nici un sens al realitatii, intr-un mediu, cum ar fi televiziunea, reprezentarea criminalitatii in stiri si alte forme de programe de televiziune de multe ori recurg la senzationalismul lor in scopul de a atrage o masa, mediate de audienta.
* Va rugam sa retineti ca procesul mostra cuprins in acest site se bazeaza pe o reala cauza penala ,viol. Fotografii luate de actori in picioare pentru acuzat si a lui presupusa victima sunt destinate numai pentru a vizualiza modul in care mass-media este de natura sa manipuleze modul in care indivizii sunt reprezentati, si, astfel, citit si primit de catre un membru ce formeaza audienta
Istoria reprezentantelor mass-media de Crima
Mass-media nu poate exista fara prezenta unui public. Atata timp cat a fost un public, a existat o arena pentru mass-media sa existe, intr-un mod semnificativ.
In prezent, tehnologia a permis mass-mediei s a infiltreze mai multe fatete ale vieti de zi cu zi, care permite acestei forme mass-media sa intre in contact cu o audienta in mod regulat, fie ca este prin unde radio, televiziune, presa scrisa, pe Internet si mai multe alte componente ale industriei.
Formele cele mai notabile precoce ale medierii moderne de
informare au avut loc in1920 si 1930, prin utilizarea de propaganda in masa de
Odata cu inventarea televiziuni in 1947, a venit un nou format mass-media, prin carepublicul putea primi atat informatii cat si divertisment (Pope, 2004). De indata ce televiziunea a intrat in fiecare casa in America de Nord ,putini au putut nega ca continutul programelor de televiziune setate in fiecare casa au inpact asupra celor ce le privesc.
Cu toate acestea, in ciuda incercarilor de a manipula publicul prin intermediul mass-media, fie prinpoliticieni sau cei care conduc industria, membrii publicul au devenitdin ce in ce mai
si mai sofisticati, in comportamentul lor de zi cu zi,.Si cu cat era mai multa informatie mediata. Cu atat aveau sansa de a acepta sau de a respinge mesajul.
Cum Audienta Utilizeaza mass-media
Modificari in comportamentul public, de aceea a pasiv, a actionat la spectator, la o forma mai activa a membru al publicului, a avut loc in care aceasta utilizare un public 'de mass-media schimbat. In accord cu teoreticianul mass-media Blumler & Katz(1974) publicul foloseste si consuma media in scopul de a-si satisface propriile nevoi sub 4 forme diferite.
. Diversiunea-ca fuga de realitate sau de eliberare emotionala.
. relatii personale-companie, cu caractere de la televiziune programe, precum si interactiunea cu alte persoane care se pot bucura de acelasi mediu, cum ar fi un show de televiziune sau un film.
. Personalilate Identitica-castiga perspectiva asupra vietii proprii prin intermediul uneicomparatii cu personajele reprezentate in mass-media, in principal televizor
. Supraveghere- posibilitatea de a vedea ce altceva se intampla peste tot in lume.
Yellow Journalism
"Adevaratul tau juranalist galbem se poate supune unui entuziasm de a strange fonduri pentru Craciun sau o crima mizerabila ,sau unui adevarat razboi al campaniilor electorale pentru prezidentiale.El vede totul prin lupa si poate creea senzationalul pentru prima pagina dintr-o poveste pe care o publicatie mai sobra ar respinge-o." -journalist Willis J. Abbott (Cohen, 20)
Ideea de senzational a existat atata timp cat nu a fost raportata o stire sau un eveniment important.
Deseori asociata cu termeni cum ar fi presa Penny, jurnalism de jazz, tabloid, barfa, si, bineinteles, jurnalism galben, acesta a fost intotdeauna o parte a acestei forme de cultura media (Cohen, 8). Senzationalismul este o strategie de marketing care de-a lungul anilor a reusit sa afecteze in mod semnificativ modul in care publicul citeste si reactioneaza la stiri.
Numainfiind limitat la modul de imprimare ziar, notiunea de galben Jurnalism si senzationalism acum ruleaza rampnat la televiziune si Internet, sia condus la crearea de noi genuri mass-media care se concentreze exclusiv asupra raportarii cu privire labarfe si specualtii.
Atunci cand ne uitam la modul in care criminalitatea si justitia sunt reprezentate in mass-media, acesta este comun.
Se asocieze notiunea de senzationalism cu acest tip de raportare de stiri. In ciuda
numarul de crime comise in fiecare zi, doar crime violente, severe si de profil inalt sunt cele care primesc atentia mass-media.
Social Learning Theory: Ce am invatat din News
Teoria de invatare sociala se axeaza pe modul in care indivizii afla mai multe despre ei si lumea in care traiesc, prin observarea si imitatia altora (Rutledge, 2000).
Studiile si teoria
sociala de invatare si prezentarea de stiri in mass-media gasescfaptul ca cei
mai multi membri ai audientei aduc
aminte de stiri bazate pe gradul de convingere cu aspect negativ imagini si sunete ce alcatuiesc aceste stiri (
12). Pe masura ce complexitatea povestii creste , sansa unui vizualizator sa-si aminteasca scade Prin urmare, in scopul de a mentine audienta, este necesar pentru stirile de televiziune de a crea pe scurta durata segmente de neuitat atunci cand vine vorba de raportare la stiri.
Publicul vizat va folosi ceea ce vede la stiri, mai exact de reprezentare a criminalitatea
si justitia, in a intelege problemele
sociale care pot afecta propriile lor vieti (
Ceea ce vom vedea la stiri, fie in ziar sau pe de televiziune, formele, opiniile noastre de ceea ce pare un criminal ca, aspectele legate de corect si gresit, si a altor reprezentari problematice, mai ales cei din jurul constructiei sociale, cum ar fi de clasa, gen, rasa si origine etnica.
Social Learning Theory impune 4 conditii din partea observatorului (in conformitate cu Albert Bandura)
. Atentie . trebuie sa fie platit modelul observat
. Ceea ce se observa trebuie sa fie amintit de catre individ
. individul trebuie sa aiba capacitatea de a reproduce modelul observat
. individul trebuie sa posede motivatia necesare pentru a demonstra in mod corespunzator
ceea ce a invatat
Cultivarea Teoria: Televiziune vs Realitate
Bazat pe munca lui George Gerbner, in anii 1970, analiza de cultivare se uita la relatia dintre un public si modul in care percepe realitatea, bazata pe ceea ce au au vazut sau continua sa vada la televizor (Borchers, 47).
Gerbner a creat teoria de cultivare pe baza propriei ipoteze a cultivari, , care au stat la baza incercarilor sale de a intelegecum "expunerile repetate vor creea o imagine a realitatii, consumatorului de media " cu referire la vizionarea de reclame de televiziune si de programare.
Gerbner a continuat cercetarile sale, in teorie, de
cultivare de- a lungul anilor, si la un moment dat a servit ca Decan la Scoala
"The Annenberg Comunications" la
Universitatea din
Cu toate ca aceasta teorie se bazeaza pe cercetare privind programele de televiziune fictive, , cum ar fi telenovelele sau sitcoms, este aplicabila in continuare la modul in care criminalitatea si justitia sunt portretizata la televizor, nu numai pe stiri noapte de noapte, dar, de asemenea, sub forma de criminalitate talk-show-sau mici studii de caz, cum ar fi judecator sau de Judy Celebrity Justitie, care e frontiera liniilor de fictiune si non-fictiune.
Teoria cultivari poate fi legata de televiziune ,de stiri in modul in care stirile ,evenimentele, cum ar fi povestile criminalitatea, se transforma in naratiunile in scopul de a fi mai bine intelese de catre publicul de masa.
Pastrati in minte pe masura ce veti continua sa explorati acest site argumentul principal al lui Gerbner's teoria de cultivare, si modul in care se poate aplica in reprezentarea criminalitatii, in mass-media.
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