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Aplicatii Verilog.
1. Exemplu de model de descriere pentru un ceas
// Ceas.
module ceas(clock);
output clock;
reg clock;
time timp;
initial begin: stop_at
#300; $stop;
initial begin
#5; clock = 1;
$display('Timp clock');
$monitor('%0d %b', $time, clock);
$vw_group('all', timp,clock);
always begin: main_process
#20; clock = ~clock;
2. Exemple de modele de descriere pentru un bistabil bazat pe circuite Nand
// Bistabil bazat pe circuite Nand
module ffNand;
wire q, qBar;
reg preset, clear;
nand #1
'preset = %b clear=%b q=%b qBar=%b',
preset , clear, q, qBar);
//Forme de unda
#10;preset=0; clear=1;
3. Exemple de atribuiri
3.1. Atribuire nonblocanta.
module atr_nonbloc;
reg a,b,clk;
always @(posedge clk) begin
a <= b;
b <= a;
initial begin
clk = 0; a = 0; b = 1;
#10 clk = 1;
#10 $display('a=%d b=%dn',a,b);
Rezultatul executiei: a=1 b=0
3.2. Atribuire blocanta.
module atr_bloc;
reg a,b,clk;
always @(posedge clk) begin
a = b;
b = a;
initial begin
clk = 0; a = 0; b = 1;
#10 clk = 1;
#10 $display('a=%d b=%dn',a,b);
Rezultatul executiei: a=1 b=1
3.3. Interschimb blocant
module intersch_bloc;
reg a,b,clk;
always @(posedge clk) a = b;
always @(posedge clk) b = a;
initial begin
clk = 0; a = 0; b = 1;
#10 clk = 1;
#10 $display('a=%d b=%dn',a,b);
Rezultatul executiei: a=1 b=1
Interschimb nonblocant
module intersch_nonbloc;
reg a,b,clk;
always @(posedge clk) a <= b;
always @(posedge clk) b <= a;
initial begin
clk = 0; a = 0; b = 1;
#10 clk = 1;
#10 $display('a=%d b=%dn',a,b);
Rezultatul executiei: a=1 b=0
Interschimb nonblocant-blocant
module intersch_nonbloc_bloc;
reg a,b,clk;
always @(posedge clk) begin
a <= b;
b = a; // consistenta ?!
initial begin
clk = 0; a = 0; b = 1;
#10 clk = 1;
#10 $display('a=%d b=%dn',a,b);
Rezultatul executiei: a=1 b=0
4. Exemple de modele de descriere pentru un demultiplexor 2-la-4
// Demultiplexor 2-la-4 cu iesiri active pe nivel coborat
// model structural
module demux1(a,b,enable,z);
input a,b,enable;
output [3:0] z;
wire abar,bbar; // semnale locale
not v0(abar,a), v1(bbar,b);
nand n0(z[0],enable,abar,bbar);
nand n1(z[1],enable,a,bbar);
nand n2(z[2],enable,abar,b);
nand n3(z[3],enable,a,b);
// Demultiplexor 2-la-4 cu iesiri active pe nivel coborat
// model 'flux de date'
module demux2(a,b,enable,z);
input a,b,enable;
output [3:0] z;
assign z[0] = ~(enable & ~a & ~b); // sau: |;
assign z[1] = ~(enable & a & ~b);
assign z[2] = ~(enable & ~a & b);
assign z[3] = enable ? ~(a & b) : 1'b1;
// Demultiplexor 2-la-4 cu iesiri active pe nivel coborat
// model comportamental
module demux3(a,b,enable,z);
input a,b,enable;
output [3:0] z;
reg [3:0] z; // nu este chiar registru!
always @(a or b or enable)
case ()
default: z = 4'b1111;
3'b100: z = 4'b1110;
3'b110: z = 4'b1101;
3'b101: z = 4'b1011;
3'b111: z = 4'b0111;
module principal_test;
reg a,b,enable;
wire [3:0] s_z,fd_z,c_z;
initial begin
// antetul de afisare.
$display('a b enable s_z fd_z c_z');
// afiseaza valorile A, B, C in cazurile in care acestea se modifica.
$monitor(' %b %b %b %b %b %b',a, b, enable, s_z, fd_z, c_z );
initial begin
enable = 0; a = 0; b = 0;
#10 enable = 1;
#10 a = 1;
#10 a = 0; b = 1;
#10 a = 1;
#10 enable = 0;
#60 $finish;
demux1 structural(a,b,enable,s_z);
demux2 dataflow(a,b,enable,fd_z);
demux3 behavioral(a,b,enable,c_z);
Rezultatele compilarii si executiei:
This is a free version of the VeriWell for Win32 Simulator
Distribute this freely; call 1-800-VERIWELL for ordering information
See the file '!readme.1st' for more information
Copyright (c) 1995 Wellspring Solutions, Inc.
All rights reserved
Memory Available: 0
Entering Phase I
Compiling source file : DEMUX.V
The size of this model is [4%, 3%] of the capacity of the free version
Entering Phase II
Entering Phase III
No errors in compilation
Top-level modules:
C1> .
a b enable s_z fd_z c_z
0 0 0 1111 1111 1111
0 0 1 1110 1110 1110
1 0 1 1101 1101 1101
0 1 1 1011 1011 1011
1 1 1 0111 0111 0111
1 1 0 1111 1111 1111
Exiting VeriWell for Win32 at time 110
0 Errors, 0 Warnings, Memory Used: 54781
Compile time = 0.0, Load time = 0.0, Simulation time = 0.0
Normal exit
5. Exemplu de modul Fisier de Registre Generale: 32 cuvinte x 32 de biti, port 1 de intrare, 2 porturi de iesire
/* Fisier de Registre Generale: 32 locatii, 1 port de intrare, 2 porturi de iesire, iesirea activa pe frontul cazator al semnalului de ceas*/
module regfile(ra1,rd1,ra2,rd2,clk,werf,wa,wd);
input [4:0] ra1; // adrese pentru portul de citire 1
output [31:0] rd1; // date citite de la portul 1
input [4:0] ra2; // adrese pentru portul de citire 2
output [31:0] rd2; // date citite de la portul 2
input clk;
input werf; // activare scriere pe nivel ridicat
input [4:0] wa; // adrese pentru portul de scriere
input [31:0] wd; // date pentru scriere
reg [31:0] registers[31:0]; // fisierul de registre generale
// caile de citire sunt combinationale
assign rd1 = registers[ra1];
assign rd2 = registers[ra2];
// portul de scriere este activ atunci cand werf este pw nivel ridicat
always @(posedge clk)
if (werf) registers[wa] <= wd;
6. Exemplu de modul pentru calculul celui mai mare divizor comun (cmmdc).
/* calculeaza cmmdc pentru numerele XI[15:0], Y[15:0], activeaza RESET pentru initializare, apoi se dezactiveaza pentru a incepe executia. DONE este activat atunci cand raspunsul este disponibil de la modulul CMMDC[15:0] */
This is a free version of the VeriWell for Win32 Simulator
Distribute this freely; call 1-800-VERIWELL for ordering information
See the file '!readme.1st' for more information
Copyright (c) 1995 Wellspring Solutions, Inc.
All rights reserved
Memory Available: 0
Entering Phase I
Compiling source file : cmmdc1.V
The size of this model is [3%, 3%] of the capacity of the free version
Entering Phase II
Entering Phase III
No errors in compilation
Top-level modules:
C1> .
cmmdc= z done=z x= 27 y= 15
cmmdc= x done=0 x= 27 y= 15
cmmdc= x done=0 x= 27 y= 15
cmmdc= x done=0 x= 27 y= 15
cmmdc= x done=0 x= 27 y= 15
cmmdc= x done=0 x= 27 y= 15
cmmdc= x done=0 x= 27 y= 15
cmmdc= 3 done=1 x= 27 y= 15
Exiting VeriWell for Win32 at time 75
0 Errors, 0 Warnings, Memory Used: 45218
Compile time = 0.0, Load time = 0.0, Simulation time = 0.0
Normal exit
Thank you for using VeriWell for Win32
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