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A meal is an instance of eating, specifically one that takes place at a specific time and includes specific, prepared food. Meals occur primarily at homes, restaurants, and cafeterias, but may occur anywhere. Regular meals occur on a daily basis, typically several times a day. A meal is different from a snack in that meals are larger, more varied, while snacks are more likely to be small; however, any food eaten in small amounts at an unscheduled time can be classified as a snack.
v Breakfast (Micul dejun) is a meal that is eaten in the morning. The word derives from breaking the fast after one has not eaten since the night before. It is widely accepted that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast usually consists of foods that are high in energy content.
v Brunch (Echivalentul modern al micului dejun servit intre orele 11:00-12:00 ale diminetii, un compromis intre "breakfast" si "lunch") - is a combination of breakfast and lunch. Brunch is often served after a morning event or prior to an afternoon one, such as a wedding or sporting event.
v Lunch (Pranzul sau masa de la amiaza. Este principala masa a zilei pentru cei care iau seara cina numita "supper") In English-speaking countries during the eighteenth century what was originally called 'dinner'- a word still sometimes used to mean a noontime meal in the UK, and in parts of Canada and the United States - was moved by stages later in the day and came in the course of the nineteenth century to be eaten at night, replacing the light meal called supper, which was delayed by the upper class to midnight. Lunch was originally intended as a vehicle in which working classes could escape their job and purchase alcoholic beverages.
Five o'clock tea (Ceaiul de la ora cinci, gustare frugala servita
intre orele 15:00-17:00) - is a light meal typically eaten between 3pm and 5pm. It originated in the United
Kingdom when Catherine of Braganza married Charles II
in 1661 and brought the practice of drinking tea in the afternoon with her from
Dinner (Pranzul,
principala masa a zilei servita seara intre orele
In general, people in rural parts of
People who live in cities and towns, typically eat dinner in the evening. Their midday meal is called lunch and is often a small and quick meal, although a business lunch can be large.
v Supper (Cina) is the name for the evening meal in some dialects of English - ordinarily the last meal of the day. It is typically served between 6pm and 8pm. The term is derived from the French souper, which is still used for this meal in Canadian French,
In most of the United States and Canada, 'supper' and 'dinner' are considered synonyms. In some areas either term may be rarely used.
Substantivul este partea de vorbire care denumeste fiinte, obiecte, stari, notiuni, insusiri etc.
Substantivele nenumarabile sunt acele substantive, care nu se numara.
Astfel de substantive nu folosesc articolul nehotarat « a/an « si nu au forma de plural.
De obicei, substantive nenumarabile sunt :
- nume de materii
Ex : rice (orez), bread (paine), chicken (carne de pui), fish (peste), meat (carne), cheese (branza), steel (otel), gold (aur), snow (zapada) soap (sapun), air (aer), hair (par)etc.
- lichide
Ex : water (apa), tea (ceai), milk (lapte), juice (suc), wine (vin)etc.
- alte lucruri care reprezinta un intreg
Ex : furniture (mobila), luggage (bagaj), equipment (echipament), money (bani), etc.
- substantive abstracte
Ex : advice (sfat), behaviour (comportament), courage (curaj), education (educatie), music (muzica) , knowledge (cunostinte), help (ajutor),etc.
Pentru a intreba despre substantive numarabile se foloseste intrebarea "How many?"
Pentru a intreba despre substantive nenumarabile se foloseste intrebarea "How much?"
fruit vegetables
apple = mar onion = ceapa
banana = banane garlic = usturoi
orange = portocala carrot = morcov
lemon = lamaie cucumber = castravete
peach = piersica tomato = rosie
pear = para potato = cartof
grape = strugure cabagge = varza
pineapple = ananas lettuce = salata
strawberry = capsuni bean = fasole
melon = pepene pea = mazare
watermelon = lubenita mushroom = ciuperci
pumpkin = dovleac egg - plant = vinete
quince = gutuie celery = telina
cherry = cireasa dill = marar
sour cherry = visina parsley = patrunjel
appricot = caisa pepper/paprika = ardei
dairy products cereals
milk = lapte corn = porumb
cheese = branza; cascaval wheat = grau
cream = smantana rice = orez
butter = unt oat = ovaz
yogurt = iaurt rye = secara
meat seafood
chicken = pui fish = peste
turkey = curcan lobster = homar
meat = carne oyster = stridie
beef = carne de vita shrimp = creveti
pork = carne de porc snail = melci
ham = sunca clam = scoici
bacon = costita salmon = somon
sausage = carnati tuna = ton
salami = salam trout = pastrav
frankfurter = cremvurst flounder = platica
others beverages
egg = ou water = apa
bread = paine still water = apa plata
mustard = mustar soda = sucuri acidulate
sugar = zahar coffee = cafea
salt = sare tea = ceai
pepper = piper juice = suc
oil = ulei
vinegar = otet
Cele mai importante pronume nehotarate sunt: "some", "any", cat si compusi acestora: somebody, anybody, / something, anything, / someone, anyone.
Pronumele nehotarat "some" se foloseste de obicei in propozitiile afirmative; uneori se mai foloseste si in propozitii interogative, dar numai atunci cand ne asteptam ca raspunsul sa fie unul afirmativ.
Ex : I want some chocolate. (propozitie afirmativa)
Would you like some more juice ? (propozitie interogativa)
Pronumele nehotarat "any" se foloseste in propozitiile interogative si negative.
Ex : Have you got any aspirins ? (propozitie interogativa)
I can't find any anspirins. (propozitie negativa)
"Some ", si "any" sunt determinanti si se folosesc in fata substantivelor nenumarabile sau a substantivelor la plural.
Ex : I would like some coffee.(substantiv nenumarabil)
Do you have any cigarettes. (substantiv la plural)
"Some ", si "any" au aproximativ acelasi inteles cu articolul nehotarat "a/an", referindu-se la o cantitate sau un numar nedefinit.
Ex : Have you got a C.D ? (substantiv numarabil la singular)
Have you got any C.Ds ? (substantiv numarabil la plural)
I need some music. (substantiv nenumarabil)
Inaintea unui alt determinant sau pronume se foloseste "some of" sau "any of".
Ex : Would you like some of this ice-cream ?
I can't find any of my books.
There is = este, exista, se afla, se gaseste.
There are = sunt, exista, se afla, se gasesc.
Atunci cand dorim sa ii comunicam cuiva in limba engleza faptul ca ceva exista (sau nu exista), de obicei introducem acea propozitie prin expresia "there is (isn't)"/ "there are (aren't)", iar in acest caz subiectul se afla dupa verb.
Expresia "there is (there's)" se foloseste cu substantive numarabile aflate la singular, cu substantive fara articol, cu toate substantivele nenumarabile.
Ex : There's an orange on the table. (substantiv numarabil la singular)
There's oil in the salad. (substantiv cu articol zero)
There's beer in the fridge. (substantiv nenumarabil)
Expresia "there are (there're)" se foloseste cu toate substantivele numarabile aflate la plural.
Ex : There're three carrots in the bag.(substantiv numarabil la plural)
Forma de negativ a acestor expresii se relizeaza prin adaugarea negatiei "not".
Ex : There is not / There isn't
There are not / there aren't
Forma de interogativ se realizeaza prin inversarea locului dintre subiect si verb.
Ex : Is there ? / Isn't there ?
Are there ? / Aren't there ?
Adjectivul este partea de vorbire care califica/determina un substantiv sau un echivalent al unui substantiv.
In limba engleza adjectivele stau inaintea substantivelor sau dupa verbul "to be"("a fi") si nu se acorda in gen, numar si caz cu substantivele pe care le determina.
Adjectivele cantitative / nehotarate in limba engleza sunt urmatoarele
All - tot ; toata ; toti ; toate
Ex : Salt seasons all things = Sarea da gust tuturor lucrurilor.
Some - unii ; unele ; niste ; vreun ; vreo
Adjectivul cantitativ / nehotarat «some » se foloseste in propozitiile afirmative. In propozitiile interogative se foloseste, atunci cand raspunsul asteptat este unul afirmativ.
Ex : Some evils are cured by contempt = Unele rele se indreapta prin dispret
Do see some people in the street ? = Vezi niste oameni pe strada ?
Any - orice ; fiece ; oricare (in propozitiile afirmative)
- nici un ; nici o (in propozitiile negative)
Ex : You may buy any book = Poti cumpara orice carte
I cannot find any excuse = Nu pot gasi nici o scuza
No - nici un ; nici o (se foloseste numai pentru a transforma propozitiile afirmative in propozitii negative, deoarece in limba engleza se foloseste o singura negatie in propozitie)
Ex : I see no girl, no boy and no house = Nu vad nici o fata, nici un baiat si nici o casa
Certain - anumiti ; anumite ; unii ; unele
Ex : Certain food = anumite / unele mancaruri
Each - fiecare (luat in parte)
Ex : Each fruit tastes differently = Fiecare fruct are un gust diferit
Enough - destul ; destula ; suficient ; suficienta
Ex : There is enough bread on the table = Este suficienta paine pe masa
Every - fiecare
Ex : Every beginning is hard = Fiecare inceput este greu
Few - putini ; putine
Ex : Few of them = Putini dintre ei
Little - putin ; putina ; mic ; mica ; mici
Ex: I drink little coffee = Eu beau putina cafea
A lot of - o multime de ; multi ; multe
Ex : We have a lot of vegetables = Noi avem o multime de legume
Many - multi ; multe
Ex : There are many people in the park = Sunt multi oameni in parc
Much - mult ; multa
Ex : There is much tea in the teapot = Este mult ceai in ceainic
Plenty of - mult ; multa ; multi ; multe
Ex : We have plenty of time = Avem mult timp
Several - cativa ; cateva ; mai multi / multe
Ex : He has several friends = El are cativa prieteni
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