![]() | Biologie | Chimie | Didactica | Fizica | Geografie | Informatica |
Istorie | Literatura | Matematica | Psihologie |
Conditional present - FORMA |
Conditional perfect - FORMA |
would / should + INFINITIV |
would / should + HAVE + participiul trecut |
I think he will come. - I thought he would come.
Sam says mother will get well. - Sam said mother would get well.
When we lived
When Helen was a baby she would cry all night long.
The doctor decided (that) the patient should have his appendix out.
Mrs. Walker is anxious (that) her son should get the job.
It is essential that the students should get to their lesson on time.
It was strange that he should say that.
I can't think why Frank should apologise.
I don't know why my neighbour should do that.
I see no reason why we should worry.
Would you prefer tea or coffee?
Would you like to see my stamp collection?
NOTA: Would rather . inseamna "a prefera sa":
I would rather have coffee than tea.
Tipuri |
Propozitie principala |
IF |
Propozitie subordonata |
Conditional I |
Viitor cu will (uneori Pres. Simple) |
Prezent simplu (Present Simple) |
Conditional II |
Conditional prezent (Present Conditional) |
Trecut simplu (Past Tense) |
Conditional III |
Conditional perfect (Perfect Conditional) |
Mai mult ca perfect (Past Perfect) |
Conditional I
The vase will break if you drop it.
If it snows on Christmas day, Emma and Ben will make a snowman.
Will you get me some milk, if you go to the supermarket?
You can enter the stadium, if you have a ticket.
If he isn't in, you may leave a message.
Jim must work very hard if he wants to get elected.
If you want to wear that dress in summer you should lose some weight. (sugestie sau sfat)
If you push that button, the machine shuts down.
If you don't ask for help, you don't get it.
If you mix red and blue, you get purple.
If the Goodmans are coming for dinner, I'll open a special bottle of wine. (Prezent continuu pentru a indica un aranjament in viitor)
If you are making a cup of coffee, I'll have one too. (Prezent continuu pentru a indica o actiune in desfasurare in prezent)
If you haven't seen that film yet, we'll go tonight. (Prezent perfect pentru a indica o legatura cu prezentul)
NOTA: Unless inseamna "if not":
Unless it's a sunny day tomorrow, we won't go to that picnic. (= If it is not a sunny day tomorrow, we won't go to that picnic.)
Otherwise inseamna "or else":
You must study, otherwise you will fail the exam. (= You must study, or else you will fail the exam. = If you don't study, you will fail the exam.)
Conditional II
If I won the lottery, I would stop working. (but I don't believe I'll win)
If you stopped breathing, you would die. (but you don't intend to stop breathing)
If the distance to the train station were shorter, I would walk there. (the distance is unlikely to change)
If I were you, I'd buy a bigger car. (but I'm not you)
NOTA: If I were you poate fi folosit si pentru a da sfaturi:
If I were you, I'd apologise to her.
If we go in two cars, we will be more comfortable.
If we went in two cars, we would be more comfortable. (mai politicos)
If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he would get it. (sigur)
If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he might get it. (posibil)
If Mr. Lynch got the job, he could start next Monday. (implica abilitatea sau permisiunea)
Conditional III
If we had taken an umbrella with us last night, we would not have got wet. (we didn't take an umbrella last night and so we got wet)
If Jack had studied law at the university, he would have been a lawyer now. (but Jack didn't study law, he studied something else)
I could have made a cake for you if I had known it was you birthday. (abilitate)
The prisoner might have been let out on parole, if he hadn't fought with his cellmate. (posibilitate)
NOTA: If only se poate folosi la toate tipurile de conditional pentru a sublinia speranta, dorinta sau regretul.
If only we had some money with us, we would take the cab.
If only we had paid the bill earlier, we would not have been evicted.
1. Puneti verbele din paranteze la forma corespunzatoare (de tip I, II sau III) a conditionalului.
2. Completati propozitiile urmatoare, folosind tipurile I, II si III de conditional.
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