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a) Intrebuintare

v    Viitorul continuu exprima o actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment viitor, posterior momentului vorbirii

eg.: I shall be     going to school at ten o'clock in the morning, tomorrow.

Ma voi duce la scoala la ora 10 dimineata, maine.

v    O actiune in desfasurare in viitor intrerupta de o actiune momentana:

eg.: When he comes, I will be eating.

Cand va veni, eu voi manca.

v    O actiune in desfasurare in viitor, in paralel cu o alta actiune in desfasurare, de asemenea in viitor:

eg.: She will be drawing while I am playing the piano.

Ea va desena in timp ce eu voi canta la pian.

New words

- tomorrow    = maine

- to buy = a cumpara

- computer = calculator;

- tonight = diseara

- in front of = in fata

- meeting = intalnire;

- to take place    = a avea loc;

- Spain    = Spania;

- August    = august;

- to speak    = a vorbi;

- abroad    = strainatate

- to think = a gandi;a crede;

- about = despre;


1.Completati frazele urmatoare cu WILL sau BE GOING TO :

a.Oh! We should have brought the umbrella.It . . . rain!

b.I . . speak to you if you apologise.Otherwise, don't even bother !

c.I am just going shopping .Could I ring you back in 15 minutes, otherwise the shops . be closed.

d.I . . ring James and see if he is any better.Do you want to talk to him ?

e.She . try and get him to come along to the party, but I don't know if he . . want to. Anyway, it's not for 3 week.

f.I . .. go to the cinema next Monday if I have enough money.

g.He . . see that film at the cinema tonight.

h.They . ..contact you later in the year if they need your help.

2.Completati frazele urmatoare cu will sau shall. Indicati solutiile duble

a)     Go on !Ask him ! But I know he . .just say no. He . not even consider it !

b)     Only rubber-soled footwear . . be born in the gymnasium.

c)     I . never be able to get this machine to work properly.

d)     He . speak to you when he gets back from Edinburgh.That 's on Thursday night.

e)     I . tell you when I get to the hotel. Don't worry!

f)      You . listen to what I have to say whether you want or not !

g)     . . I     open my presents now or do you want me to wait until after dinner ?

h)     We . .. be in front of the post office at 8 o'clock.Try not to be late!

3.Completati frazele urmatoare     cu be going to sau prezentul cu -ing .

  1. What . . you this weekend ? Anything special ?(do).
  2. It's not really worth going to Bringhton for the day.Look ! It . . (rain).
  3. I'm so thirsty.I . ..a cup of tea. Do you fancy one as well ? (make) ?
  4. Paul ' s just phoned. He . . round to give me the film back. (come).
  5. I . and get into University to read English.Or, at least, I would like to (try).
  6. They . for Madrid tomorrow, so we'll have to settle everything today, (leave).
  7. I . the neighbours to ask them to keep the noise down. I'll be back in a couple of minutes .(see).
  8. You're not . . That letter, are you ? It's not addressed to you. (open).
  9. .. John tonight ?If you are, could give him this CD back ? I borrowed it from him last week .(see).

4. Completati frazele urmatoare punand verbele din paranteza cu o forma care exprima viitor.

  1. I . . at 5 o'clock if I manage to get everything done in time.(leave).
  2. He . you any loger.That's the last time !(not disobey) .
  3. You . . what I have to say, whether you like it or not ! (listen to ).
  4. I . . lunch with Joanna today. She phoned me last week and we arranged to meet.(have).
  5. I . a couple of weeks holiday in June. I don't know exactly when.(take).
  6. . .. you me after 7 o'clock ? I . you all about it.(phone, tell).
  7. I . the film on to a casette for you tonight, if you want me to cry.(record)
  8. . .. you . it?After all, it's the manufacturer 's fault and not yours !(take back).
  9. . . you . . this, if I buy it for you ? (wear).
  10. The train . .in a couple of minutes. Hurry up! (leave).

New words

- to bring    = a aduce;

- umbrella = umbrela;

- to apologise = a cere scuze;

- otherwise = de altfel, atlfel;

- don't bother = nu te deranja;

- party = petrecere;

- anyway    = de altfel;

- enough = destul (a);

- money = bani;

- to help = a ajuta;

- to contact =a contacta, a lua legatura

- to consider    = a considera;

- only = doar, numai;

- don't worry = nu te ingrijora

- presents    = cadouri;

- until = pana;

- after = dupa

- dinner = cina;

- not to be late    = nu intarzia;

- to worth = a merita;

- I'm thirsty = Mi-e sete!

- at least = cel putin

- neighbour    = vecin(a)

- noise = zgomot;

- in a couple of minutes     = in cateva minute

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