![]() | Biologie | Chimie | Didactica | Fizica | Geografie | Informatica |
Istorie | Literatura | Matematica | Psihologie |
Verbele Neregulate
to abide [ə`baid] |
abode [ə`boud] |
abode |
a ramane, a sta, a locui |
to awake [ə`weik] |
awoke [ə`wouk] |
awoke/awoked [ə`weikt] |
a (se) trezi |
to be [bi:] |
was / were [wəz/wə:] |
been [bi:n] |
a fi |
to bear [bεər] |
bore [bɔ:r] |
borne [bɔ:n] |
a purta, a duce, a naste |
to beat [bi:t] |
beat [bi:t] |
beaten [bi:tn] |
a bate, a lovi |
to become [bi`k m] |
became [bi`keim] |
become [bi'k m] |
a deveni |
to beget [bi`get] |
begot [bi`gɔt] |
begotten [bi`gɔtən] |
a procrea, a da nastere la |
to begin [bi`gin] |
began [bi`gæn] |
begun [bi`g n] |
a incepe |
to bend [bend] |
bent [bent] |
bent [bent] |
a indoi, a stramba |
to bereave of [bi`ri:v əv] |
bereft of [bi`reft əv] |
bereft [bi`reft əv] |
a rapi, a lipsi, a priva de |
to betake [bi`teik] oneself to |
betook [bi`tuk] |
betaken [bi`teikn] |
a recurge la, a se dedica |
to bid [bid] |
bid/bade [beid] |
bid/bidden [`bidən] |
a licita, a oferi, a ruga |
to bind [baind] |
bound [baund] |
bound [baund] |
a lega, a da, a obliga |
to bite [bait] |
bit [bit] |
bitten [`bitn] |
a musca |
to bleed [bli:d] |
bled [bled] |
bled [bled] |
a sangera |
to blend [blend] |
blent [blent] |
blent [blent] |
a (se) amesteca, a (se) uni |
to bless [bles] |
blest/blessed [blest] |
blest/blessed [blest] |
a binecuvanta |
to blow [bləu] |
blew [blu:] |
blown [bləun] |
a sufla |
to break [breik] |
broke [brəuk] |
broken [`brəukn] |
a sparge |
to breed [bri:d] |
bred [bred] |
bred [bred] |
a naste, a creste, |
to bring [briŋ] |
brought [brɔ:t] |
brought [brɔ:t] |
a aduce |
to build [bild] |
built [bilt] |
built [bilt] |
a construi |
to burn [bə:n] |
burnt [bə:nt] |
burned [bə:nd] |
a arde, a pune pe foc |
to burst [bə:st] |
burst [bə:st] |
burst [bə:st] |
a crapa, a plesni |
to buy [b i] |
bought [bɔ:t] |
bought [bɔ:t] |
a cumpara |
to can [kən / kæn] |
could [kud] |
a putea |
to cast [ka:st] |
cast [ka:st] |
cast [ka:st] |
a arunca |
to catch [kæt∫] |
caught [kɔ:t] |
caught [kɔ:t] |
a prinde |
to choose [t∫u:z] |
chose [t∫əuz] |
chosen [`t∫əuzn] |
a alege |
to cling [kliŋ] |
clung [kl |
clung [kl |
a adera, a se tine laolalta |
to come [k m] |
came [keim] |
come [k m] |
a veni |
to cost [kɔst] |
cost [kɔst] |
cost [kɔst] |
a costa |
to creep [kri:p] |
crept [krept] |
crept [krept] |
a se tari, furisa |
to cut [k t] |
cut [k t] |
cut [k t] |
a taia |
to dare [dεər] |
dare [dεər] |
dared |
a indrazni |
to deal [di:l] |
dealt [delt] |
dealt [delt] |
a administra, a imparti |
to dig [dig] |
dug [d g] |
dug [d g] |
a sapa (pamantul) |
to do [du:] |
did [did] |
done [d n] |
a face |
to draw [drɔ:] |
drew [dru:] |
drawn [drɔ:n] |
a trage, a desena |
to dream [dri:m] |
dreamt [dremt] |
dreamt [dremt] |
a visa |
to drink [driŋk] |
drank [dræŋk] |
drunk [dr ŋk] |
a bea |
to drive [draiv] |
drove [drəuv] |
driven [`drivn] |
a conduce (masina) |
to dwell [dwel] |
dwelt [dwelt] |
dwelt [dwelt] |
a locui, a ramane in amintire |
to eat [i:t] |
ate [et] |
eaten [`i:tn] |
a manca |
to fall [fɔ:l] |
fell [fel] |
fallen [`fɔ:lən] |
a cadea |
to feed [fi:d] |
fed [fed] |
fed [fed] |
a hrani |
to feel [fi:l] |
felt [felt] |
felt [felt] |
a simti |
to fight [fait] |
fought [fɔ:t] |
fought [fɔ:t] |
a (se) lupta |
to find [faind] |
found [faund] |
found [faund] |
a gasi |
to fling [fliŋ] |
flung [fl |
flung [fl |
a zvarli, a arunca |
to fly [flai] |
flew [flu:] |
flown [fləun] |
a zbura |
to forget [f`əget] |
forgot [fə`gɔt] |
forgotten [fə`gɔtn] |
a uita |
to forsake [fə`seik] |
forsook [fə`suk] |
forsaken [fə`seikən] |
a parasi, a abandona |
to freeze [fri:z] |
froze [frouz] |
frozen [`frouzən] |
a ingheta |
to get [get] |
got [gɔt] gotten [`gɔtn] SUA |
got [gɔt] gotten [`gɔtn] SUA |
a ajunge, a deveni |
to give [giv] |
gave [geiv] |
given [`givn] |
a da |
to go [gəu] |
went [went] |
gone [gɔn] |
a merge |
to grind [graind] |
ground [graund] |
ground [graund] |
a macina |
to grow [grəu] |
grew [gru:] |
grown [grəun] |
a creste |
to hang [hæŋ] |
hung [h |
hung [h |
a atarna, a spanzura |
to have [hæv] |
had [hæd] |
had [hæd] |
a avea |
to hear [hiə] |
heard [hə:d] |
heard [hə:d] |
a auzi |
to hide [haid] |
hid [hid] |
hidden [`hidən] |
a ascunde, a camufla |
to hit [hit] |
hit [hit] |
hit [hit] |
a lovi, a izbi, a pocni |
to hold [həuld] |
held [held] |
held [held] |
a tine (in mana) |
to hurt [hə:t] |
hurt [hə:t] |
hurt [hə:t] |
a vatama, a rani, a jigni |
to keep [ki:p] |
kept [kept] |
kept [kept] |
a tine |
to kneel [ni:l] |
knelt [nelt] |
knelt [nelt] |
a ingenunchia |
to knit [nit] |
knit [nit] |
knit [nit] |
a impleti, a tricota |
to know [nəu] |
knew [nju:] |
known [nəun] |
a sti, a cunoaste |
to lay [lei] |
laid [leid] |
laid [leid] |
a pune, a aseza |
to lead [li:d] |
led [led] |
led [led] |
a duce; a comanda |
to learn [lə:n] |
learnt [lə:nt] |
learnt [lə:nt] |
a invata |
to leave [li:v] |
left [left] |
left [left] |
a pleca, a lasa |
to lend [lend] |
lent [lent] |
lent [lent] |
a da cu imprumut |
to let [let] |
let [let] |
let [let] |
a lasa, a permite |
to lie [lai] |
lay [lei] |
lain [lein] |
a sta intins, a fi situat |
to light [lait] |
lit [lit] |
lit [lit] |
a se aprinde, a se lumina |
to lose [lu:z] |
lost [lɔst] |
lost [lɔst] |
a pierde |
to make [meik] |
made [meid] |
made [meid] |
a face |
to may [mei] |
might [mait] |
a putea (= a avea/da voie) |
to mean [mi:n] |
meant [ment] |
meant [ment] |
a insemna |
to meet [mi:t] |
met [met] |
met [met] |
a intalni |
to misspell [,mis`spel] |
misspelt [,mis`spelt] |
misspelt [,mis`spelt] |
a ortografia gresit |
to must [m st / məst] |
had to |
had to |
a trebui |
to ought [ə:t] |
(ought) |
a trebui |
to pay [pei] |
paid [peid] |
paid [peid] |
a plati |
to put [put] |
put [put] |
put [put] |
a pune |
to quit [kwit] |
quit [kwit] |
quit [kwit] |
a pleca, a parasi, a inceta |
to read [ri:d] |
read [red] |
read [red] |
a citi |
to rid [rid] |
rid [rid] |
rid [rid] |
a scapa (de cineva, ceva) |
to ride [raid] |
rode [rəud] |
ridden [`ridn] |
a calari, a merge cu bici.. |
to ring [riŋ] |
rang [ræŋ] |
rung [r |
a suna |
to rise [raiz] |
rose [rouz] |
risen [`rizən] |
a se urca, a rasari |
to run [r n] |
ran [ræn] |
run [r n] |
a alerga |
to saw [sɔ:] |
sawed [sɔ:d] |
sawn [sɔ:n] |
a taia cu ferastraul |
to say [sei] |
said [sed] |
said [sed] |
a spune |
to see [si:] |
saw [sə:] |
seen [si:n] |
a vedea |
to seek [si:k] |
sought [sɔ:t] |
sought [sɔ:t] |
a cauta, a umbla dupa |
to sell [sel] |
sold [səuld] |
sold [səuld] |
a vinde |
to send [send] |
sent [sent] |
sent [sent] |
a trimite |
to set [set] |
set [set] |
set [set] |
a pune |
to sew [sou] |
sewed [soud] |
sewn [soun] |
a coase |
to shake [∫eik] |
shook [∫uk] |
shaken [`∫eikn] |
a scutura, a tremura |
to shall [∫æl] |
should [∫ud] |
a trebui |
to shine [∫ain] |
shone [∫ɔn] |
shone [∫ɔn] |
a straluci |
to shoot [∫u:t] |
shot [∫ɔt] |
shot [∫ɔt] |
a impusca |
to show [∫əu] |
showed [∫əud] |
showen [∫əun] |
a arata |
to shut [∫ t] |
shut [∫ t] |
shut [∫ t] |
a inchide |
to sing [siŋ] |
sang [sæŋ] |
sung [s |
a canta |
to sink [siŋk] |
sank [sæŋk] |
sunk [s ŋk] |
a (se) scufunda |
to sit [sit] |
sat [sæt] |
sat [sæt] |
a sta jos |
to slay [slei] |
slew [slu:] |
slain [slein] |
a ucide |
to sleep [sli:p] |
slept [slept] |
slept [slept] |
a dormi |
to slide [slaid] |
slid [slid] |
slid/slidden [`slidən] |
a aluneca |
to smell [smel] |
smelt [smelt] |
smelt [smelt] |
a mirosi |
to speak [spi:k] |
spoke [spəuk] |
spoken [`spəukn] |
a vorbi |
to spell [spel] |
spelt [spelt] |
spelt [spelt] |
a ortografia |
to spend [spend] |
spent [spent] |
spent [spent] |
a cheltui, a petrece, pierde timpul |
to spill [spil] |
spilt [spilt] |
spilt [spilt] |
a varsa (un lichid) |
to spit [spit] |
spat [spæt] |
spat [spæt] |
a scuipa |
to split [split] |
split [split] |
split [split] |
a despica |
to spoil [spɔil] |
spoilt [spɔilt] |
spoilt [spɔilt] |
a (se) strica, a rasfata |
to spread [spred] |
spread [spred] |
spread [spred] |
a raspandi, a asterne |
to spring [spriŋ] |
sprang [spræŋ] |
sprung [spr |
a sari |
to stand [stænd] |
stood [stu:d] |
stood [stu:d] |
a sta in picioare |
to steal [sti:l] |
stole [stoul] |
stolen [`stoulən] |
a fura |
to stick [stik] |
stuck [st k] |
stuck [st k] |
a lipi, a aplica, infige |
to stink [stiŋk] |
stunk [stæŋk] |
stunk [st ŋk] |
a mirosi urat |
to strike [straik] |
struk [str k] |
struk [str k] |
a lovi, a pocni, a izbi |
to swear [swεər] |
swore [swɔ:r] |
sworn [swɔ:n] |
a jura, a injura |
to sweat [swet] |
sweat [swet] |
sweat [swet] |
a transpira |
to sweep [swi:p] |
swept [swept] |
swept [swept] |
a matura, a strabate |
to swim [swim] |
swam [swæm] |
swum [sw m] |
a inota |
to swing [swiŋ] |
swung [sw |
swung [sw |
a (se) legana |
to take [teik] |
took [tuk] |
taken [`teikn] |
a lua |
to teach [ti:t∫] |
taught [tɔ:t] |
taught [tɔ:t] |
a preda |
to tear [tεar] |
tore [tɔ:r] |
torn [tɔ:n] |
a rupe |
to tell [tel] |
told [təuld] |
told [təuld] |
a spune, a povesti |
to think [θiŋk] |
thought [θɔ:t] |
thought [θɔ:t] |
a crede, a se gandi |
to thrive [θraiv] |
throve [θrouv] |
thriven [`θraivən] |
a prospera |
to throw [θrəu] |
threw [θru:] |
thrown [θrəun] |
a arunca |
to thrust [θr st] |
thrust [θr st] |
thrust [θr st] |
a vari, a baga cu forta |
to tread [tred] |
trod [trɔd] |
trodden [`trɔdən] |
a pasi |
to understand ndə`stænd] |
understood [ ndə`stud] |
understood [ ndə`stud] |
a intelege |
to wake [weik] |
woke [wouk] |
woken [`woukən] |
a (se) trezi |
to wear [weə] |
wore [wɔ:] |
worn [wɔ:n] |
a purta (o haina) |
to weave [`wi:v] |
wove [wouv] |
woven [`wouvən] |
a tese |
to weep [wi:p] |
wept [wept] |
wept [wept] |
a plange |
to wet [wet] |
wet [wet] |
wet [wet] |
a (se) uda |
to will [wil] |
would [wud] |
a voi |
to win [win] |
won [w n] |
won [w n] |
a castiga |
to wind [waind] |
wound [waund] |
wound [waund] |
a se rasuci, a serpui, a coti |
to wring [riŋ] |
wrung [ruŋ] |
wrung [ruŋ] |
a frange, a stoarce |
to write [rait] |
wrote [rəut] |
written [`ritn] |
a scrie |
He said he was ill. El a spus ca el este bolnav. He said he was going to school. He said he had returned home a week before. El a spus ca se intorsese acasa cu doua saptamani inainte. I arrived home after it had stopped raining. Am ajuns acasa dupa ce incetase ploaia. She said she had forgotten where she had put her glasses. He said he would leave the next day. El a spus ca va pleca a doua zi. She promised her mother she would help her. Ea i-a promis mamei sale ca o va ajuta. He said he would come to see me when he had time. El a spus ca va veni sa ma vada cand va avea timp. He said he would come to see me after he had finished work. El a spus ca va veni sa ma vada dupa ce va termina lucrul. He said he would buy a car if he had money. I will read this book when I have time. Voi citi aceasta carte cand voi avea timp. I will have finished studying when you come home. Voi fi terminat de studiat cand vei veni tu acasa. I will go to England after I have received a visa. Voi merge in Anglia dupa ce voi obtine viza. The teacher told the pupils water boils at 100 0C. The book I am reading now was given to me by my brother. Cartea pe care o citesc acum mi-a fost data de fratele meu. Last year I worked more than I have done this year. Anul recut am muncit mai mult decat anul acesta.
Timpurile verbelor
Present Simple
He often goes to the cinema.
El se duce adesea la cinema.
The sun rises in the east.
Soarele rasare la est.
He sits down, drinks a cup of tea and then begins to read.
El se aseaza, bea o ceasca cu ceai si incepe apoi sa citeasca.
The train leaves at 7 o'clock.
Trenul pleaca la ora 7.
Present Continuous
He is just watching a film.
El tocmai se uita la un film.
Mary is writing a book.
Mary scrie (in prezent) o carte.
We are having a party next weekend.
In weekend-ul viitor dam o petrecere.
I am helping him just for this week.
Eu il ajut numai saptamana aceasta.
Past tense
They moved in last week.
Ei s-au mutat saptamana trecuta.
The teacher opened his book and began to read.
Profesorul si-a deschis cartea si a inceput sa citeasca.
She wrote to him every week.
Ea ii scrie in fiecare saptamana.
Past tense Continuous
Yesterday at 8 o'clock I was working.
Ieri lucram la ora 8.
Between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock we were having a meeting.
a. Intre orele 10 si 11 am avut o sedinta.
I was watching TV while Susan was playing cards.
a. Eu ma uitam la televizor in timp ce Susan juca carti.
We were lying on the beach when the accident happened.
a. Eram intinsi pe plaja cand s-a petrecut accidentul.
Present Perfect
I have known him for two years.
a. Il cunosc deja de 2 ani.
I have just opened the door.
a. Tocmai am deschis fereastra.
Prices have gone up.
a. Au crescut preturile.
I have never been to Wales.
a. N-am mai fost niciodata in Wales.
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been working for 2 hours now.
a. Lucrez deja de 2 ore.
I have been playing football all afternoon.
a. Am jucat fotbal toata dupa-amiaza.
Past Perfect
After I had done my homework, I played tennis.
a. Dupa ce imi facusem temele, am jucat tenis.
By that time he had already left.
a. Atunci el deja please.
They had known each other for a long time when they got married.
a. Se cunosteau de mult timp cand s-au casatorit.
Past Perfect Continuous
He had been waiting for 10 minutes before she arrived.
a. El asteptase 10 minute pana a venit ea.
I had just been watching TV at that time.
a. In acel moment tocmai ma uitam la televizor.
Future I
It will rain tomorrow.
Wait a minute, I'll help you.
a. Asteapta o clipa, te voi ajuta.
If it rains, we will stay at home. (Coditional I)
a. Daca ploua vom sta (ramane) acasa.
I think Mary will arrive late.
a. Cred ca Mary va sosi tarziu.
Future I Continuous
When you are asleep, I'll be sitting in the train.
a. Cand tu dormi, eu voi fi in tren.
I'll be seeing Mary tomorrow at the office.
a. O voi vedea pe Mary maine la birou.
Future "Going to"
Billy is coughing. He is going to be ill tomorrow.
a. Billy tuseste. El va fi bolnav maine.
I am going to bring you the book tonight.
a. Iti voi aduce cartea in seara asta.
Present Tense Simple Referring to future
The new film starts next Friday.
a. Noul film incepe vinerea viitoare.
Present Tense Continuous Referring to future
Sue and Simon are getting married next week.
a. Sue si Simon se vor casatori saptamana viitoare.
Future II
By the time Mary gets home her mother will have finished ironing.
a. Pana ajunge Mary acasa, mama ei va fi calcat deja rufele.
By tomorrow he will have done everything.
a. Pana maine el va fi facut tot.
Future II Continuous
By the end of March I will have been working in this firm for two years.
a. La sfarsitul lunii Martie se vor implini 2 ani de cand lucrez la aceasta firma.
Conditional I Simple (future-in-the-past)
I would make a jurney if I won in a lottery. (Conditionalul 2)
a. As face o calatorie, daca as castiga la Loto.
Mary said she would visit London. (vorbirea indirecta)
a. Mary a spus ca ar vizita Londra.
Conditional I Continuous (future-in-the past continous)
I would be working if I weren't ill.
a. As lucra, daca n-as fi bolnav.
He said that at 3 o'clock, the next day, he would be travelling to
a. El a spus ca in
ziua urmatoare, la ora 3, va calatori spre
Conditional II Simple
If he had worked harder, he would have succeeded. (in prop. regente ale frazelor cond. de tip III)
a. Daca el ar fi lucrat mai sarguincios, ar fi avut succes.
I would have gone anyway.
a. As fi plecat oricum.
A cool lemonade would have been nice.
a. O limonada rece ar fi fost buna.
Vorbirea indirecta:
a. He said: "I will have gone . " El spuse: "Eu voi fi plecat . "
i. He said he would have gone . El spuse ca ar fi plecat .
b. He said: "If it rained we would stay in." El a zis: "Daca ar ploua, am ramane acasa."
i. He said if it had rained, they would have stayed in. El a zis ca, daca ar fi plouat, ei ar fi ramas acasa.
Conditional II Continuous
I would have been working for two hours if I hadn't been ill.
a. As fi lucrat 2 ore daca nu as fi fost bolnav.
Verbe cu sens static si verbe care exprima gandirea: be, believe, belong, doubt, like, love, mean, notice, forget, hate, hear, remember, see, seem, smell, prefer, remain, realize, think, understand, want, wish
Reported Speech - Vorbirea indirecta
Backshift: Schimbarea timpurilor
a. present tense → past tense; He said: I go . ; → He said: He went . ;
b. past tense → past perfect; He said: I went . ;→ He said: He had gone . ;
c. present perfect→past perfect; He said: He has gone . ;→He said: He had gone . ;
d. future I→conditional II; He said: I will go . ;→ He said: He would go . ;
e. future II→ conditional III; He said: I will have gone . ;→ He said: He would have gone . ;
No Backshift: Nu schimba forma
a. Vorbirea directa: He said, "Berlin is the capital of Germany".
i. Vorbirea indirecta: He said that Berlin is the capital of Germany.
b. Vorbirea directa: He said: "My mother is in hospital".
i. Vorbirea indirect: He said that his mother is in hospital.
c. Vorbirea directa: He said: "I had gone . "
i. Vorbirea indirect: He said that he had gone.
Reported Speech for Modal auxiliaries (de obicei nu se schimba, dar sunt si cazuri cand pot lua alte forme ale inlocuitorilor
Vorbirea directa: He said: "I could read when I was 5."
o Vorbirea indirecta: He said that he had been able to read when he was 5.
Vorbirea directa: He said: "I must take the medicine.
o Vorbirea indirecta: He said that he had to take the medicine.
Changes in time and place expression
Vorbirea directa: He said: "Yesterday I went to the cinema." Vorbirea indirecta: He said he had gone to the cinema the day before.
Today - That day / Yesterday - The day before / . days ago - . days before / Last week - The week before / Next year - The following year / Now - Then.
Dupa verbe ca: to porpose, to suggest, to insist, to demand, to urge, to recommend, to order: Ex. I recommended that his proposal be accept. Am recomandat ca propunerea lui sa fie acceptata. The doctor insisted that I keep indoors. Doctorul a insistat sa raman acasa.
Dupa constructii de tipul: It is impossible that . , it is desirable that . , it is necessary that . , it is likely that . ; Ex. It is necessary that you be present. Este necesar ca tu sa fii present. It is desirable that we finish the translation first. It is imposible that he do this. Este imposibil ca el sa faca aceasta.
Poate fi folosit ca o modalitate de a da ordine; Ex. Everybody leave the hall. Toata lumea sa paraseasca sala. Somebody bring me a glass of water. Cineva sa-mi aduca un pahar cu apa.
Apare in propozitii exclamative, exprimand o lozinca, o urare, o dorinta sau un blestem: Ex. Long live the King! Traiasca regele. Come what may. Fie ce-o fi.
Conditional Clauses type I - Probable Condition
If it rains, I will stay at home. - Daca ploua, raman acasa.
If he has already finished his work, he will come soon.
If he has already finished his work, ask him to come soon!
If he has already finished his work, he can come soon.
Should + Infinitive without "to" If Bob should
his job, he will move. / If Bob should lose his job, don't
worry! / If Bob should lose his job, he must
move. Present + Present If the battery is
flat, the engine doesn't start. Ori de cate ori bateria este "goala"
motorul nu va porni.
Conditional Clauses type II - Improbable Condition
If it rained, I would stay at home. - Daca ar ploua, eu as sta acasa.
If I had a lot of money, I would buy a house.
If I had a lot of money, I should buy a house.
If I had a lot of money, I could buy a house.
If I had a lot of money, I might buy a house.
If I had a lot of money, I ought to buy a house.
Past tense + Conditional II If I had a lot of money, I would have bought a house. If I had a lot of money, I should have bought a house. If I had a lot of money, I could have bought a house. If I had a lot of money, I might have bought a house. If I had a lot of money, I ought to have bought a house. |
In loc de "was" la
persoanele 1 si a 3-a singular se foloseste in propozitiile - if adesea
"were", daca trebuie exprimat ceva ireal (cond II). If I were you, . ; If I were a pop star, . ; If I were
at home, .
Conditional Clauses type III - Imposible Condition
If it had rained, I would have stayed at home. - Daca ar fi plouat, as fi ramas acasa.
Past Perfect + Conditional II If it had rained, I would
have stayed. If it had rained, I should
have stayed. If it had rained, I could
have stayed. If it had rained, I might
have stayed. If it had rained, I ought
to have stayed. Past Perfect + Conditional I If it hadn't rained, she wouldn't
stayed at home. If it hadn't rained, she couldn't
stayed at home. If it hadn't rained, she shouldn't
stayed at home. If it hadn't rained, she mightn't
stayed at home. If it hadn't rained, she ought not to have stayed.
Rules for modals verbs: A) No final - s (even when the subject is third person singular); B) They are followed immediately by short infinitive when referring to present or future situation; C) They don't take - ed in the past tense form; D) They don't take - ing as any usual verb does; E) Their continuous form is expressed by transforming the main verb (which renders the meaning) into a progressive form - Ex: a) Tom might be reading in the living room, that's why we cannot find him in the bedroom. b) Dave should be in his office; he should be working on the assignment I gave him.
CAN/Could (to be able to): a) abilitate/lipsa abilitatii - He can speak English. El poate vorbi engleza. b) permisiunea/interdictia - You can have my car. Ai permisiunea sa iei masina mea. c) posibilitatea/imposibilitatea - That can't be the right number. Imposibil sa fie numarul corect. d) presupunere - Can the book be on the table? Poate sa fie (oare) cartea pe masa (presupunand ca este pe masa). e) rugaminte (la interogativ) - Can I open the window? Pot (imi permiteti) sa deschid fereastra? f) can't in propozitii interogative exprima o propunere - Can't we go swimming? N-am putea sa mergem la inot?
MUST (to have to&need to) a) necesitate - You must work harder. Tu trebuie (este necesar) sa muncesti mai serios. You needn't answer. Tu nu trebuie sa raspunzi (nu este necesar ca tu sa raspunzi). b) presupunere sau concluzie - She looks quit old. She must be about 60. Ea arata cam in varsta. Ea trebuie sa aiba in jur de 60 de ani. Presupun ca are cam 60 de ani. c) un sfat/un indemn - You must see the dentist. Trebuie (chiar ar trebui) sa te duci la dentist.
NEED (HAVE TO): a) a avea nevoie, a trebui - I need a bigger house. Am nevoie de o casa mai mare. I don't need a bigger house. Nu am nevoie de o casa mai mare. I will need a bigger flat. Voi avea nevoie de un apartament mai mare. Need I go at once? Trebuie sa plec imediat? No, you needn't. Nu, nu trebuie sa faci asta. You needn't get up so early. Tu nu trebuiea sa te scoli asa devreme.
MAY/Might (to be allowed to): forma might exprima doar o nesiguranta. a) permisiunea/interdictia - You may (not) go out. (Nu) ai voie sa iesi pe afara. b) permisiunea unde "might" suna cat se poate de politicos - May (might) I open the parcel? Pot (as putea) sa deschid pachetul? c) presupunere, unde "might" accentueaza aspectul de nesiguranta - It may rain. Poate sa ploua. It might rain. S-ar putea sa ploua. d) might in afirmative exprima un indemn cu subtonul unei suparari: You might be in time. Ai putea si tu sa fii (o data) punctual.
SHALL (a trebui) sa, (a fi obligat) sa: shall not = shan't; a) oferta, propunere - Shall I do this for you? (oferta) - Sa fac asta pentru tine? Shall we go to the disco? Sa mergem la discoteca? b) rugaminte pentru o indicatie - Where shall I put the glasses? Unde sa pun paharele? c) promisiune - She shall get her share. Ea isa va lua partea.
SHOULD/OUGHT TO: ar (trebui), s-ar (cadea); a) un sfat - I should/ought to see the doctor. Ar trebui sa merg la doctor. b) solicitare sau o obligatie - He should be put in prison. El ar trebui bagat la inchisoare. We should ask the old lady if we can help her. Ar trebui sa o intrebam pe doamna in varsta, daca putem sa o ajutam. c) probabilitate - They should be in New York now. De fapt, ei ar trebuie sa fie in NY acum.
USED TO: are numai forma de trecut; I used to go out very often. Obisnuiam sa ies foarte des in oras. I didn't use to go out very often/I used not to go out very often. Nu obisnuian sa ies foarte des in oras. Did you use to go out very often? Used you to go out very often? Obisnuiati d-voastra sa iesiti foarte des in oras? "used to" serveste la exprimarea unei stari sau obisnuinte anterioare Ex. There used to be many trees there. Inainte existau multi copaci aici.
WILL: a) timpul viitor I - I will come. Eu voi veni. b) rugaminte - Will you please pass me the suggar? Vrei, te rog, sa-mi dai zaharul? c) oferta - Will you have another cup of tea? Mai doresti o ceasca de ceai? d) Porunca - Campers will leave the place tidy. Cei care campeaza sa lase locul curat. e) presupunere - The phone is ringing. That will be my mother. Suna telefonul. Trebuie sa fie mama. f) "will" la pers. a III-a poate exprima o obisnuinta sau inclinatie - Mrs Sutton will sit there and talk for hours. Dna Sutton obisnuieste sa stea acolo si sa vorbeasca ore in sir. g) "will not/won't" exprima un refuz. Ex. He made a mistake, but he won't admit it. El a facut o greseala, dar (pur si simplu) n-o recunoaste.
WOULD: a) la formarea conditionalului - I would go. As pleca. I would have gone. As fi plecat. b) rugaminte politicoasa - Would you please open the window? Ai vrea, te rog, sa deschizi fereastra? c) oferta - Would you like a cup of tea? Ai dori o ceasca de cafea? d) comportament tipic in trecut - She would telephone me every day. Ea ma suna de obicei in fiecare zi. e) "would not/woudn't" exprima un refuz in trecut - She wouldn't listen. Ea (nici) nu voia sa asculte.
Infinitivul si gerunziul sunt forme non-finite (neconjugate) ale verbului adica, spre deosebire de formele finite (conjugate) ale verbului, nu sunt determinate prin persoana si timp.
The infinitive without "to" - infinitivul fara "to"
a) Dupa verbele modale (incomplete) auxiliare (in afara de: ought, used), dupa verbul auxiliary "do", dupa "dare" si "need" - I must go. Eu trebuie sa plec. She doesn't work. Ea nu lucreaza.
b) Dupa expresii ca: had better, would rather, would sooner, why not, why should we/you (not) - I would rather stay at home. As ramane mai degraba acasa.
c) Dupa verbe care exprima o perceptie senzoriala + complement atunci cand trebuie sa se arate ca actiunea este incheiata (verbe ca: see, hear, feel, watch, etc.) - I saw him enter the house. L-am vazut cum a intrat in casa.
d) Daca trebuie accentuata desfasurarea unei actiuni, atunci dupa verbe care exprima perceptii senzoriale se foloseste participiul prezent - I watched him entering the house. L-am observat cum a intrat in casa.
e) Dupa "let"+ complement (a permite, a accepta) - I let him go. L-am lasat sa plece. Dupa "let's" propunere - Let's go to the pub. Hai sa mergem la bar.
f) Dupa "make" + complement (a determina pe cineva) - He made me stay longer. El m-a determinat sa raman mai mult.
The infinitive with "to" - infinitivul cu "to"
a) Dupa cuvinte interogative, dupa "whether" sau "if", dupa verbe de gandire, presupunere, afirmare (ask, consider, decide, find out, forget, know, learn, remember, see, show, teach, wonder) - He didn't know what to do. (He didn't know what he should do). El nu stia ce sa faca.
b) Se poate folosi ca o prescurtare pentru propozitiile secundare, introduse cu "so that", "such that", "in order that" - Fresh air helps the flowers to grow. Fresh air helps flowers, so that they grow. Aerul proaspat ajuta florile sa creasca.
c) Dupa verbe ca "to seem", "to appear", care au nevoie de un complement - She seemed to be at home. Se parea ca ea este acasa.
d) Dupa verbe care indica un indemn (in afara de "to make"), sau o incuviintare (mai putin "to let"), ca: allow, ask, cause, expect, order, tell (a porunci), want complement - The teacher allowed him to go. Profesorul i-a permis sa plece. I want somebody to go there. Vreau ca cineva sa mearga acolo. (dupa "Want" nu se pune THAT) - I want him to come. As dori ca el sa vina. The teacher wants me to work harder. Profesorul doreste ca eu sa muncesc mai mult.
e) Dupa numerale ordinale si superlative (the first, the second, the last, the next, the only, etc.) - Miss Gutter was the first to arrive. Dra Gutter a fost prima care a sosit.
f) Dupa "too" - He is too young to go to the disco. El este prea tanar ca sa mearga la discoteca.
g) Dupa adjectiv + "enough" He is old enough to do it himself. El este destul de mare ca sa se descurce singur (s-o faca singur).
h) Dupa "for" + complement - It is easy for him to do that. Este usor pentru el sa faca acest lucru.
i) Dupa majoritatea adjectivelor si gradelor lor de comparatie - It is cheaper to go by train. Este mai ieftin sa mergi cu trenul.
j) Pentru a exprima un scop - He must learn hard (in order) to pass his exam. El trebuie sa munceasca din greu ca sa-si ia examenul.
The infinitive Passive Voice - Infinitiv Pasiv
a) The boys are to be pitied. Baietii sunt de compatimit.
b) Dupa "there" + o forma a lui "to be" - There are some bills to pay. Sunt cateva note de platit.
c) Dupa adjective ca "difficult", "easy", "hard", "pleasant", "nice", etc. - This question is easy to answer. La aceasta intrebare se poate raspunde usor.
d) Cu verbele "to blame" (a mustra) si "to let" (a inchiria) - The house is to let. Casa este de inchiriat.
a) To want, to wish, to like, to dislike, to hate. I'd like him to come with me. As vrea ca el sa vina cu mine. I want John to do this. Vreau ca John sa faca asta.
b) To see, to hear, to feel, to watch. (fara to): I saw him leave the room. L-am vazut ca paraseste camera/parasind camera.
c) To make, to cause, to allow, to order. Verbele to make si to let sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt (fara to): I made him study English. L-am facut sa invete engleza. I let him go out and play. L-am lasat sa iasa afara sa se joace. He ordered the door to be locked. El a ordonat sa se incuie usa.
d) To think, to suppose, to expect, to consider, to understand, to know, to believe: I consider him to be a good student. Consider ca el este un bun student. I expected him to come in time. M-am asteptat ca el sa vina la timp.
e) To state, to declare, to admit: He admitted the news to be false. El a recunoscut ca stirile erau false. They declared him to be the man of the year. Ei l-au declarat a fi omul anului.
f) To rely upon/on, to count upon/on: I rely on you to do this. Ma bazez pe tine sa faci asta.
g) He is said to be a good writer. Se spune ca el este un bun scriitor.
h) La diateza activa: He proved to be a good journalist. S-a dovedit a fi un bun jurnalist. If I happen to meet him, I will tell him where you are. Daca se va intampla sa-l intalnesc, ii voi spune unde esti.
i) La diateza pasiva: He was made to study English. A fost facut sa studieze engleza. He is considered to be a good student. Este considerat a fi un bun student. He was declared to be the man of the year. El a fost declarat a fi omul anului.
Gerunziul este un verb substantivat, adica un verb care a devenit substantiv - Read - Reading. A citi - Cititul.
a) Ca subiect - Writing books is hard work. Scrisul cartilor este un lucru greu.
b) Dupa prepozitii ca: after, inspite of (in ciuda), before, instead of (in loc), without, by (prin), because of (din cauza, datorita) - Instead of going to bed early, he went out. In loc sa mearga devreme la culcare, el a iesit afara.
c) Dupa expresii cu prepozitii astfel:
a. Verb + prepozitie: to adjust to - a se adapta la, to agree with - a fi de accord cu, to apologize for - a se scuza pentru, to ask about - a intreba de, to ask for - a ruga pentru, to be afraid of - a-i fi teama de, to begin by - a incepe cu, to be looking forward to - a astepta cu nerabdare sa, to be for/against - a fi pentru/contra, to care for - a pasa de, to complain about - a se plange de, to concentrate on - a se concentra asupra/pe, to consist of - a consta din, to cope with - a fi de partea, to decide for/against - a se hotara pentru/contra, to depend on - a depinde de, to die of - a muri de, to dream about/of - a visa la, to escape from - a scapa de, to give up - a renunta la, to go on - a continua sa, to insist on - a insista asupra/pe, to keep on - a continua cu, to pay for - a plati pentru, to prevent (somebody) from - a impiedica pe cineva sa, to put off - a amana, to spend (money/time) on - a cheltui bani/timp pe, to succed in - a reusi sa, to take part in - a participa la, to talk about/of - a vorbi despre. Ex. I apologize for coming late. Ma scuz pentru intarziere. I-mi cer scuze pentru intarziere.
b. Adjectiv + prepozitie: angry about/at - necajit pe/suparat pe/furios pe, clever at - bun la, crazy about - nebun dupa, disappionted about - dezamagit de, exited about - nebun dupa, famous for - vestit pentru, glad about - bucuros de, fond of - entuziasmat de, good at - bun la, impressed by - impresionat de, interested in - interesat de, keen on - entuziasmat de, proud of - mandru de, tired of - a fi satul de, used to - obisnuit cu, worried about - ingrijorat de. Ex. She is clever at hunting. Ea este buna la vanatoare.
c. Substantiv + prepozitie: advantage of - avantaj (din)/in avantajul, alternative of - alternativa la, chance of - sansa de a, choice between - alegere intre, difficulty in - dificultate la, doubt about - indoieli asupra, experience in - experienta in, opportunity of - ocazia de, place for - loc pentru/de, posibility of - posibilitatea de, reason for - motiv de, trouble in - necaz cu, way of - mod de. Ex. She has a lot of experience in typing. Ea are multa experienta la dactilografiat.
d) Dupa anumite expresii ca: to be busy - a fi ocupat, to be like - a fi ca . /a semana cu . , to be near - a fi aproape sa, to be no good - a nu fi bun, to be no use - a nu avea sens/rost, to be worth - a valora, can't help - a nu putea altfel decat, can't stand - a nu putea suporta, to be no good at - a nu fi bun la/in. Ex. He is busy writing. El este ocupat cu scrisul.
e) Complement dupa anumite verbe: to admit, to appreciate, to avoid, to consider, te delay (a amana), to deny (a nega), to dislike, to enjoy (a-i placea, a se bucura de . ), to escape, finish, imagine (a-si inchipui), mention, mind (a avea ceva impotriva), miss (a pierde), practice (a exersa), reject (respinge), resist, risk, suggest (a propune), stop (a inceta), understand. Ex. I enjoyed sailing. Mi-a facut placere sa navighez.
CONSTRUCTII CU PARTICIPIUL PRESENT - infinitivul scurt al verbelor + terminatia "-ing"
a) I saw him leaving. L-am vazut plecand. I heard her singing. Am auzit-o cantand. I left/found her crying. Am lasat-o/gasit-o plangand.
"I saw her leave." Se poate traduce cu "Am vazut-o ca pleaca" sau cu"Am vazut-o plecand" - in timp ce "I saw her leaving" se traduce doar cu "Am vazut-o plecand".
b) He was seen leaving. El a fost vazut plecand. She was heard singing. Ea a fost auzita cantand.
c) The classes being over, we went home. Orele fiind terminate am plecat acasa. Weather permitting, we shall got to the beach. Daca vremea va permite vom merge la plaja.
Verbul to have sau to get + complement + participiul trecut; EX: a) I must have/get my shoes repaired. Trebuie sa-mi dau pantofii la reparat. b) I will have my hair done. Trebuie sa ma coafez. She had two sons killed in the war. I-au fost ucisi doi fii in razboi. I had my bedroom window broken. Cineva mi-a spart geamul din dormitor.
a) Verbe care se pot afla alternativ la infinitiv sau la gerunziu, fara sa-si modifice sensul: to begin, to continue, to start, to intend; Ex. The little girl started to cry. The little girl started crying.
b) Verbe care indica placerea sau neplacerea, cum ar fi: to like, to love, to prefer, to hate - apar la gerunziu, daca trebuie exprimata o placere sau o neplacere in general. Ex. Chiledren like eating chocolate. Copiilor le place sa manance ciocolata.
c) Daca exista cazuri unice concrete sau afirmatii restranse (in special cu verbul "would"), atunci aceste verbe apar la gerunziu. Ex. The children usually don't like eating vegetables, but today they would love to eat some. De obicei, copiilor nu le plac legumele, dar astazi s-ar bucura sa le deguste.
d) La urmatoarele verbe se modifica sensul, daca urmeaza un gerunziu sau un infinitiv, astfel: to remember + G - a-si aminti sa fi facut ceva, to remember + I - a te gandi sa faci ceva; to regret + G - a regret sa fi facut ceva, to regret + I - a regreta ca trebuie sa faci ceva; to forget + G - a uita sa fi facut ceva, to forget + I - a uita sa faci ceva; to stop +G - a inceta sa faci ceva, to stop +I - a inceta pentru a face altceva; to try + G - a incerca ceva, to try + I - a te stradui sa faci ceva; to go on +G - a face ceva in continuare, to go on + I - a face ceva nou in continuare. Ex. I remember meeting Jill for the first time. Imi amintesc cum am intalnit-o pe Jill prima oara. I must remember to post the letters. Trebuie sa-mi amintesc sa pun scrisorile la posta.
Polite requests: may, might, will you, would you be so kind to, would you, can I, could I, would you mind +v+ing, would you mind if . past tense. Obligation/necessary: must, have to, need to. Lack of obligation/necessary: not have to, not need to, needn't. Advice/recommendation: should, ought to, had better. Expectation: be supposed to, be to, should. Suggestions: shall we/I . , can, could, let's . Permission: may, be allowed to, can. Possibility: a) less than 50% certainty: may, might, could, be likely that . ; b) about 95% certainty; must; 100% certainty: will (future reference). Impossibility: can't, couldn't. Ability: can, be able to. Prohibition: must not, be not allowed to. Responsibility/duty: should, ought to. Assumption: will: e.g. The phone is ringing. That will be for me. Preference: would rather.
Prepositions which are depended on verbs (Prepozitii dependente de verbe)
To agree in - a fi de acord in.
To agree on/upon - a se pune de acord asupra unui lucru.
To agree to - a accepta un lucru.
To agree with - a fi de acord cu, a-I conveni.
To apply for - a solicita ceva.
To apply to - a se adresa cuiva.
To ask about - a se interesa de un lucru.
To ask after - a se interesa de starea unei persoane.
To ask for - a ruga pentru ceva.
To call at/on - a face o vizita scurta.
To call for - a cere, a revendica.
To call up - a sun pe cineva la telefon.
To care about/for - a fi interesat de.
To care for - a-i placea, a avea grija de.
To change for - a schimba cu/a schimba vehiculul.
To change into - a (se) transforma in.
To charge for - a cere, a solicita (pret).
To charge with - a insarcina cu/a invinui.
To come about - a se intampla.
To come across - a da peste.
To come for - a veni pentru.
To compare to - a pune la egalitate cu.
To compare with - a compara cu.
a. Co-ordinating conjunctions (intre 2 propozitii principale): also, and, besides, but, either . or, for, however, neither . nor, nevertheless, nor, or, so, still, therefore, thus, too, yet, atc. Ex: He was expecting a prize, but he was disappointed.
b. Subordinating conjunctions (introduce propozitia secundara intr-o fraza): after, as, because, before, if, now, since, so that, that, unless, until, when, where, whereas, while, etc. Ex: If it rains, I'll stay in.
"if" sau "when"?
IF - daca/in caz ca
If it rains, we can't have our picnic. Daca (in caz ca) ploua, nu putem sa facem picnic.
When - daca, de indata ce
When he comes, we can leave. Cand (de indata ce) vine, putem pleca.
"during", "while", sau "whereas"?
During - in timp ce
During the holiday he wrote many letters. In timpul vacantei el a scris multe scrisori.
While - in timpul
While he was on holiday he wrote many letters. In timp ce era in vacant, a scris multe scrisori.
Whereas - in timp ce, pe cand
He went on holiday, whereas I stayed at home. El a plecat in concediu, in timp ce eu am ramas acasa.
"because", "since", "as" sau "for"?
Because - deoarece, fiindca
He was late because he had missed the bus. El a intarziat fiindca/deoarece a pierdut autobuzul.
Nota: because of este prepozitie inaintea substantivului.
We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you! Noi am asteptat 3 ore in ploaie datorita tie.
Since - deoarece
Since he had missed the bus, he was late. Deoarece a pierdut autobuzul, el a intarziat.
As - fiindca, pentru ca
As he had missed the bus, he was late. Fiindca a pierdut autobuzul, a intarziat.
For - deoarece, intrucat, pentru ca, caci
He was late, for he had missed the bus. El a intarziat, pentru ca a pierdut autobuzul.
"too", "also", "as well", "so", "neither" sau "nor", "not either"?
Too - si/de asemenea
My friends go to school, too. Si prietenii mei merg la scoala.
My friends, too, go to school. Si prietenii mei merg la scoala.
Also - de asemenea (de regula dupa cuvantul pe care vrea sa-l scoata in evidenta)
My friends also go to scool. Prietenii mei merg si ei la scoala.
As well - si (la sfarsitul propozitiei
My friends go to school as well. Prietenii mei merg la scoala si ei. Why don't you come along as well?
As well as - ca si, si de asemenea
They own a house in France as well as a villa in Spain.
The organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities.
So - si /de asemenea (pentru prop. scurte)
Peter can swim. Peter poate inota. So can I. Si eu. / Peter is at home. Peter este acasa. So is his father. Si tatal lui. / Peter likes ice cream. Lui Peter ii place inghetata. So do I. si mie. / Peter went out. Peter a iesit in oras. So did I. Si eu.
Neither . nor - nici . nici - I cannot swim. Neither/Nor can Peter. Nici Peter. Neither Oleg's mother nor his father spoke English. The equipment is neither accurate nor safe. The fact that she needed the money for her children is neither here nor there - it's still stealing. Either . or . Ex. You add either one or two cloves of garlic. Tu adaugi una sau doua bucati de usturoi.
Precedenta: Ahead of - in fata, in fruntea, inaintea, dinaintea. Before - inaintea, dinaintea, in fata, in fruntea. In front of - inaintea, dinaintea, in fata, in fruntea, chiar in fata.
Aflarea intr-un loc: At - la, in. In - in, la. On - pe, in, la.
Deplasarea intr-un loc: To - la, spre, catre. Towards - spre, catre, in directia. Up to - pana la. At - la, pe la. For - la, in. In - in, la. Into - in, inauntrul. On, upon - pe.
Momentul actiunii sau starii: At - la, in, pe. In - in, in timpul, la. On - in, pe.
Succesiunea: After - dupa, in urma. Behind - in spatele, in urma, inapoia, indaratul, dindaratul, din spatele. By, past - pe langa.
Desprinderea si extractia: From - de la, din, dinspre. Off - de pe. Out off - din, din interiorul, dinauntrul.
Apropierea: About - in jurul, langa, in preajma, pe la, la, asupra. Against - de lipit de. Alongside - de-a lungul, alaturi de, langa. Beside, by - langa, alaturi de, aproape de. Near (to) - langa, alaturi de, aproape de, nu departe de. Next to, close to/by - foarte aproape de, chiar langa, in imediata apropiere a.
Strabaterea spatiului: Across - peste, de-a curmezisul. Through, by - prin. At - prin, la. Via - via. Over - peste. Up - in susul. Down - in josul. Along - de-a lungul, pe.
Situarea in mijloc: Between - intre (2 elemente), in mijlocul, printre. Among (st) - printre (in multime), intre, in mijlocul. Amid (st) - printer, intre, in mijlocul. In the middle of - in mijlocul, la mijlocul.
Anterioritatea: Before - inainte de, inaintea, anterior, pana la, pana in. Ahead of - inainte de. Prior to - anterior, inainte de, inaintea. Till, until, to - pana, pana la/in. By - pana, pana la/in, pe.
Apropierea in timp: By - la, pe la, spre, catre. Towards, to - spre, inspre, catre. Near upon - (foarte) aproape de, spre. About - pe la, in jurul.
Suprapunerea: Above - deasupra, peste. Over - deasupra, peste, pe deasupra. On, upon - pe. Below - sub, dedesubtul. Under - sub, dedesubtul, pe sub.
Succesiunea in timp: After - dupa. From, since - (inca) de la, (inca) din. For - (timp) de. In - in, dupa. Past - trecut de.
Cauza: Because of, on account of - din cauza/pricina. Owing to, thanks to - datorita, multumita. By - de, de catre, din cauza. At - de, la. For - de, pentru. Out of, through, with - din, de, din cauza/pricina, datorita. From - de, din, din cauza.
Durata: All through - de-a lungul, cat tine. During - in timpul/vremea. Through (out) - in tot timpul, de-a lungul. For - pentru, timp de. Over - peste, in timpul.
Referirea: About, of - despre, in privinta, cu privire. On - despre, asupra. Concerning - privitor/reveritor la, despre. Respecting - referitor la, cu referire la. As for, as to - (cat) despre.
AT - IN - ON - cu sens spatial
AT - cu referire la o zona restransa a spatiului sau un punct fix
At the table - la masa; at the party - la petrecere; at the station - la gara; at home - acasa; at the beginning - la inceput. / Dar: at Epson - in Epson; at 2 Station Road - pe strada Garii nr. 2; at the Millers' - in casa familiei Millers; at court - la tribunal.
IN - cu referire la un spatiu mai larg
In the kitchen - in bucatarie; in the picture - in poza; in the world - in lume; in the sky - pe cer. / Dar: in Paris - in Paris; in an office - intr-un birou; in a flat - intr-un apartament; in church/school - in biserica/in curtea scolii; in the street - pe strada (in oras), dar in the road - pe sosea.
ON - pe o suprafata
On the table - pe masa; on the wall - pe perete; on the 2nd floor - la al 2-lea etaj; on the way - pe drum; on the left (side) - pe partea stanga. / Dar on the road - pe sosea; on the sea/lake - pe mare/lac dar at sea - pe mare in larg.
At - IN - ON - cu sens temporal
AT - la un moment précis
AT 10 o' clock - la ora 10; at sunrise/sunset - la rasaritul/apusul soarelui; at midnight - la miezul noptii; at Christmas - la Craciun. / Dar: at night - noaptea; at times - ocazional; at that time - in acea vreme; at what time - la ce ora; at the beginning - la inceput (moment) dar in the beginning - la inceputul (unei perioade); on Easter Monday - in Lunea Pastelui; at the same time - in acelasi timp (moment) dar in the same time - in acelasi timp (perioada).
IN - intr-o perioada de timp
In the afternoon - dupa amiaza; in winter - iarna; in the 19th century - in secolul 19; in a short time - in scurt timp; / Dar: in the night - in timpul noptii.
ON - in anumite zile
On Monday - in ziua de luni; on Mondays - lunea; on the 2nd of April - pe 2 aprilie; on Christmas Eve - in seara de Craciun; on my birthday - la ziua mea de nastere. Dar: on the morning of April 2nd - in dimineata zilei de 2 aprilie; on end - neintrerupt; on time - punctual dar in time - la timp.
Above - deasupra (fara atingere cu suprafata de baza): The plane is above the clouds. Avionul este deasupra norilor.
Over - chiar deasupra: The lamp hangs over the clouds. Lampa atarna deasupra mesei.
Over - deasupra . peste: He jumps over the wall. El sare peste zid. (over there - acolo/vizavi) (all over the world - in toata lumea).
Across - peste: There is a bridge across the river. Este un pod pester au.
Via - via/prin: He drove to Vienna via Salzburg. El a mers la Viena via/prin Salzburg.
Under - vertical sau chiar sub: The cat is under the table. Pisica este sub masa.
Below - sub (fara atingere cu suprafata) The plane is below the clouds. Avionul este sub nori.
Between - intre noi: I am standing between Pam and Sue. Eu stau intre Pam si Sue; She divided the money between her three sisters. Ea a impartit banii intre cele trei surori ale sale.
Among - intre multi, printre: I am standing among many people. Eu stau printre multi oameni;
TO - TOWARDS - spre
To - la (punct terminus): I went to the building. M-am dus la cladire.
Towards - la, cu directia (daca telul va fi atins, ramane o problema nelamurita): I went towards the building. M-am indreptat spre cladire.
TO - AS FAR AS - pana la
To - pana la (punct terminus): I walked to the house. M-am dus pana la casa.
As far as - pana la (tinta partiala): On Monday we travelled as far as the French border, the next day we reached Paris. Luni am calatorit pana la granite franceza, a doua zi am ajuns la Paris.
After - dupa, pe urmele . : The police ran after the thief. Politistii au alergat dupa hot.
Beyond - in spatele, de dupa . : The village is beyond the hill. Satul este dupa (dincolo de) deal.
Past - dupa, dup ce treci . : The building is 300 metres past the church. Cladirea este la 300 de metri dupa biserica (dupa ce treci de biserica).
IN FRONT OF - BEFORE - in fata
In front of - in fata (spatial): The tree is in front of the house. Pomul este in fata casei.
Before - inaintea (temporal, succesiune): "A" comes before "B" in the alphabet. "A " vine dupa "B" in alfabet.
AGO - BEFORE (ambele in pozitie finala): inainte, acum .
Ago (privind dinspre prezent) - 2 year ago I spent my holiday in Spain. Acum 2 ani (privind din prezent) mi-am petrecut vacanta in Spania.
Before (calculate dintr-un moment al trecutului) - acum (inainte): 2 years before his mother had had the accident. Cu 2 ani inainte (privind de atunci) de a fi avut mama lui accidental.
SINCE - FOR - de
Since (de cand) - de/din (moment): I haven't seen him since May. Nu l-am vazut din luna mai.
For (de cat timp) - de (perioada): I haven't seen him for two months. Nu l-am vazut de 2 luni.
BY - WITH -cu
By - cu (mijloc de locomotie): by train - cu trenul.
By - cu (mijloc): by hand - cu mana.
With - cu (unealta): with a knife.
Expressing a personal opinion: I think that, I believe that, I do believe that (for more emphasis), I suppose that, I am sure that . ; Introducing new things: Did you know that . , I almost forgot to say . , I forgot to mention . , By the way . ; Contrast: But, However, On the one hand . , On the other hand, On the contrary, In contrast, Yet, Nevertheless; Giving examples: For example, For instance, I would like to illustrate this with an example, Namely; Additional evidence: Moreover, In addition, Furthermore, This is equally important, Besides, As well as, Again; Emphasis: Even, Indeed, In fact, Of course, Truly; Cause & effect: Hence, So, Thus, Therefore; Similarity: Also, In the same way, Similarly; Conclusion: In conclusion, Thus, To conclude, To summarize, In sum, In the end; Agreeing: I agree with, I could not agree more with this; Doubt: I have my reservation about this idea/opinion, I think this point is debatable, I am not at all convinced by these arguments; Disagreeing: I don't agree with, I strongly oppose, I think that this is wrong, this seems to me definitely wrong, that's not how I see it; Clarifying: What I really mean is . , What I am getting at is . , My main point is that . ; Generalizing: In general, It goes without saying, As a rule; Fillers: Mmm, let me think . , Let me remember . , Let's see (used them when you want to gain more time in order to organize your speech more properly) .
Formal connectives
"AND" type: connectives of result: therefore, accordingly, thus, hence, as a result, consequently. "OR" type: connectives of reformulation: in the other words . , to put it more simply . , it would be better to say . ; "BUT" type: however, nevertheless, yet, in spite of, despite.
Folosirea sufixelor si a prefixelor
Formarea verbelor din substantive si adjective.
a. Transformarea substantivelor in verbe: substantive +ize
America - Americanize; Legal - legalize; Modern - modernize; Popular - popularize
b. Transformarea adjectivelor in verbe: adjectiv+ify
Beauty - beautify; Liquid - liquefy; Pure - purify; Simple - simplify
They want to make the factory more modern. They want to modernize the factory. These tablets make the water pure. They purify the water.
Formarea adverbelor din adjective
Easy - easily, Main - mainly, Quick - quickly, Stupid - stupidly. His behavior was stupid. He behaved stupidly.
Formarea adjectivelor din verbe si substantive.
a. Formarea adjectivelor din substantive
Bush - bushy
Dirt - dirty
Hair - hairy
Smell - smelly
Atom - atomic
Biology - biologic
Potry - poetic
Grammer - grammatical
Pain - painful
Hope - hopeful
Care - careful
Hope - hopeless
Care - careless
Pain - painless
There was an awful smell in the room. The room was smelly. This book contains exercises on grammar. It contains grammatical exercises. His broken leg caused him a lot of pain. It was very painful. The operation didn't cause her any pain. It was painless.
b. Formarea adjectivelor din verbe
Wash - washable, Love - lovable, Debate - debatable, Break - breakable. You can wash this coat. It is washable.
Formarea substantivelor din verbe si adjective.
a. Formarea substantivelor din adjective: Cruel - cruelty; odd - oddity; pure - purity; stupid - stupidity. Don't be so cruel. I hate cruelty. Dark - darkness; deaf - deafness; happy - happiness; kind - kindness. It was very dark. The darkness made it impossible to see.
b. Formarea substantivelor din verbe: Drive - driver; fasten - fastener; open - opener; teach - teacher. John drives a bus. He is the driver.
Amaze - amazement; develop - development; pay - payment; retire - retirement. Children develop very quickly. Their development is very quick.
Admire - admiration; associate - association; examine - examination; organize - organization. The doctor examined me carefully. He gave me a careful examination.
Prin adaugarea prefixului, sensul cuvintelor se va schimba in opusul acestora sau in unele cazuri poate sa schimbe sensul de baza.
g) Happy - unhappy; Fortunate - unfortunate; wind - unwind; block - unblock. I'm not very happy. In fact I'm very unhappy. b) Efficient - inefficient; possible - impossible; literate - illiterate; regular - irregular. It's just not possible to do that, it's impossible. c) Agree - disagree; approve - disapprove; honest - dishonest. I don't agree with everything you said. I disagree with the last part. d) Centralize - decentralize; increase - decrease; ascend - descend; inflate - deflate. Increase means to make or become larger in amount or number. Decrease means to make or become smaller in amount or number. e) Sense - nonsense; payment - non-payment; resident - non-resident; conformist - nonconformist. The hotel serves meals to residents (people who are staying in the hotel) only. Non-residents are not allowed in.
How numbers are spoken
Numbers over 20
21 twenty-one
22 twenty two
32 thirty-two
99 ninety-nine
Numbers over 100
101 a/one hundred (and) one
121 a/one hundred (and) twenty-one
200 two hundred
232 two hundred (and) thirty-two
999 nine hundred (and) ninety-nine
Note: in British English the 'and' is always used: two hundred and thirty-two. But in American English it is often left out: two hundred thirty-two.
Numbers over 1.000
1001 a/one thousand (and) one
1121 one thousand one hundred (and) twenty-one
2000 two thousand
2232 two thousand two hundred (and) thirty-two
9999 nine thousand nine hundred (and) ninety-nine
Ordinal numbers
20th twentieth
21st twenty-first
25th twenty-fifth
90th nineth
100th hundredth
101st hundred first
225th two hundred (and) twenty-fifth
1624 sixteen twenty-four
1903 nineteen-oh-three
1987 nineteen eighty-seven
November 21st 2008
What numbers represent - Numbers are often used on their own to show: Price - It cost eight seventy-five (8 pounds 75 pence or 8 dollars 75 cents; £8.75 or $8.75). Time - We left at two twenty-five (25 minutes after 2 o'clock). Age - She's forty-six (46 years old). He's in his sixties (between 60 and 69 years old). Size - This shirt is a thirty-eight (size 38). Temperature - The temperature fell to minus fourteen (-14). The temperature was in the mid-thirties (about 34-36). The score in a game - He won the first set six-three (by six games to three: 6-3). Something marked with the stated number - She played two nines and an eight (playing cards marked with these numbers). A set or group of the stated number - The teacher divided us into fours (groups of 4). You can buy cigarettes in tens or twenties (in packets containing 10 or 20).
Numbers and grammar - Numbers can be used as: Determiners: Five people were hurt in the accident / The three largest companies in the US / Several hundred cars. # Pronouns: We invited a lot of people but only twelve came/only twelve of them came. Do exercise five on page nine. # Nouns: Six can be divided by two and three. Three twos make six.
The comparison of the adjectives - Positive - new/nou; comparative - newer/mai nou; superlative - (the) newest/cel mai nou.
Adjective monosilabice: low/lower/lowest (jos/mai jos/cel mai jos); high/higher/highest (inalt/mai inalt/cel mai mai inalt).
Adjective bisilabice: clever/cleverer/cleverest (istet, mai istet/cel mai istet); simple/simpler/simplest (simplu/mai simplu/cel mai simplu).
Adjective bisilabice: (fara -er, -le, -ow, -y): useful-more useful-most useful (folositor, mai folositor, cel mai folositor).
Adjective cu 3 sau mai multe silabe: interesting-more interesting- most interesting (interesant, mai interesant, cel mai interesant).
The irregular comparison - comparatia neregulata
Good/better/(the) best - bun/mai bun/cel mai bun; well/better/ (the) best - bine/mai bine/cel mai bine; bad/worse/(the) worst - rau/mai rau/cel mai rau; ill/worse/(the) worst - rau-mai rau-cel mai rau; little-smaller-(the) smallest - mic/mai mic/cel mai mic; little/less/(the) least - putin-mai putin/cel mai putin; much/more/(the) most - mult/mai mult/cel mai mult; many/more/(the) most - mult/mai mult/cel mai mult.
Adjectives with different comparison forms
a. Late/later/latest - tarziu/mai tarziu/cel mai tarziu (temporal); Late/latter/latter - tarziu/mai tarziu/cel mai tarziu (insiruire).
b. Far/further (farther)/furthest (farthest) - departe/mai departe/cel mai departe (distanta in spatiu); far/further/---- departe/mai departe (cu sensul figurat de "in plus").
c. Near/nearer/nearest - aproape/mai aproape/cel mai aproape (local); Near/---- next - aproape/---/urmatorul (insiruire).
d. Old/older/oldest - batran (vechi)/mai batran/cel mai batran (general); Old/elder/eldest - batran/mai batran/cel mai batran (membrii familiei).
Sentences with comparisons (compararatia in propozitii)
a. Exprimarea egalitatii: as + pozitiv + as; Linda is as clever as Bill. Linda este tot atat de isteata ca Bill.
e. Exprimarea inegalitatii (comparativ de inferioaritate):
a. not as + pozitiv as; Linda is not as tall as Bill. Linda nu este asa de inalta ca Bill. He is not as clever as me (I am). El nu este la fel de istet ca mine.
b. less + pozitiv + than; Linda is less tall than Bill. Linda este mai scunda decat Bill. You are less tall than me. Tu esti mai putin inalt decat mine.
f. Exprimarea unui grad mai inalt de comparare (comparativul de superioritate): comparativ + than; Susan is taller than Mary. Susan este mai inalta decat Mary.
g. Exprimarea celui mai inalt grad de comparare: the + superlativ; The tower is the highest in the world. Turnul este cel mai inalt din lume.
h. Exprimarea unei gradari treptate:
a. Pentru adjective fara "more" si "most" - comparativ + and + comparativ; The situation is getting worse and worse. Situatia este din ce in ce mai rea.
b. Pentru adjective care isi formeaza gradul de comparatie cu "more" si "most" - gradarea treptata se exprima cu "more and more" + pozitiv; The discussion got more and more interesting. Discutia devenea din ce in ce mai interesanta.
i. Exprimarea "cu cat cu atat": the + comparativ () the + comparativ (); The angrier the teacher got, the louder the children become. Cu cat profesorul era mai furios, cu atat erau copii mai galagiosi.
Adverbul (majoritatea se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei "-ly" la adjective)
Easy - easily (usor); simple - simply (simplu); whole (intreg) - wholly (complet); true - truly; friendly - in a friendly way; difficult - with difficulty; good - well; systematic - systematically; exceptie: public - publicly; dull - dully; in cazul adjectivelor daily, hourly, weekly, monthly, quarterly, zearly, etc, adverbul are aceeasi forma. Unele adjective au aceeasi forma dar inteles diferit in urmatoarele cazuri: well/adj - sanatos/adv - bine; ill/adj - bolnav/adv - prost; still/adj - linistit/adv - inca; only/adj - unic/adv - numai. Unele adjective au doua forme adverbiale, care pot avea sensuri asemanatoare sau diferite astfel: right (corect) - right (corect)/rightly (bine, cum se cuvine); slow (incet) - slow (incet)/slowly (incet); hard (tare) - hard (tare)/hardly (abia); fair (bun, frumos) - fair (corect)/fairly (aproximativ); deep (adanc) - deep (adanc)/deeply (profund); pretty (dragut) - pretty (aproximativ)/prettily (dragut); high (inalt) - high (inalt)/highly (extrem de); late (tarziu) - late (tarziu)/lately (in ultima vreme); most (ce mai mult) - most (cel mai mult)/mostly (cel mai adesea); just (drept) - just (numai)/justly (drept); ready (gata) - ready (gata)/readily (prompt); short (scurt) - short (scurt)/shortly (in scurt timp); express (clar, expres) - express (rapid)/expressly (expres).
The position of adverbs (mod - loc - frecventa - timp), (directia - locul), (timpul exact - timpul inexact )
h) Adverbe de mod: He repaired the car easily. He easily repaired the car / He spoke slowly. He has quickly eaten his lunch. Silently, he left the house.
i) Adverbe de frecventa: She goes shopping weekly. She went shopping in London twice last week. She always goes shopping on Friday. She has always done her shopping on Friday. She is usually late. Usually, there aren't many torists in this area.
j) Adverbe de loc si de timp la inceputul sau la sfarsitul propozitiei: I met Paul in London/In London I met Paul. I met Paul yesterday/Yesterday I met Paul. I met Paul in London yesterday/In London yesterday met Paul.
k) Adverbe de grad: He hardly answered me. He has hardly answered me. He greatly admired her. He would have gretly admired her. Exceptie fac "almost" si "nearly" - He would almost have helped her. He didn't like it a bit. - la fel si a little, a great deal, a lot, by far, for sure, for certain.
l) Adverbe care se refera la o intreaga propozitie, stau numai la inceputul propozitiei (in fact, maybe, naturally, abviously, perhaps, possibly, really, surely, unfortunately, fortunately, luckily, unluckily): Unfortunately, he couldn't come.
Ordinea adverbelor: She went shopping in London (loc) twice (frecventa) last week (timp). He went slowly (mod) to the door (loc). He went to the shop (directia) at the corner (locul). He went to Spain (locul) last summer (timpul). He arrived at 7 o'clock (timpul exact) in the morning (timpul inexact).
Adverb sau adjectiv
Depinde de cuvantul de referinta daca trebuie folosit adverbul sau adjectivul. Un ADJECTIV se refera la un substantiv sau la o persoana. Ex: She is a nice girl. She is nice. Un ADVERB se poate referi la: un verb - She sings nicely; un adjectiv - She is seriously ill; la un alt adverb - She sings extremly well; la o intreaga propozitie - Suddenly, they left the house. # Verbele care exprima o stare nu sunt insotite de nici un adverb (to be; to become, to get, to grow, to turn - a deveni; to remain, to stay, to keep - a ramane; to seem - a parea) Ex: He remained silent. Verbele care exprima perceptii senzoriale nu sunt insotite de nici un adverb, astfel: to look - a arata (fara adv) si a privi (cu adv); to feel - a (se) simti (fara adv) si a simti/a pipai (cu adv); to smell - a mirosi (ex: a peste) (fara adv) si a mirosi (cu nasul) (cu adv); to sound - a suna, a auzi ceva (fara adv), nu are varianta cu adv; to taste - a avea gust (alimentul) (fara adv) si a avea gust (in gura) (cu adv).
Pronume personal |
Complement (cine?, pe cine? Pe ce? |
Pronume Atributiv |
Pronume Substantival |
Pronume personal |
Complement (cine?, pe cine? Pe ce? |
Pronume Atributiv |
Pronume Substantival |
I |
Me |
My |
Mine |
We |
Us |
Our |
Ours |
You |
Your |
Yours |
You |
You |
Your |
Yours |
He, She, It |
Him, Her, It |
His, Her, Its |
His, Hers, Its |
They |
Them |
Their |
Theirs |
He is at home. I saw him (Eu l-am vazut). Paul is taller than me (Paul este mai inalt decat mine). Who is it? (cine este ) It's us (Noi suntem). My brother wanted to come, not me. He had his hands in his pockets. She shook her head.
1 The genitive (genitivul) - care se poate forma cu "'s Genitivul cu "'s" este folosit pentru a arata ca persoanelor sau animalelor le apartine ceva, sau ca exista o apartenenta. Ex. pentru singular: Father s car. Masina tatalui. Mary s book. Cartea Mariei. The boy's books. Cartile baiatului. Mrs Evans' house. Casa doamnei Evans. The boy's pullover. Pulloverul baiatului. The dog's bone. Osul cainelui. Ex. Plural: The boys book. Cartea baietilor. The boys' books. Cartile baietilor. The women's dresses. Rochiile femeilor. An hour's walk. O plimbare de o ora. 2 years experience. O experienta de 2 ani. At butcher's. La macelar. At Miller's La familia Miller. At the doctor's. La doctor. Britain's problems. Problemele Marii Britanii.
2 The genitive (genitivul) - care se poate forma cu "of" Genitivul cu "of" se foloseste la: a) denumiri de lucruri Ex: The end of the road. Capatul strazii. b) la persoane, cand urmeaza un atribut lung Ex: The house of our reporter stationed in London. Casa reporterului nostru stationat la Londra.
3 Double genitive (genitivul dublu) este o combinatie din genitivul cu "of" si genitivul cu "'s si se foloseste: a) cu persoane (daca trebuie exprimata o relatie partiala) Ex: A friend of Peter's. un prieten de-al lui Peter (unul din prietenii lui Peter). b) dupa a, some, any, several sau numeral + substantive Ex: Some of Peter's books. Cateva din cartile lui Peter.
4 The "s-" genitive without a referent (genitivul cu "-s" fara cuvant de referinta) se foloseste: a) cand un substantive deja amintit nu trebuie repetat Ex: If you haven't got a bag, you can have my mother s (bag). Daca nu ai geanta, poti s-o iei pe a mamei mele. b) la magazine, apartamente, cand substantivul "house", "flat", se subantelege Ex: At the Baker's (house). La brutarie.
Pronume relative
This is the boy who (whom) I saw yesterday. Acesta este baiatul pe care l-am vazut ieri. / This is the man who (that) works as a mechanic. Acesta este barbatul care lucreaza ca mechanic. / This is the man whose care was stolen. Acesta este barbatul a carui masina a fost furata. / This is the man who (whom) (that) I mean. Acesta este barbatul la care ma refer. / This is the factory whose owner (the owner of which) died. Aceasta este fabrica al carei proprietar a murit.
Articolul hotarat - "the book" , "the books"
A) Fara articol hotarat: a) notiuni abstracte (life, time, peace, nature, work, history, society, etc); b) denumiri de substante (bread, coal, water); c) denumiri de specii la plural folosite in sens general (children, pupils, animals, etc); d) la nume proprii si denumiri geografice la singular ( tari, munti, lacuri, etc.) Ex. Buckingham Palace ie near Trafalgar Square, exceptie fac: the Tower of London, the High Street, the City, the Golden Gate Bridge, the British Museum, the White House, the Thine (river); e) la numele de luni, zilele saptamanii, anotimpuri si ore de masa: Ex. December was very cold (Decembrie a fost foarte friguros), exceptie: in the morning, during the afternoon, throughout the day, la notiuni explicate mai indeaproape (The dinner I had with Sue was great.); f) la nume de institutii: church, college, hospital, prison, school, university - atunci cand nu este vizata cladirea ci functia sa: Ex. Every Sunday I go to church. Eu merg in fiecare duminica la biserica. Dar: There is a school near the church. Exista o scoala langa biserica. (in apropierea cladirii). g) cu "by" + mijloc de transport: Ex. I go by train. Eu merg cu trenul; h) inaintea lui "most of" Ex. Most of the students were in time. Cei mai multi dintre elevi au fost punctuali; inaintea lui "most" Ex. Most students were in time. Majoritatea elevilor au fost punctuali. Dar: "most" ca denumire a cantitatii poate sta cu sau fara articol. Ex. He made (the) most mistakes. El a facut cele mai multe greseli. In urmatoarele expresii: to be in office (a fi in serviciu), to be in opposition (a fi in opozitie), to be at hand (a fi la indemana), to be in power (a fi la putere), to keep in mind (a pastra in memorie/a tine minte), to come to light (a iesi la lumina), to take in hand (a lua in mana), to get out of hand (a-ti iesi din obicei/a-ti iesi din mana), to lose courage (a-si pierde curajul), to lose sight of something (a nu mai vedea ceva), to put to flight (a pune pe fuga), to take flight ( a o lua la fuga), to shake hands (a da mana), at first sight (la prima vedere), out of sight, out of mind (ochii care nu se vad se uita), in practice (in practica).
B) Folosirea articolului hotarat: a) la instrumente muzicale Ex. He plays the guitar. El canta la chitara. b) dupa all, both, half, double, twice, etc. Ex. He drove at double the speed. El mergea cu viteza dubla. c) in expresii ca: in the absence of (in absenta), by the help of (cu ajutorul), in the presence of (in prezenta), to be out of the question (a fi in afara discutiei). d) impreuna cu termenul de substitutie al substantivelor "one" pentru singular sau "ones" pentru plural Ex. Which picture do you like best? The one in the window. (Care tablou iti place mai mult? Cel din fereastra.). Which cars do you like best? The ones over there. (care masini iti plac mai mult? Cele de acolo.).
Articolul nehotarat - "a book", "an orange", dar "an hour" - se foloseste: a) impreuna cu nume de meserii, membri ai unor grupuri etnice, nationalitati, grupari religioase sau partide politice, daca persoana este caracterizata ca reprezentant al unui asemenea grup. Ex. I am a mechanic. (Eu sunt mecanic.) Exceptie: desemnari de titluri sau ranguri cu "of" ex. The rank of captain - rangul de capitan. Sau dupa "turn" (a deveni, a se transforma) Ex. He turned Democrat. El a devenit democrat. b) intre "as" si (atribut +) substantiv. Ex. I got the book as a present. Am primit cartea cadou. He is known as a good friend. Ele este cunoscut ca un bun prieten. c) in urmatoarele expresii: to be at an end (a fi la sfarsit), to come to an end (a ajunge la sfarsit), to be in a hurry (a se grabi), to be in a good temper/mood (a fi bine dispus), it's a pity (este pacat), to have a good appetite (a avea apetit bun), to have a fancy for something (a gasi o placere in ceva), to have a headache/temperature (a avea dureri de cap/febra), to make a noise (a face galagie), to make it a condition (a face din ea o conditie), to make it a rule (a face din ea o regula), to seek a querrel (a cauta cearta), to take a great interest in (a avea un interes deosebit pentru), as a rule (de regula), as a vhole (ca un tot), at a distence (de departe), for a change (pentru o schimbare), in a friendly manner (intr-un mod prietenos), in a great measure (intr-o mare masura), without a break (fara intrerupere), without a ticket (fara bilet). d) in fata indicatiilor de cantitate, masura si timp cu sensul de "per/pe" Ex. Sugar costs 60 p a kilo. (zaharul costa 60 pence kilogramul). e) dupa such, half, quite, rather, what, so + adjectiv si dupa too + adjectiv; dar numai la notiuni numarabile, adica numai la cele care pot avea in fata "multe/putine" Ex. Such a nice house. O casa atat de frumoasa. Too difficult a question. O problema prea grea. Dar: such a nonsense - asa o prostie (deoarece "nonsense" este nenumarabil - uncountable); f) la numere cu sensul de "one" Ex. A hundred (o suta).
Questions Tags - Propozitii Disjunctive
Aceste propozitii sunt scurte intrebari, plasate la sfarsitul unei propozitii si se traduce cu "nu-i asa?". Formularea acestora respecta 3 principii, astfel: A) subiectul propozitiei se reia sub forma unui pronume amplasat in intrebarea scurta atasata Ex. Peter is a teacher, isn'the? B) 1) Daca propozitia este negativa, adaosul intrebarii este pozitiv - She isn't 12 years old, is she? 2) Daca propozitia este pozitiva, adaosul intrebarii este negativ - She is 12 years old, isn't she? C) 1) Daca in propozitie exista un verb auxiliar, acesta va fi reluat in adaos - You can speak French, can't you? 2) Daca nu exista verb auxiliar in propozitie, in adaos se foloseste o forma a verbului "do" la timpul si persoana din principala - She works in London, doesn't she? You went to Spain, didn't you? Exceptii: a) adaosurile scurte din indemnuri se abat de la principii. Ordinele (commads) au ca adaos pe "will" - Shut the door, will you? b) datorita sensului aproape negativ, propozitiile cu adverbe restrictive ca "hardly (abia), rarely (arareori), seldom (rar), et." au adaosuri scurte afirmative - You hardly sleep, do you?
Who - care, pe care, cine, pe cine. Whom - pe cine. Whose - cui, al cui. Which - care, pe care, ce. Whichever - care, oricare. However - oricine, cel care, oricare. As - pana la, in calitate de, desi, ca si, de, ca, pentru ca, cum, precum, fiindca, in timp ce, care, ce, cand, unde. As from - incepand cu. As good as - aproape, ca si. As well as - ca si. As far as - pana la. As . as - tot asa de . ca si. As . so - dupa cum . tot asa. As for - in ce priveste. So as - numai daca, cu conditia, ca sa, pentru a. So far as - dupa cate (stiu), in masura in care. So long as - atata timp/vreme cat, cat timp, cata vreme. As soon as - indata ce. So soon as - indata ce. Such as - de exemplu, asemeni, asa cum este, (toti) cei care/ce. As per - conform.
So that - asa ca. And so forth - si asa mai departe. She started telling me about her bad back, her migraines, and so forth. At all - se foloseste in prop neg sau interog. They've done nothing at all to try and put the problem right. Ei nu au facut absolute nimic pentru a rezolva problema. As such - ca atare; Birth is a natural process and should be treated as such. Such behavior is just not acceptable in this school. They're such nice people. It's such a long way from here. I felt such an idiot. Therefore -Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable. Progress so far has been very good. We are, therefore, confident that the work will be completed on time.
Verbul "to be" + infinitiv cu "to" - se spune ca ceva trebuie sa se intample Ex. The meeting is to take place in August. Intalnirea trebuie sa aiba loc in august.
Verbul "to do", ca auxiliar, poate servi la o accentuare sin la o scoatere in evidenta a unui anunt. Ex. I did see the UFO. Chiar am vazut OZN-ul. Ca verb auxiliar se foloseste in raspunsuriscurte si in intrebari disjunctive. Ex. You like parties, don't you? Oh yes, I do.
Verbul "to have" + complement + past participle verb predicativ cu sensul "a pune pe cineva sa faca ceva". Ex. I have my car repaired. Mi-am reparat masina. In anumite expresii: to have a look - a arunca o privire; to have laugh - a rade; to have fun - a se distra; to have a walk - a merge la plimbare.
Folosirea lui OWN si OF: He did it with his own hands. El a facut-o cu propriile maini / He has a house of his own. El are o casa a lui. / It's my mother's house, not my own (house). Este casa mamei mele, nu a mea. / Have you got a car of your own? Ai o masina personala? / He is a friend of mine. El este un prieten de-al meu.
Can - to be able to/ He could have been here in time. (Ar fi putut fi aici in timp).
May - might (numai la vorbirea indirecta la trecut) - to be allowed to, to permitted to. May I smoke in this room? Pot/am permisiunea sa fumez in aceasta camera?He said I might smoke in that room. El a spus ca pot/am permisiunea sa fumez in acea camera. Take your umbrella. It may/might rain. Ia-ti umbrela. S-ar putea sa ploua. You might have written me a letter when you were in England. Ai fi putut sa-mi scrii cand erai in Anglia.
Must - to have to. I must go home. Trebuie sa plec acasa. / I had to finish the translation. A trebuit sa plec acasa. It must be late. Let's go home. Probabil ca este tarziu. Hai sa mergem acasa. I was asleep when you arrived home last night. It must have been late. Eu dormeam cand tu ai venit aseara. Probabil ca era tarziu. (trebuie sa fi fost tarziu).
Should/ ought to ar trebui, ar fi bine sa, ar fi cazul sa. He should be put in the prison. We should ask the old lady if we can help her.
MOREOVER [sentence adverb] - "In addition - used to introduce information that adds to or supports what has previously been said" Ex. The rent is reasonable and, moreover, the location is perfect. The source of the information is irrelevant. Moreover, the information need not be confidential.
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