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Interjectia (The Interjection)
1. Definitie
a) Prin interjectie se exteriorizeaza senzatii, sentimente, manifestari de vointa sau se reproduc sunete si zgomote din natura;
b) interjectia este o parte de vorbire neflexibila, nefiind marcata de categorii gramaticale;
c) interjectia poate constitui fie un element de intarire pe langa o propozitie, fie o propozitie independenta sau o parte de propozitie.
2. Clasificare
Cu ajutorul interjectiilor se exteriorizeaza:
1) senzatii si sentimente:
a) bucurie: Ah ! Ooh ! Jippee ! Hurray ! (a, ah, ura!).
b) surpriza: Oh ! Wow ! (a, ah, oh!). Oh, what a nice dress !
c) mirare: Oh, dear ! Dear me ! Indeed ! (vai draga, vai de mine, intr-adevar) Oh, dear, Ican't find my purse. Dear me ! What are you doing over there ?
d) admiratie: Whew !(ah, doamne): Whew, how beautiful she is !
e) intelegere: Aha ! (a, aha!): Aha, these gloves are exactly what I was looking for.
f) dispret: Fie ! Pshaw ! What a shame! (Ptiu, pah, ce rusine!): Fie upon you ! You ought to be ashamed at what you have done.
g) dezgust: Ugh! (ih!): Ugh, how dirty your hands are !
h) aprobare: Well done ! Congratulations ! (Foarte bine! Felicitari!) Well done, Peter ! You've passed all your exams brilliantly.
i) dezaprobare: Nonsense! What a nuisance! (Prostii ! Ce pacoste!): What a nuisance! Now I'll have to do it all over again!
j) regret: Ah! Oh! What a pity! (a!, oh! ce pacat!): What a pity you couldn't come! It was a good play.
k) durere: Ouch! Ow! (vai, ah, aoleu!): ouch, it
2) manifestari de vointa:
a) o rugaminte, un indemn: Oh! Help! (oh! Ajutor!); Ssh! Hush! Silance! (Sst, liniste!): Hush! The baby's sleeping!
b) o incurajare: Cheer up! Come on! (Curaj! Haide!): Come on, don't be afraid! You'll manage.
c) o avertizare: Look Out! Fire! (Atentie! Foc!): Fire ! The house is on fire!
3) se reproduc sunete si zgomote din mediul inconjurator: Bow - wow !
Miaow! Baa! Buzz! (Ham - ham ! Miau! Beh! Bzz!): Bang! Click! Crash!
3. Intrebuintarea interjectiilor
Una si aceeasi interjectie poate avea semnificatii diferite, in functie de context: Ah, here you are at last ! (bucurie), dar si: Ah, it's painful ! (durere).
Unele interjectii sunt folosite cu precadere de barbati: No fear !
Good lord ! Jolly good !
pe cand altele sunt specifice limbajului feminin: Wow! Oh, dear! Oh, my ! Dear me! My goodness!
I. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
1. Ouch, my leg! 2. Ooh, this icecream's delicious! 3. Jippee, we've won the match! 4. Wow, isn't she clever? 5. Well dome, Peter. 6. Ssh! Grandma is sleeping. 7. My goodness! What dreadful weather! 8. Grr! Isntt it cold! 9. Lookout! A car is coming. Mm! This cream cake's very good. 11. 'Well, I must be going'. 'Oh, I see'. 12. 'Well, good luck!' 'Oh, thank you'. 13. 'Ah, there you are!' 14. Dear me! You do look ill 15. What a pity we didn't go on a picnic yesterday. Now it's raining. 16. Tut, tut! You are naughty boy! 17. Welcome hoe, my dear!
II. Completati spatiile libere cu interjectii potrivite ca sens:
We're having a holiday tomorrow! We're going on a trip! 2. .. That was a wonderful show! I hadn't thought I would enjoy it so much! I've spilt my tea! .. What a mess! 5. it's paintful! 6. that's exactly what I needed. 7. how wonderfully she sings! Father is working. 9. There's a bus coming! you do look pale! 11 Peter has broken that window again! 12 You can come with us even if you are tired. You'll have a good rest there.
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