![]() | Biologie | Chimie | Didactica | Fizica | Geografie | Informatica |
Istorie | Literatura | Matematica | Psihologie |
limba engleza
invatamantul la distanta
anul i
Find out more about the members of your group.
Task |
Find someone who
wants to be a farmer
wanted to go to another university but was not admitted
likes laboratory work..
lives in the halls of residence
thinks seminars are more important than lectures
has never failed an exam..
is interested in environmental protection-..
would like to drive a tractor..
wants to be a famous scientist
prefers pigs to cattle
lost his way when he first came to the university.
Task |
Describe the structure of your university, using the following words and expressions: consist of, contains, belongs to, comprise, is divided into branches, head
Task |
Draw a chart of your university . In pairs, take turns to explain the organisational and the management structure of the institute.
Task |
In your group, decide what sections you would include in a brochure about your university.Listen carefully to the opinions of every member of your group expressing their likes and dislikes. Make use of the language in the box.
Likes I'm fond of/I'm very keen on . I like/enjoy/love/adore/do like . There's nothing I like more than . What I particularly like about . is . is a marvellous way to pass your time /to spend a day |
DislikesI really don't like/dislike/hate . I've never liked . There's nothing I like less than . I can't bear/stand . is not one of my favourites I'm not overenthusiastic about . |
Task |
Homework: write the introduction to the brochure.Before you start, find other words derived from the following words: student, experience, competence, co-operation, building, management, employment.
experienced expert expertise
experiential experimental
experimentalise experimentally
experimentation experimenter
Then use these words in your introduction.
Task |
Work in groups . Divide the sections of the brochure about your university. Each person should be responsible for writing word processing and illustrating a section. There should be an editorial board, who collates the material into the final brochure format.Use the language in the box.
Ordering points First of all, . Secondly, . As well as this, . Finally, . |
Concluding points To sum up I would say that the main advantage of . is . All in all . |
Alternative project:
In groups, prepare a poster about your university. The groups in turn should present their posters to the audience. The best poster and the best presentation should be voted for.
Task |
Discuss with a partner which aspects, if any, made your university attractive to you. Use the following idioms: bark up the wrong tree(choose the wrong course of action) , change horses in midstream(make new plans or choose a new leader in the middle of an important activity) ,bring home the bacon(earn your family`s living), rotten apple(the one bad person among a number of good ones), hold one's horses(wait a moment, don't do anything rash!), pecking order(the way people are ranked in relation to each other).
are asked to write a feature about your university for a student magazine. To
help you, your tutor has provided you with this description of the
Task |
There are 4 main topics in text:
main sites
residential arrangements
present activities
Identify which paragraphs 1-8 describe each of these topics.
Task |
Decide whether the following statements are
mentioned in the text (M)
implied in the text ( I )
neither mentioned nor implied in the text (N)
Circle the appropriate answer.
The University of
There are at least two buildings used by the Student Association. M I N
The science departments are not situated in the central precinct. M I N
The teaching of
veterinary medicine is excellent in
More information is included in the Commonwealth Universities
Year Book or the World of Learning. M I N
developments. M I N
One of
Residents of
The first university
building was that of the
University students have numerous opportunities to do sports. M I N
Task |
Make a list of the names of the following organisational units or buildings mentioned in the text.
cultural and social facilities
Edinburgh is known as 'The University in
the City' because its buildings are
located within and across the capital whose name it bears, rather than in a
single campus outwith the city limits. Those who become members of the University
also become citizens of Founded in 1583, the University has a distinguished tradition of learning and of innovation, including examples in the Arts (Edinburgh established the first Chair of English Literature in Britain), in the Sciences (with the UK's first Chair of Agriculture and latterly the first Chair and Department of Artificial Intelligence) and, of course, in Medicine and the other professions. |
housed the
entire University, on the site where the University began - now the home of
the Law Faculty, the Two miles to the south is the King's Buildings Science campus containing virtually all the departments of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, including Agriculture. Halfway between King's Buildings and the city centre are the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's Summerhall buildings. Seven miles to the south are the Veterinary Field Station, University Farms and the Bush Research estate, |
But however distinguished its history, The University is one of the largest
academic institutions in The Universitv is based on three main
sites. Around |
(designated as
the focus for the The Faculty of Divinity is located in the
heart of the If you are interested in other sources of information about the University, you can consult the 'Commonwealth Universities Year Book' or 'The World of Learning'. |
Task |
Homework assignment Now write the article describing your university.
Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the appropriate verb from the box. Use each word only once.
One of the largest academic institutions in the 16th century. Residences on campus within the colleges. The institution on four main sites. Most of the departments in the colleges. The extensive Pollock Halls of Residence presently ten separate modern halls. They accommodation for around 1800 students. The original buildings from 1776 still stand on the west side.
Fill the gaps with words/expressions from the box. Some of them could be used more times, but use them only once. Underline the complete expressions in the sentences.
The town has to the coastline. Also of the University is the The theatre studio is to the art gallery. between the warehouses and the church is the It is located on the south of the city. A handsome, red-brick
villa lies of
UNDERSTANDING AND GIVING DIRECTIONS Visitors to a university often ask for directions.
Draw a map of your campus with its main buildings. With a partner, ask and give directions for the different places, starting from different points.
Imagine you have invited your partner to your home town and won't be there to meet him or her on arrival. Give directions to a place to meet, perhaps your favourite restaurant or bar, a cinema, or a place of interest. Check that your partner has understood. CHOOSING A UNIVERSITY
List as many reasons as you can for choosing a state/private university.
Read the list on the following page and rank the items from 1 (most important) to 10 ( least important) according to how important they were to you when you chose your university: a. convenient location, commutable distance b. highly qualified teaching staff d. national and international reputation for research e. no entrance exam requirements f. joint degrees offered g. size of university h. easy admission, no competition i. graduates of that university have excellent employment record j. friend or relative goes to the same university k. sports and cultural facilities offered by the university l. opportunity to transfer to other universities m. convenient centralisation of all facilities on one site n. guaranteed accommodation for all new students o. other:
Form groups and come to a consensus on the 3 most and 3 least important factors
Report back to the class on your group's decision, giving your reasons. CONVERSATIONS OVERHEARD AT A UNIVERSITY
Read the following extracts and decide whether the conversations are part of a lecture, a seminar, an exam, field practice, or take place in a university administration office. Conversation 1 A: .. and can you recommend any particular books for us to read? B: Yes, here is the list of compulsory reading for this year. As you see the first section covers marketing and distribution. In the second semester we will be dealing with the distribution of wealth; in economics that means everything that has an economic value measurable in price. But you have already been asked to select two titles on farm revenue and expenditure I believe. Tell me, which books did you find the most useful? Conversation 2 A: Good morning. Take a seat, please. Now, many horticultural plants are grown for their underground parts. I'd like you to describe two different plants and their methods of propagation. B: Well, first I'll describe plants with bulbs, like the onion. The bulb is a highly modified shoot, most of which is made up of colourless swollen scale leaves or leaf bases. The central apical bud contains the immature foliage leaves, the future flower, and rudimentary adventitious roots at its base. Conversation 3 A: I wonder if you can help me. I sent you the original copy of my school leaving certificate with my application form and now I need it to apply for a grant. What shall I do? B: I'm afraid I haven't time to look for it now, but leave your name and tell me where I can contact you, I'll try and let you have it before the end of the week. Conversation 4 A: Today we'll be visiting the facilities housing the dairy and dual purpose breeds. I'd advise you to take notes as we go along as I'll be asking you a few questions afterwards. Don't hesitate to ask questions yourselves if there's anything you'd like me to explain. B: I didn't realise dual purpose breeds were still recommended. Can you tell me what for? Conversation 5 A: Cattle, sheep and goats are ruminants. These animals have a complex digestive system with four different 'stomachs'. The largest is the rumen which contains bacteria that break down the tough cellulose fibres into substances that can be more easily digested by the other simpler ' stomachs'. The rumen also synthesises important amino acids and B-vitamins. Ruminants can synthesise some of these essential amino acids from others contained in the food they eat. Later on we will be analysing the process of transformation B: Excuse me, does this mean that we will actually analyse the stomach contents? Conversation 6 A: Today I'm going to consider very briefly a problem connected with mechanisation of agriculture and that is the suitability of large-scale equipment. In spite of the availability of highly sophisticated technologies such as the laser plane which uses a laser beam to prepare absolutely level rice paddies and thus control water depth at flooding, in some areas the use of such machinery is merely a labour-saving device and will not result in an increase in yield B: ( whispering to neighbour) Oh, no, not more statistics, I thought this was going to be about
Read the documents on this and on the next two pages and decide which institution you would like to study at.
Over ninety years in the service of World Agricultural & Food Production FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE & FOOD Masters Degrees and Diplomas Postgraduate Couses (one or two years) Agricultural Economics MSc & Diploma Agricultural Management MSc Animal Production Diploma Crop Physiology MSc Food & Agricultural Biotechnology MSc Food Science MSc Food Technology MSc - Options in Quality Assurance, Microbiology and Process Engineering Soil Science MSc & M AgrSc Technology of Crop Protection MSc/Diploma Tropical Agricultural Development Diploma/MSc & M AgrSc Animal and Forage Science MSc/Diploma Agricultural and Food Chain Systems MSc/Diploma Development of Animal Health and Production Programmes MSc/Diploma Food Science and Technology MSc/Diploma Laboratory Techniques and Management in Livestock Development MSc/Diploma Plant Breeding and Crop Improvement MPhil Horticulture MSc/Diploma Other Courses PhD (not less than 3 years) or MPhil (not less than 2 years) Higher degrees by research available in all the above areas and most other aspects of Agriculture. Arrangements may sometimes be
made for part of the research to be undertaken away from Short courses (1 week to 6 months) A range of short courses is available in Veterinary Epidemilogy, Statistical Methods, Rodent Control, Soil and Plant Analysis and the Use of Computers in Livestock Development Courses in English available at the University. Enquiries concerning these courses should be addressed to: The Sub-Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Food (OV 91) No. 2, Earley
Gate, Reading, RG6 2AU, England, U.K. Telephone (0734) 318374 Telex 847813 Fax (0734) 352063
The Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Study The Faculty of Engineering, which has over 200 postgraduates, enjoys a high reputation for postgraduate teaching and research with excellent facilities and a wide range of topics for study. Higher degrees may be obtained either wholly by research or by a combination of taught courses and research. The University is sited on a single modern campus close to the city centre which contains postgraduate halls of residence and a large sports centre. The city is noted for its cultural, recreational and shopping facilities. Postgraduate research degrees Facilities to study by research for the M. Phil or the Ph. D degree are available in the Departments of the Faculty which are: (a) Civil Engineering (b) Electrical Engineering and Electronics (c) Industrial Studies (d) Materials Science and Engineering (e) Mechanical Engineering There are
also associated facilities in Building Engineering within the Building Engineering. The research topics currently being studied in all these Departments are widespread and are continually developing. Only an indication is given by the coverage of the taught courses listed below. Further details of these research subjects are available from the Heads of the above Departments. The submission of a thesis and, in the case of the Ph.D an oral examination are required for the award of the degree. Postgraduate courses Courses
of one calendar year duration lead to the degree of M.Sc. ( (1) Maritime Civil Engineering (2) Structural Engineering (Civil Engineering) (3) Environmental Civil Engineering (4) Microelectronics Systems and Telecommunications (5) Power Plants and Energy Related Studies (Mechanical Engineering) (6) Mechanical Systems Engineering (7) Advanced Engineering Materials (8) Industrial Materials Engineering (9) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology The last of these courses is provided jointly by departments (b), (c) and (e) above. All these courses next start on 5th October 1992, then on 4th October 1993. Prior courses in English are provided by the English Language Unit of the University and for some entrants are compulsory. Each course includes six months of lectures and laboratory work, assessed by written examination and continuous assessment. The remainder of the year is spent on a supervised research project leading to a dissertation. Grants Studentships for research studies or for the above courses are currently available from all the above departments. A few are available to students from outside the E.C. Part-time study Provision, in certain instances, can be made for part-time study. Application All initial applications for post-graduate study should be addressed to: The Sub-Dean (Postgraduate Admissions) Faculty of Engineering, The Telephone: 051794-4924. Telex: 627095. Fax: 051794 4848 Applicants should indicate their interest in either the research school of one of the above Departments or in one of the above courses. Ap
Read this letter of enquiry and discuss the points below with a partner. Manastur Street Cluj Napoca Phone: (+40) 264-596384 Phone: (+40) 264-596384 25 November 2003 The Admissions Office Dear Sir / Madam Please would you send me a current prospectus and an application form for admission to a course leading to an M.Sc. in agriculture at your university. I am a Romanian
national in my last year of undergraduate studies at the I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your assistance. Yours faithfully Paul Roman Who has written this letter and where does the name first appear? Why is the name written like this? Who is the letter written to and where is this name placed? What do you notice about the punctuation at the beginning and end of the letter? Notice how the date is written. Could it be written another way? Could it be placed elsewhere on the page? Is the salutation 'Dear Sir' and ending 'Yours faithfully' consistent? Do you know the rule about this? Does the letter look well presented? Is presentation important? How many requests are made in the letter? Highlight the different ways used to make a request.
Here is the main part of the Admissions Secretary's (Mrs Margaret Rowlands) reply. Lay out the letter that Mrs Rowlands would send, using the correct addresses, putting the text into paragraphs and punctuating it as necessary. Thank
you for your enquiry of 25 November
about admission to APPLICATION FORMS Many students like to spend some time at a university abroad during their undergraduate years. Page 19. is an example of an international undergraduate admission application.
Read through the instructions and guidance on page 14. Consult the list of schools and subjects most relevant for you on page 15. Read through the notes you made during a consultation with your home tutor when you discussed this application.
Now fill in the form. Make sure your handwriting is legible.
Discuss with a partner what questions you think might be asked at an interview that are not on the form. How would you answer them? INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION APPLICATION The
Completing the Application Form
Freedom of Information
Schools at
Notes: discussion with tutor 5 December 2003 Should apply as a Visiting Student from September 2004 to April 2005 on a course leading to B.S. (Americans use this abbreviation for Bachelor of Science degree, not B.Sc.). My university should accept credits and I
can carry on with my degree back in Have to take TOEFL exam. Get in touch with the American Embassy. Have to send 'transcripts' which are official records of progress through school and university. Only thing to do is send photocopies of pages from index book and send translation too. Hope they accept this! Better explain in covering letter.
A personal data and application fees See instructions Section A
If you have any disability that you wish to be noted, please attach a covering letterB CITIZENSHIP check appropriate immigration status
Permanent resident Data of entry into Canada Country of citizenship
Visitor or other visa
C Applicant category See instructions Section C D Sessions aPPLICATION dEADLINES DOCUMENT DEADLINES
❑ Degree or Diploma ❑Exchange ❑Winter September -April 19__ March 31 June 15
❑ Unclassified ❑Auditor ❑Summer Term 1 (evening) May -July 19__ February 28 April 15
❑ Visitor ❑Summer Term 2 (daytime) July - August 19__ February 28 April 15
Do you intend to complete a UBC degree? yes no
Have you previously applied to UBC yes no month . . . . . . . .19 . . . ..
Faculty/School Degree/Diploma sought Intended major/specification
1st Choice | |||
2nd Choice |
No evaluation will be done for 2nd choice program if admitted to 1st choice
FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL APPLICIANTS ONLY- if you wish to enrol in pre-Commerce studies (year 1), please check Arts pre-Commerce Science, pre Commerce
F TOEFL or MELAB REQUIREMENT Have you written the TOEFL? no yes month . . .. . .19 . . MELAB? no yes
G ACADEMIC HISTORY See instructions Section G
Have you ever failed a year or been required to withdraw from UBC or another college or university? no yes---please name the
Institution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Secondary school attended or currently attending
Name of school |
Province/Country |
Grade/Level |
Date of graduation Year month |
All college, university or post-secondary institutions attended, currently attending or attended - most recent first
Name of institution |
Province/Country |
From year month |
To year month |
Degree/Diploma earned |
Date year month |
I agree that BC secondary school interim and final grades may be released to UBC.
I will notify Undergraduate Admissions before I register for any course at UBC of any additional post-secondary studies taken subsequent to the date of this application.
I accept that if, in reading and completing this application, I knowingly or carelessly provided untrue or incomplete information, (a) any offer of
admission, whether accepted or not, may be withdrawn by UBC; (b) I may be required to withdraw from any course in which I am enrolled; (c) I may be subject to academic discipline.
I agree that UBC may verify any of the information provided by contacting the relevant institution.
I agree, if admitted to UBC, to comply with all rules and regulations of the University, present and future.
Task |
Prepare a 1-minute speech about entrance examinations. Now take turns with your partner to argue for and against them. Make use of the language in the box:
a race photos goods
an exhibition collections models
a competition new models books
a contest paintings photos
an examination a feeling an attitude
Unit 2 Lesson 2 |
Covering letters are an important element in the application process. They enable the applicants to show how their skills and interests fit the course for which they are applying. They might contain some background information as well.
Task |
Read the following letter.
IN 47907.
May 14, 2004
The Director of Admissions,
Wageningen Agricultural University,
6700 HB Wageningen,
Dear Director of Admissions:
I wish to apply for admission to
I have been studying in the
I would like to be able to transfer my credits from Wageningen to my home university to complete my degree here in 2006.
I very much hope that my application will be considered favorably.
Chris Vidaver
Encl. Application form
Task |
Discuss the following questions with a partner.
How does the layout of this letter compare with the letter on page ?
Do you prefer the 'block' or the 'indented' layout? Why?
What does 'Encl.' at the end of the letter mean?
The writer says that he encloses 'transcripts,' in other words an official record of his progress and achievements through school and university. What documents would you be able to send, and what do you call them?
How well do you think the writer explains why he wants to go to Wageningen?
Does he need to give any further information? What?
Would you accept this student on an exchange programme? Why or why not?
Task |
Write a covering letter to accompany your application form to UBC.
Present your letter well, choosing one layout and being consistent.
Give enough information about yourself and your intended course of study to persuade the authorities to accept you.
Check your spelling and accuracy.
Financing university studies is a problem all over the world and different countries have different solutions for it. We will see some examples of the various systems.
Task |
Read the following extracts.
Find words or word groups related to the main idea, the 'outside sources of raising money for education'.
Write them in the spider chart on the next page.
EXTRACT 1 Our adventure began about 10 years ago, when a colleague was relating to me how much it cost to send his children to college. When he started talking about costs of over $20,000 per year, I started paying closer attention. At that time, our boys were three and five years old. A little research showed that college costs had begun a steep climb during the mid-1970s. Going further back, what had cost about $3,500 when I entered college in 1960 had increased over 500 % and was still going up. Earnings - at least my earnings - had not kept pace . A quick look at outside sources - scholarships, college grants, gifts from our parents or loans from our employers - showed us that none could be counted on. Savings and investment seemed the only way. |
EXTRACT 2 At the most sought-after institutions, the news is even more
disheartening. The Consortium On Financing Higher Education, a research
organ-ization funded by top Indeed, the Federal government will lend nearly $18 billion to some 4
million American college students this year. By far, the most popular vehicle
is the But perhaps the most significant trend in financing a college education is the growing use of the 'financial aid package' put together by the schools themselves and now needed by nearly half the students at private colleges. At COFHE schools, for example, this year's typical package consists of a grant ranging around $13,000, a loan of about $4,000, and a campus job that yields another $1,800. That leaves the family to contribute $8,074 to pay off the grand total of $26,874. |
Task |
How much does it cost you to attend university or college?
Complete the table below covering the first month of your studies at university.
Fill in the boxes below with the amount spent on your academic and personal expenses.
Add up the total cost.
My First Month's University Costs
Tuition and Fees |
Books and Supplies |
Room and Board |
Transportation |
Cinema or Theatre Tickets |
Pubs, Restaurants or Discos |
Hobbies Membership Cards |
Estimate of Total Expense |
Task |
Work in pairs.
Ask your partner about his/her 'First Month's University Costs', on the basis of his or her chart.
Discuss why his or her given costs are lower or higher than yours.
Speak about financial problems and solutions.
Do you think parents should contribute to the cost of university education?
Task |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate preposition from the box below. You will use some of them more than once.
via in for (twice) by to (three times) on at |
The University's fees include all tuition costs, but do not include other expenses such as travel, field course costs, fees payable to professional bodies.
If you are not eligible (1) a grant, you are required to pay your fees
full when you enrol at the beginning of each year of the course. Some students may propose an arrangement (3) phased payment which must be acceptable
(4) the University and (5) the student concerned.
EC Students
Fees for students from EC countries are
normally set (6) the same rate as for
Task |
Fill in the table individually.
Then work in groups and discuss the advantages and disadvantages and of different types of accomodation, including living with parents.
Halls of residence |
Renting a room |
Living with parents |
advantages | |||
disadvantages |
Task |
Work with a partner.
Speak about memorable events of your school years.
student societies
Students can follow various courses of study in agriculture. Here are some examples.
Task |
Look at the following expressions and put them into the appropriate column in the table below.
management, marketing companies, accountancy, farmers, chartered engineers,
colleges, universities, engineering, horticulture, marketing, polytechnic,
technicians, chartered surveyors, lecturer, business, production agriculture,
tax authorities, land management, local authorities, conservation groups,
animal husbandry.
Task |
In pairs describe your faculty, specialization and your subject.
Task |
extracts have been removed from the following article which was taken from the
Undergraduate Prospectus of
Read the article. Insert the extracts in the appropriate spaces and explain your reasons
to a partner.
Learning contexts vary from department to department, but, in general, formal lecturing is complemented by group tutorials and seminars and, in many scientific subjects by laboratory and practical classes. The University's highly developed computing infrastructure and body of experience is drawn upon for teaching in many areas, through computing laboratories, workshops and public-access terminals.
Audio-visual methods are also utilized.
For some first-year subjects, the number in class can top 300, but in subsequent courses the numbers are much smaller. Initially, therefore, the tutor forms a link between the student and
the course.
The lecture provides a guide to the subject-matter and sets out the foundations on which the student must build.
The success of the system depends on the student. The number of hours spent in lectures, tutorials or practicals varies for each individual. In some of the applied sciences the number of hours may be considerable while in an Arts course the formal teaching periods may be relatively few. Normally, only a few hours will be spent each day at classes, and private study is the major element in the student's timetable.
These include television teaching programmes, video-taped interviews and discussions, film strip programmes, and slides. First-year students usually have three or four lectures in each subject per week plus a tutorial.
The establishment of a working routine which uses this time to the greatest effect is the most important task of the new undergraduate.
The tutorial provides the opportunity to develop themes or discuss problems on the basis of written work.
Task |
Compare the contexts mentioned here with those at your institution.
Task |
Which suits you best? Which suits you least? Why? Discuss your preferences.
In Unit 2 you practised filling in an application form for a place as a visiting student at a foreign university. Sometimes you will have to write a CV (curriculum vitae) instead of filling in an application form.
Task |
Read the following CV.
Curriculum vitae Personal details | |
Name: |
Susan Priestley |
Adress: |
Desford Worcestershire WO42LZ |
Telephone: | |
Date of birth |
1 January 1971 |
Nationality |
British |
Languages |
Conversational French |
Computer Literacy |
Wordperfect, Lotus 1-2-3 |
EDUCATION "O" levels "A" levels Degree |
English Language Mathematics History English Literature Biology French Technical Drawing Chemistry Mathematics Chemistry Biology BSc(Hons) in Biological Sciences - 2(II) |
Work history Sept 1992-Feb 1993 Summer 1991 Summer 1990 College positions Summer 1989 |
DESFORD CHEMICAL SERVICES - Assistant BLACKFRIARS CAFÉ, Desford - Waitress OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT, Birkdale - Waitress Entertainments Officer > Accountable for a budget of £ 15,000 > Required to prepare accounts/reports DESFORD CHEMICAL SERVICES - Volunteer |
Interests |
Aerobics, netball, cinema, theatre, reading |
References |
Available on request |
Task |
Below is a list of do's and don'ts for writing CVs. How far do you agree with them?
write briefly
spend time getting your layout right
stress relevant skills, qualifications and experience
present a positive image
show knowledge of institutions (speak their language)
check the final version carefully
Do not
write at great length
give unnecessary information
go back into the distant past
use the same CV for each application
make spelling mistakes
tell lies
give up applying if you are unsuccessful
Task |
Write your own CV, either for a place as a student at a university abroad, or for a job that you would like. You might like to find an advertisement to help you. In this case, please hand in a copy of the advertisement with your CV.
Task |
CVs should be accompanied by a covering letter. Look back at the corrections to your covering letter in Unit 2 Lesson 2, then write a covering letter to go with your CV.
Selection interviews
are being selected for an exchange programme. Three of them have the chance to
study at
Task |
Discuss with a partner what you think would be fair criteria for selection.
Write 5 questions for the interview.
Students spend a lot of their time in the library. It might be difficult for some new users to find the right sections in a foreign university's library.
Task |
Student A should ask his/her partner to find out where to
make some photocopies
ask for a handbook to be borrowed from another library
read a novel for leisure
find the Encyclopaedia Britannica
search for certain titles on fresh water fish
Student B should give the name and location of the sections asked about, on the basis of his floor map of the library.
Student A now should label the missing sections of his/her map.
Task |
Now Student B should ask his/her partner to find out where to
study the back issues of the Financial Times
have a bite to eat
make a phonecall with a phone card
renew your membership
Student A should give the information consulting his floor map of the library.
Student B will now label the missing sections on his map.
Finally, compare your maps to see if you've got the sections and locations right.
Task |
Now you are being asked to help a new library user.
Try and answer his/her questions without looking at the flowchart.
A1: Quite often we have to spend a whole day in the library. Apart from the usual lending and borrowing are there any other services provided by the library?
A2: What happens if the book I'd like to borrow is on loan?
B2: ..
A3: We quite often need reference books. What kind of reference books can you find in the library?
A4: Where can I look up my own loan record?
A5: What are the criteria for accessing a book?
A6: How many ways are there of accessing a book?
A7: Can you tell me where the computerised on-line public catalogue is established and how to use it?
A8: When shall I return the book?
A9: How many books can I take at a time?
A10: How many times can I renew a book?
Task |
With a partner discuss some problems you have encountered in libraries, these may include rules and regulations or organisation. ( for example taking back overdue books, fines etc.)
Task |
On the following page you can see a number of statements people have made about learning.
Interview your partner to find out how far s/he agrees or disagrees with them.
Note down his or her opinion briefly in the questionnaire.
Be prepared to report back to the class.
agrees |
disagrees |
comment |
1. Learning takes place in the classroom. | ||||||
2. Attendance at lectures and seminars should be optional. | ||||||
3. The teacher is responsible for my progress. | ||||||
4. Students should have the freedom to choose their teachers. | ||||||
5. Teachers should have the freedom to choose their students. | ||||||
6. Computers should play a more important part in the teaching process. | ||||||
7. Students should not be asked to evaluate one another's work. | ||||||
8. Assessment is better through project work then testing. | ||||||
9. Written work should not be given as home assignments. | ||||||
10. I cannot learn anything useful from another student in pairwork activities. | ||||||
Task |
Read through the sentences and fill in the missing words in the crossword.
1. Kind of collection in a library to be consulted there but not available for loan.
2. Work station in a computer network system.
3. List of courses at a meal, and also part of a computer system.
4. Essential word.
5. Computerized public catalogue of a library.
6. Site or place where something can be found.
7. Names/places/goods, etc. in a special order.
8. Sheet of microfilm.
9. Person's legal, social or professional position in relation to others.
10. Specimens of books, stamps, etc. gathered or obtained.
11. Dictionary of classified synonyms and antonyms.
12. Writer.
13. An alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc. together with page numbers, usually
placed at the end of a book or publication.
14. Accessible, obtainable.
15. A summary of a subject, consisting of a systematic listing of its most important
F | ||||||||||||||||||||||
I | ||||||||||||||||||||||
N | ||||||||||||||||||||||
D | ||||||||||||||||||||||
I | ||||||||||||||||||||||
N | ||||||||||||||||||||||
G | ||||||||||||||||||||||
M | ||||||||||||||||||||||
A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
T | ||||||||||||||||||||||
E | ||||||||||||||||||||||
R | ||||||||||||||||||||||
I | ||||||||||||||||||||||
A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
L | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Task |
Add letters to complete the incomplete words.
All degrees are divided into three levels. Full-ti.. students ta.. one ye.. to comp. each le, whereas pa..-time stud. take o.. and a ha.. to t.. years.
How., students o. sandwich o. language cou. will usu. take a. extra ye.. to comp.
their deg since a ye.. will b. spent o. a wo.. placement o. abroad.
T. gain a deg, 24 un must b. successfully comp.. .
All stu.. build u. credits throug. their deg course b. completing un which a.. individually asse. and gra .
This sys makes i. easier f.. students t.
transfer bet. courses wit
Bri. and Eur since LG.'. system con.. to t.. nationally recog.. Credit Accum. and Tran. Scheme (CA..).
Credit transfer raises a number of questions.
Exchange programmes
Task |
You have been admitted to the Purdue exchange programme. Congratulations!
You want to find out as much about it as possible.You will meet new people, will have the chance to visit new towns, and will eat various food. Be careful what adjectives you match to these nouns.
making a study plan
you have the chance of
studying abroad at
Task |
Read about the programs offered by the two Departments of Purdue University. Decide which of the programs you might like to follow.
Skim the description of courses to confirm whether they are of interest to you.
Now read selected course descriptions more carefully to make your study plan.
Fill in the grid below when you have made your choice.
Course No |
Subject |
Credits |
Course No |
Subject |
Credits |
Task |
Compare your study plan with that of a partner.
Explain how you have made your choices and find out what made your partner choose his or hers.
Tel. (514) 398-7820
Assistant Prolessor: PAUL THOMASSIN
Increasingly complex economic problems facing the agriculture and food system have intensified the need for specialized knowledge and training in the field of agricultural economics. The curriculum is designed to provide students with this knowledge and with analytical and decision making skills required for a career in this field in either the public or private sector. The selection of courses from the agribusiness or agricultural system orientation permits a degree of specialization along those lines, in conjunction with the required core courses listed below.
Core Courses, 27 credits
334-200A Principles of Microeconomics . 3
334-201 B Principles of Macroeconomics 3
334-2308 Economics of Marketing . . . 3
334-3208 Economics of Agriculture Production . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
334-425A Agricultural Econometrics . . . . 3
267-211A Principles of Plant Science. . . 3
342-250A Principles of Animal Science . .. 3
372-210A Principles of Soil Science .. . . 3
A microcomputer applications course
(approved by advisor) . . . . . .. . . . 3
A statistical methods course(approved by advisor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
The development of commercial agriculture is characterized by a large supporting sector of manufacturing and service companies involved in the supply of inputs to farming and the transportation, processing and marketing of agricultural products. Career opportunities in this field reguire management and marketing skills as well as a thorough knowledge of agriculture. The following courses together with the core courses listed above, are designed to províde these skills.
380-242A Management Theories and Practices . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 3
334-231 B Economic Systems of Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3
280-211 Accounting I . . . . . . .. . 3
271-313 Managerial Accounting I . . 3
280-341 Finance I . . . . . . . . ..3
425-20t Effective Written Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
278-382 Introduction to International Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
334-331 A Farm Business Management . .3
382-446A Personnel Management . . . .. 3
334-4508 Agribusiness Management . 3
334-4528 Studies in Agribusiness .. . 3
Total Required Course Credits for the Option 60
Electives to meet the minimum 90 credit requirement for the degree.
Macdonald Stewart Building- Rm. MS3-014
Tel. (514) 398-7911
Associate Professors: STUART B. HILL; DAVID J. LEWIS
Emeritus Curator:
This minor program is designed to focus on the principles underlying the practice of ecological agriculture and is suitable for students wishing to farm, do extension and government work, and those intending to pursue post graduate studies in this field. The minor can be associated with existing major programs in the Faculty, but ín some instances it may reguire more than 90 credits to meet the requirements of both the major and the minor.
Students are advised to consult their Major Program adviser and the Academic Adviser of the Minor in their first year. At the time of registration for their penultimate year, students must declare their intent to obtain a Minor in Ecological Agricuture. With the agreement of their Major Program adviser they must submit their program of courses already taken and to be taken in their final year to the Academic Adviser of the Ecological Agriculture Minor. The Academic Adviser of the Ecological Agriculture Minor will then certify which courses the student will apply toward the minor and that the student's program conforms with the requirements of the minor.
The following 4 courses (12 credits) must be taken.
330-2508 Principles of Ecological Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . 3
330-430A Ecological Agriculture Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 3
330-3308 Technology for Low input Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
350-335A Soil Ecology and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
In additon,12 credits must be chosen from the following list
in consultation with the Academic Adviser for the Minor.
330-401B Integrated Crop Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
334-333A Resource Economics . . .. 3
340-434B Weed Biology and Control3
344-205B Principles of Ecology . . . . 3
346-451A Plant Ecology . . . .. . . . 3
349-311BEthology . .. . . . . . . . . .. 3
350-452A Biocontrol of Insect Pests. .. 3
362-331B Microbial Ecology . . . . .3
387-300B Cropping Systems . . . . .. .. . 3
372-430A Soil Biochemistry . . . . . 3
An appropriate Animal Science course . . 3
Notes: 1) Most courses listed at the 300 level and higher prerequisites. Although instructors may waive prerequisite(s) in some cases, students are urged to prepare their program of study well before their final year.
2) Not all courses are available in any given year. Consult departmental listings for full course descriptions and offerings.
4. Description of Courses
(3 credits; 3 lectures and one 2-seminar.). Historical overview; ecological basis; environmental, nutritional, socio-cultural, economic and intemational implications; practical examples from soil management, pest and disease control; integrated crop and livestock production and marketing systems; appropriate technology; agronomic, economic, institutional and political opportunities for change.
Professor S.B.HilI
330-330B TECHNOLOGY FOR LOW INPUT AGRICULTURE. (3 credits; 2 lectures and one 2-hr. seminar, restricted enrolment; preference given to students in the Ecological Agriculture Minor). Underlying principles and analysis of equipment and techniques for low input systems of crop production, animal housing, waste management, soil and water management and food/feed processing and storage.
Professor Aly-Hassan
330-401B INTEGRATED CROP PROTECTION. (3 credits; 3 lectures. Prerequisites: 350-330A). Interdisciplinary approach to plant protection. I P M concepts of economic thresholds, monitoring and forecasting, epidemiology, population dynamics, simulation, delivery systems and other basic elements are integrated with the control components within the agroecosystem.
Professors T.C. Paulitz and R.K. Stewart
330-411A INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 conference). A study of the climate, soils and major economic plant and animal species in tropical and sub-tropical regions; cropping and agro-forestry systems; pest and disease problems; soil and water management; environmental, health and nutrition, and economic issues in rural development; energy and technology for developing countries; the role of intemational aid and development agencies; case studies on various aspects of food and agricultural systems in developing countries will be presented.
Professor C. Madramootoo
330-430A ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE SYSTEMS. (3 credits; 2 lectures and 1 conference). A study of intemational agriculture; physical, biological and social resource basis for agriculture in developing countries; land tenure and marketing; technology transter and programs; sugar, cassava and animal production systems; rural development programs.
Professor C. Madramootoo
330-495D,N SEMINAR AND ASSIGNMENT. (2 credits; 1 lecture). Preparation. presentation and discussion of reports upon approved agricultural subjects chosen in consultation with staff members involved in the subject concemed.
Professor K.A. Stewart
344-120A GENERAL BIOLOGY. (3 credits; 3 lectures. 1 lab.). The basis of life in terms of structures and processes; the cell, issues organs, systems, organisms. societies: plant and animal structure, common functions of metabolism, nutrition, growth, perception. reproduction: introduction to embryology, ecology, genetics evolution. Higher animals and plants are emphasized.
Professor McFarlane and Staff
344-201B BIOLOGY OF ORGANISMS II. (3 credits: 3 lectures and one 3-hr. lab). An introduction to the study of algae, fungi, bryophytes and vascular plants. Evoutionary principles are introduced and applied a comparative study of the structural and reproductive characters of the major groups. Topics in higher plant physiology such as photosynthesis, growth and development and plant water relations are also introduced.
Professor Waterway
344-202B CELLULAR BIOLOGY. (3 credits: 4 lectures). Cellular biology in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells, including their interaction with viruses. Structure, function und replication of theoretical cell types with the emphasis on structure and structurally related function. Some examples of specialized cells are then provided to illustrate some of the differences between cell types. Some background in biochemistry is required.
Professor Niven and staff
344-205B PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGY. (3 credits: 2 lectures and 1 conference). The interactions of organisms and the physical environment. Ecological principles will be discussed at the level of the individual, the population and the community.
Professors Hill. Knowles and Bider
346-252B PLANT ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY. (3 credits; 2 lectures and one 2-hr. lab.). A detailed study of cells, cell division, tissues and their development, and the general anatomy of vascular plants.
Professor Donnelly
348-353B PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. (4 credits; 3 lectures and one 3-hr. lab.). Respiration, photosynthesis, mineral nutrition, water relations, translocation of solutes and plant development.
Professor Sparace
346-358A SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. (4 credits, 2 lectures, 1 3-hr. lab, plus a 5 day field week, held the week preceding the start of classes). Principles of classification and identification of vascular plants with special emphasis on those families of economic and practical importance; also an introduction to modem taxonomic methods. Field trips.
Professor Waterway
346-451A PLANT ECOLOGY. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 3-hr. lab.). A study of the major vegetation units; the influence of environmental factors on the evolution, distribution, and succession of plant communities; and on the distribution, form and function of plant species. Methods of ecological analyses.
Professor Sparace
340-331A CEREAL CROPS. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 3-hr. Iab. period. Prerequisite: 367-211 A). Cereal crops (small grains, corn, etc.), including historical development, economic importance, botanical relationships, geographical distribution ot types and cultivars; cultural practices in cereal crop production; quality factors associated with grading, processing and utilization of cereal crop products.
Professor Smith
340-332B INDUSTRIAL CROPS. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 3-hr. lab. Prerequisite: 367-211 A). A study of temperate and subtropical crops grown for oil, fibre, sugar and other industrial products. Attention to historical development and economic importance, botanical types and cultivars, cultural practices, quality factors, grading processing and utilization.
Professor Coulman
340-333A FORAGE CROPS. (3 credits; 3
lectures and 1 3-hr. Iab. Prerequisite: 367-211A). The ecology, quality
physiology and production of the important forage species of Eastem
Professor Coulman
340-434B WEED BIOLOGY AND CONTROL. (3 credits; 3 lectures und 1 3-hr. lab. Prerequisite: 367-211 A). A study of the biology of undesirable vegetation as related to the principles of prevention and physical, biological, managerial and chemical control. Emphasis on the environmental impact of the different methods of weed control.
Professor Watson
340-435B PLANT BREEDING. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 2-hr. Iab. Prerequisite: 367-211A and 356-204A,B and 356-205A,B). Reproduction of cultivated plants. Variability and heritability. Breeding methods for self and cross pollinated crops.
Professor Watson
350-330A INSECT BIOLOGY AND CONTROL. (3 credits: no lectures, one lab.; and project). Each student plans, in consultation with the instructor, a program from a wide range of modules. These are designed to introduce insect structure, physiology, development systematics, evolution, ecology and control. The course stresses interrelationships, integrated pest control and information storage and retrieval.
Professor Hill
350-335A SOIL ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 3-h. lab: Prerequisites: 372-210A end 344-2058.). The physical and chemical environment of soil organism; survey of soil microflora and fauna; processes and optimal agronomic systems of management consistent with the goals of ecological agriculture.
Professor Hill
560-452A BIOCONTROL OF INSECT PESTS. (3 credits; 3 lectures). Modern concepts of integrated control techniques and principles of insect pest management, with emphasis on biological control (use of predators, parasites and pathogens against pest insects), population monitoring and manipulation of environmental, behavioural and physiological factors in the pest's way of life. Physical, cultural, and genetic controls and an introduction to the use of non-toxic biochemical controls (attractants, repellents, pheromones, antimetabolites.
Professors Yule und Dunphy
334-200A PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS. (3 credits: 3 lectures). The field at economics as it relates to the activities of individual consumers, firms and organizations. Emphasis throughout is on the application of economic principles and concepts to every day decision making and to the analysis of current economic issues.
Professor Gunjal
334-201B PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS. (3 credits; 3 lectures; Prereqvisite: 334-200A or equivalent). The overall economic system, how it works, and the instruments used to solve social problems. Emphasis will be on decision-making involving the entire economic system and segments of it.
Professor AI-Zand
334-230B ECONOMICS OF MARKETING. (3 credits; 3 lectures; Prerequisite: 334-200A or equivalent). Marketing principles and practices, their relationship to the agriculture-food system, and the economic impact on all segments of this system. Emphasis on the application of marketing principles in problem-solving and in developing marketing and communication skills of the individual.
AGRICULTURE. (3 credits; 3 lectures; Prerequisite: 334-200A or equivalent). The
structure and organization of
Professor Coffin
334-242A MANAGEMENT THEORIES AND PRACTICES. (3 credits; 3 lectures). An introduction to contemporary management theories and practices and their effect on the organizational structure and administrative functions of a dietary department.
Professor Westgren
334-320B ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION. (3 credits, 3 lectures; Prerequisite: 334-200A or equivatent). An intermediate theory course in agricultural economics, dealing with economic concepts as applied to agricultural production and cost functions. Includes theory and application of linear programming as related to production decisions.
Professor Henning
334-331A FARM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. (3 credits; 3 lectures; Prerequisite: 334-200A or equivalent). Managing a farm business. Topics include: the decision making process. farm business centre and farm records, farm management and economic concepts, farm planning and budgeting, input management (land, capital. labour and time), tax management (farm organization, estate planning. etc.).
Mr. Baker
334-333A RESOURCE ECONOMIC.. (3 credits; Prerequisites: 334-200A or equivalent). The role of resources in the environment, use of resources, and managment of economic resources within the firm or organisation. Problem-solving, case studies involving private and public decision-making in organisations are utilized.
Professor Thomasein
334-343B ACOUNTING AND COST CONTROL (3 credits, 3 lectures). An introduction to the basic principles and concepts of responsibility accounting and cost control, analysis and utilization of financial statements and control system data for decision making.
334-S50B AGRICULTURAL FINANCE (3 credits, 3 lectures: Prerequisite: 334 ("AB")331A). The economic study of acquisition and use of capital in agriculture. Topics include:
the analysis of financial statements: farm appraisal; investment analysis: risk in financial intermediates serving agriculture; aggregate financing in agriculture.
Mr. Baker
334-350A AGRICULTURAL ECONOMETRICS. (3 credits, 3 lectures: Prerequisite:360-310A,B. 334,200A and 334,201B or equivalent). Concepts and procedures used in defining and estimating econometric modules applied in agriculture. Emphasis on application and estimation of single equation models and solutions
to problems such as auto-correlation, hetroscedasticity and multicollinearity. Use of dummy variable technique.
Professor Henning
334-430B AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RESOURCE POLICY. (3 credits; 3 lectures: Prerequisities: 334-201B or equivalent and 334-321. Examination of Canadian, North American and International agriculture, food and resource policies, policy instruments, programs and their implications. Economic analysis applied to the underlying principles, procedures and objectives of various policy actions affecting agriculture.
Professor Al-Zand
AGRICULTURE AND FOOD MARKETING. (3 credits; 3 lectures; Prerequisities:
334-201B or equivalent and 334-320A). The nature and the economic organisation
of agricultural and food marketing including the application of economic
concepts to problems and procedures, and their impact on Canadian and North
American agriculture. Pricing and marketing of principal agricultural products
Professor Coffin
AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. (3 credits; 3 Íectures: Prerequisites:
334-201B or equivalent). The description, analysis and factors affecting the
development of food systems in
Professor Gunjel
334-450B AGRI-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. (3 credits; 3 lectures; Prerequisites: 334-230B and 330-310A,B). Managament of operations in agribusiness firms. The use of computer models to make decisions on output mix, facilily location. expansion. inventory management and production and workforce scheduling.
Professor Westgren
334-452B STUDIES IN AGRIBUSINESS. (3 credits) Prerequisities: open only to U. students in Agribusiness Management option in agricultural Economics. This course integrates subject matter from agricultural economics and management through the use of case studies. Topics include feasibility analyses for new ventures, market research, strategic, management decisions, workforce managament, and international dimensions of agribusiness. Students will prepare written and oral presentations of individual and group case studies.
Professor Westgren
334-490D,N SEMINAR IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. (2 credits). Oral and written presentation and discussion on topics and research problems of current interest in agricultural economics by staff, students and special guests:.
Professor Coffin and Staff
334-491A RESEARCH SEMINAR IN NATURAL ECONOMICS. (3 credit, 3 Iectures. Prerequisites: 334-201B or equivalent and 334-320A). The nature methods and objectives of agricultural economics research concerned with the economic problems affecting the agriculture and food system. Emphasis is on problem identification, and the collection, analysis, and presentation of evidence. Students will present one or more seminars on a research project in agricultural economics.
Professor Thomassin
334-493D,N SPECIAL TOPICS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. (3 credits, 334-201B or equivalent). Students will pursue topics that are not otherwise available in formal courses. An individual course of study will be followed under the supervision of a member of the staff qualified in the appropriate discipline or area.
334-493D,N SPECIAL TOPICS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (3 credits) Presentation and discussion of current problems in agricultural economics by staff and/or special guests. This course is offered on an irregular basis under special circumstances.
COMPUTER SCIENCES306-573A,B MICROC0MPUTERS. (3 credits; 3 hours: Prerequisites: 308-305). Characteristics and internal structure of microcomputers and workstations. Theoretical concepts and properties of assemblers, loaders and simulators. Assembler and machine languages for microcomputers. System software. Applications for single and networked microcomputers. Students will be assigned 'hands-on' projects. Section O1 308-573A TTh 10:00-11:30, Section 01 308-573B TTh 10:00-11:30Professor Ratzer 308-575A FUNDAMENTALS OF PARALLEL COMPUTING (3 credits, 3 hours: prerequisite: 306-310). Computational modell and complexity of parallel computations. Fundamental parallel algorithms: searching, merging, sorting, prefix sums, broadcasting. routing,.., etc. Basic data structures (arrays, lists, trees, graphs) and parallel algorithms for their manipulation. Parallel algorithms for numerical and optimization problems. Communication and scheduling, algorithms in multiprocessors. Section O1 MW 08:30-10:00 Professor El-Gindy |
MATHEMATICS380-101A CALCULUS I. (3 credits; 3 lectures; prerequisite: a course in functions). A review of functions and graphs. Limits, continuity, deratives. Differentiation of elementary functions. Anti-differentiation. Applications. Professor Hayes 360-310A,B STATISTICAL METHODS I. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 2-hr. Iab.). Measures of central tendency and dispersion; normal, student's t, chi square, and F distribution; estimation and testing hypotheses; analysis of variance for simple experimental designs; regression and correlations; binominal and Poisson distribution. |
PLANT SCIENCE367-211A PRINCIPLES OF PLANT SCIENCE. (3 credits; 3 lectures and one 2-hr. lab.). A study of major world crop species with emphasis on their adaptation and distribution in relation to the economic botany of the plants. 367-300B CROPPING SYSTEMS. (3 credits; 3 lectures and 1 3-hr. lab. Prerequisite: 367-211A.) Application of plant science and soil science to production of agronomic and horticultural crops. Use and sustainability of fertilization, weed control, crop rotation, tillage, drainage and irrigation practices. Professor Smith 367-450A,B SPECIAL TOPICS IN
SOIL SCIENCE372-200A INTRODUCTION TO EARTH SCIENCE. (3 credits; 3 lectures, one 3-hr lab.). Introductory concepts of geology and geomorphology will be presented including: rocks and minerals, surficial deposits, history and structure of the earth. Professor Handanhot 372-210A PRINCIPLES OF SOIL SCIENCE. (3 credits: 3 lectures and one a 3-hr. lab.). Origin. development and classification of soils, chemical and physical properties related to crop production, soil conservation and Iand use. Professor O'Halloran 972-3158 B SOIL FERTILITY AND FERTILIZERS. (3 credits; 3 lectures and one lab.: Prerequisite 372-210A or permission of instructor). Plant nutrients in the soil, influence of soil properties of nutrient absorption and plant growth, use of organic and inorganic fertilisers. Professor MacKenzie 372-350E SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION credits; 2 lectures plus field trips; Prerequisite: 372-210A). Managament of agricultural soil systems for sustained yield. Causes and forms of soil degradation and impacts on water, including soil erosion by wind and water, soil compaction, structural breakdown, soil acidification. Conservation practices and engineering solutions will be examined. Field trips during the first week of May mandatory. Professors Mehuys and Madramotoo 372-410B SOIL CHEMISTRY. (3 credits; 3 lectures and one Iab.; Prerequisite 372-210A or permission of instructor. (Offered in alternate years). Professor O'Halloran |
In laboratory practices or when you do any calculations you might need to read some numbers out loud.
Decimal fractions
Task |
Work in pairs. Read aloud.
(nought) point one two five [(bnjdt) pjknt bwsn tu afhkv]
(nought) point two five
(nought) point three three
(nought) point five
(nought) point seven five
We can use 'zero', 'nought' or 'oh' [em] for the number 0:
is the most common
'oh' is the least technical or precise
'nought point five' for 0.5 is more precise than 'point five'
Liquid measure of capacity
Task |
Work in pairs. Read aloud.
Using the measure equivalents, ask and answer questions.
How many litres is one pint equivalent to?
One pint is equivalent to 0.5679 litres.
The Imperial system (GB and US)
GB The Metric system
20 fluid ounces (fl oz) = 1 pint = 0.568 litres
2 pints = 1 quart = 1.136 litres
4 quarts = 1 gallon = 4.543 litres
16 fluid ounces = 1 pint = 0.473 litres
2 pints = 1 quart = 0.946 litres
4 quarts = 1 gallon = 3.785 litres
Apothecaries' fluid measure
GB The Metric system
60 minims = 1 fluid drachm (dram) = 3.552 millilitres
8 fluid drachms = 1 fluid ounce = 2.841 centilitres
20 fluid ounces = 1 pint = 0.568 litres
8 pints = 1 gallon = 4.546 litres
Metric system GB
1000 millilitres (mm) = 1 litre = 1.75 pints = 2.101 pints
Temperature equivalents
Boiling point 212o o
Freezing point 32o 0o
Absolute zero -459.67o -273.15o
Task |
Work in pairs. Read aloud.
Dictate temperatures to each other and using the conversion formulae below, convert them.
Conversion formulae:
+ Xo Fahrenheit = (X-32)5 Celsius
- X Fahrenheit = (X+32)5 Celsius
X Celsius = 9X + 32 Fahrenheit
Task |
Work in pairs.
Read aloud the sentences (' is for minute, ' is for second).
20ml 121oC 0.122 megapascal
15 minutes is sufficient to sterilize 20 millilitres of medium at a temperature of 121 degrees Centigrade (or degrees Celsius) at a pressure of 0.122 megapascal.
10ml 89oC 0.120 megapascal
30m1 35oC 0.077 megapascal
15ml 139oC 7.349 megapascal
Task |
Work in pairs.
Read aloud.
membranes of pore size 0.2micrometre (say: micrometres)/
0.02mm (say: millimetres)/
3.96mm / 0.0534micrometre / 29.017mm
Task |
You can increase your vocabulary fast, if you can build words with the help of prefexes and suffixes.
Complete the table with the different forms of each word.
Verb |
Noun |
provide |
Provision |
facilitate | |
Choice |
apply | |
Registration |
attend | |
pay | |
cost | |
Variable,variation, variety |
rent |
Task |
A student was asked by the funding body to write a report on his study period abroad by answering the following questions:
What kind of activities did you perform during your stay abroad?
What were the results of your activities abroad?
What kind of recognition did you receive at your home institution for the stay abroad, if any?
Task |
Write down the opposites of the words below.Put the opposites into five lists, depending on which of the following prefixes you have used.
dis-, un-,
in-, im-,
fertile sentimental accessible
moral liberal realistic
Answer the questions from task 1 using the adjectives above:
dis- |
un- |
in- |
im- |
Task |
Read the report below.
Individual Grantholder Report
I completed a
study period of 9 months from October 2003 to June 2004 at the
Since the
structure of veterinary training of the
While at Edinbrough, I took part in the clerking-duty-system which gave me the opportunity of complementing my theoretical knowledge with practical experience. For example, during the internal-medicine clerking weeks, I learnt how to use ECG and ultrasound equipment and to carry out thorough clinical examinations. During the anaesthesia and surgery clerking weeks, I became familiar with the control of the X-ray machines, the principles of radiological interpretation and the use of anaesthetic equipment. In addition, I was able to master basic surgical interventions and techniques and gain experience by assisting in operations which demanded greater professional knowledge.
Another of the
benefits of my study period was that I could use the Veterinary Science Library
I hope I will be able to use this knowledge satisfactorily during my further studies and in my practical work as a veterinary surgeon. My aim is to share my practical and theoretical knowledge with my colleagues and to draw attention to the subjects which are not emphasised adequately.
I would like to thank the European Union's Tempus Mobility Joint European Project, the University of Edinbrough School of Veterinary Science, the Cluj University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine and Iasi University of Agricultural Sciences for the opportunity of spending a very useful, efficient and enjoyable academic year at the University of Edinbrough School of Veterinary Science.
Task |
1. Highlight or underline the passages in the report that answer questions 1 to 5.
2. Which question is not answered? What might the student have said here?
3. What does the candidate add that is not asked for? How useful is this?
Task |
1. Read the comments below.
2. Work out the answers to the questions individually.
3. Check your responses with a partner.
Organising information
If you were able to answer question 1 above relatively easily, it suggests that the report writer has organised his material well. Task: What points are dealt with in each of the paragraphs?
Technical vocabulary
Several terms are used which are specific to veterinary science. Would these confuse the reader of the report, who may not be a specialist, or does the writer give help through the context in which the words are used? Task: Find three examples of where technical terms are explained by the context.
'Signposts' and link words
How easy is it to read this report? One of the ways for a writer to make his piece read smoothly is to pay attention to the words used to link parts of sentences, sentences, and paragraphs. Task: Underline or highlight in the text connecting words and then try to categorise them under the following headings:
A: words used to indicate additional ideas.
B: words used to indicate a consequence.
C: words used to illustrate a point previously made.
Task |
1. Improve the following extract of a report by arranging it into paragraphs.
Use suitable connecting words and punctuate the text appropriately.
You may change the order of sentences if you wish.
2. Compare your revised version with a partner's.
I studied in the Department of
Agricultural Economics of Reading University in
In their second year students usually need to specialise in certain courses of study.
Task |
Choose one of the special fields in Table A, B, C or D.
Table A
Agricultural extension services |
Animal nutrition |
Dairy farming |
Fish farming |
Game management |
Herb production |
Meat production |
Plant protection and weed control |
Plant genetics and breeding |
Specialist language translator |
Tropical and subtropical agriculture |
Table B
Agricultural production technology and machine maintenance |
Engineering economics andmanagement |
Engineering mathematics |
Environmental techniques |
Food processing |
Product and manufacturing design |
Table C
Agricultural economics |
Agricultural extension service |
Agricultural marketing |
Applied computer science |
Business administration |
Human resources management |
Finance and accountancy |
Rural development |
Specialist language translator training |
Teacher training |
Table D
Land evaluation |
Monitoring, analysis and environment |
Nature and land protection |
Regional development |
Organic farming |
Soil science |
Task |
Work with a partner.
Justify your choice to your partner, using the expressions provided below.
Useful language
I would like to specialise in .., because |
I think choosing .. will give me the opportunity |
In order to . I have decided to specialise in |
The field of specifically interests me, since |
Task |
Before listening, discuss with your neighbour if you would like to participate in a studying and training programme in an English-speaking country. What kind of qualifications would you have to have for this? Would you meet these requirements?
Task |
Imagine you live with a host family.
1. Make a list of the kind of problems you could face in a host family.
2. Find ways of solving these problems. Suggest ways of building a good relationship with the host family.
Task |
You have just started your studies abroad. On the first day you have to go to the following places in sequence: bank, library, international relations office. Make inquiries where these are.
Task |
Ask your partner for directions and follow them on the map. Identify the buildings and fill in the numbers.
Dean's Office ..
Foreing Languages Department ..
Library ..
Bank ..
Task |
Sort the following expressions into categories: applying to a university (write A)
studying at a university (write S)
S to take the core module
to apply for a place at a university
to enter a program
to sit/re-sit an examination
to enclose the official transcript
to study on a full-time or part-time basis
to register for a course
to provide training/offer courses in
to take/complete a course
to contact the relevant institution
to provide untrue or incomplete information
to gain technical knowledge and practical skills
to do research/a course in
to offer a place
full-time degree course
limited enrol(l)ment
to accept/decline an offer
to choose an optional module
to apply for admission
entrance to a program
to withdraw from a course
studies leading to a degree or diploma
this degree combines courses in
to be subject to academic discipline
to attend an interview
the faculty offers an Ordinary or General degree
to study for a degree in a faculty
competitive admission to swhere
to enrol(l) in a course
vocationally oriented courses
to assess one's application
to choose an elective module
this course covers 12 months of full-time study
Task |
Practise your word building strategies. Find the verbs of the noun forms in the previous task, and the nouns for the verb forms listed. Collect any related adjectives as well that you can think of.
Graphs AND Charts
On the following pages you will find information on the farming industries of various countries. This information is presented in different ways.
Task |
Identify the graphics by writing their number in the table below. There might be more than one example of each type of graphic.
Type |
Number/s |
Bar chart or bar graph | |
Graph | |
Pie chart | |
Pictogram or pictograph | |
Table |
Task |
Check your answers to Task 1 with a partner.
Task |
With a partner, decide if each graphic is the best way to illustrate the information given. Explain why you think so. If not, what other type of graphic could have been chosen?
Task |
Look at graphic . Consider why there is such a difference in the figures shown in the first column from those displayed in the second and third columns.
Compare your explanation with a partner's.
Task |
Look at graphic . Why is it unsatisfactory and what do you suggest to put it right?
Discuss your solution with a partner.
Are there any other graphics you think could be improved? Explain how.
Task |
Look at graphic again.
Label the curves after reading the following commentaries.
A. The value of the production of horticultural crops rose dramatically from the mid-60s and by 1990 looked as though it would continue its steep rise.
B. The value from poultry remained relatively stable in the last four years under review.
C. Revenue from pig farming fluctuated considerably in the 80s, reaching an all-time high in 1988. Prices levelled off as the decade ended.
D. The value of the production of cattle rose sharply from the early 70s and peaked in the early 80s. Although there was a marked decline after that, the value still remained over 10 billion guilders per year by the end of the decade.
Task |
Now describe to a partner the performance of arable crops.
Graphs 1,2,4 adapted from those in 'An Introduction to the flow of information in Dutch Agriculture, Nature management and Fisheries, 1992 Graph 3 taken from ' Farm Figures and Facts
from |
Graphs 5,6,8 as for 1,2,4 Graph 7 as for 3 |
Task |
Read the following texts and decide with a partner which kinds of graphics could be used to illustrate them.
Text 1 The 20
million jobs in the |
Text 2 Agricultural employment is extremely seasonal. Farmwork has periods of peak labor use, for example during the harvesting of perishable fruits and vegetables. In most states, labor use reaches its peak during summer and few workers are employed during the winter. Only 36 percent of all hired farmworkers last year worked in January or February. The proportion rose to nearly 50 percent in May and increased to more than 60 percent in June, July, and August and then steadily declined through December |
Task |
Draw the graphics.
Although you do not have enough detail in Text 2 to complete the graphic in detail, sufficient is provided to enable you to do the greater part.
Think carefully of the title to use for each graphic and how and where you will label them.
Task |
Look at the following graph and read the sales report below it. Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the words given.
depth average dramatically stood summit low peak levelled off
At the beginning of the year sales (1) at 1,800 loaders. Sales then climbed steadily
and reached a (2) of 3,000 loaders in February but fell slightly
to 2,700 at the end of March and (3) during the next two months. By the end of
June, however, sales had fallen (4) to 1,200 (an all-time (5) ). The (6) number of loaders sold during the first six
months was thus 2,350 per month.
Task |
Find the word/s in the charts or paragraphs A-D in Unit 7 Lesson 1 which mean/s:
1. the agricultural sector of the economy
2. land or theowning of land
3. suitable for ploughing; usually ploughed or cultivated
4. animals put to or kept on grassland or pasture
5. animals that feed on grain such as barley or rye
6. eat and drink; use up
7. exports from the country
8. produce sold (with)in the country
Task |
Explain what the underlined words mean in the sentences below and what their other meaning/s is/are.
the bulk of the primary production is processed in the food industry
, as far as the home market share is concerned,
120,000 people are engaged in farming
the number of farm-hands is approx. 13,000
they have to pay 228 per cent more for their production aids etc.
Lots of young people like working their way around the world and thus getting to know different countries and cultures as well as obtaining some professional experience. You are going to read an article about their experiences.
Task |
Look at the following headline, caption and photo.
Decide whether the article from 'The Independent' is going to be about the difficulties or the pleasant aspects of doing summer jobs abroad.
Roll up your sleeves and see the world
Working abroad may sound the perfect way to experience other cultures, but what is the reality?
Task |
Collect a few difficulties you might encounter working abroad.
Task |
You will be working in three groups,each group reading a different extract.
When you have finished reading the text, fill in the table below.
Emigrating or marrying a native working abroad is the best way of
experiencing a foreign culture from the inside. It's true that the traveller
who spends a few months on a Anyone with a taste for adventure has the
potential for exploring far-flung corners of the globe on very little
money. In an ideal world, it would be
possible to register with an international employment agency and wait to be
assigned a glamorous job as an underwater photography model in the Caribbean or ski-tow operator in Yet there are a few 'easy' ways
to prearrange a working holiday, for instance as counsellors on American
summer camps and as volunteers on an Israeli kibbutz or European workcamp.
Student exchange organisations such as the British Universities North America
Club can help with the nitty gritty: Bunac has a choice of programmes in the Most itinerant job-seekers will have to
depend on the two industries that survive on seasonal labour: tourism and
agriculture. Campsite operators, hoteliers and catering managers from The other major fields of temporary overseas employment are au pairing (almost exclusively women), English teaching (difficult for periods of less than nine months) and voluntary work. Commercial and charitable agencies can fix up a placement ahead of time, primarily for participants willing to finance themselves. |
G1 |
International workcamps are the most
accessible form of voluntary service abroad, since they last only a couple of
weeks, operate mostly in Europe and accept unskilled volunteers to build communal facilities, restore or excavate historic monuments or clean up the
local environment. The registration fee of £50-£100 covers accommodation and
communally prepared food but not travel. A few other worthy projects cost
even less: for example a fortnight spent building a bridge in a Every country in the world has immigration policies which are job protection schemes for their own nationals. The European Union is meant to have done away with all that, though red-tape snags persist for those who want to work for more than three months. Outside the 15 member nations, work authorisations become decidedly tricky unless you participate in a government-sponsored scheme, such as the Japan Exchange & Teaching (JET) scheme or the Norwegian Farm Working Guest programme, or qualify for special schemes such as the Australian working holiday visa for bona-fide travellers under 26. Less structured possibilities abound,
however. Enterprising travellers have managed to earn money by doing a
bizarre range of odd jobs, from selling home-made peanut butter to American
tourists to busking on the bagpipes, from doing Tarot readings on a
Mediterranean ferry to becoming film extras (Hong Kong, Susan Griffith is the author of `Work Your Way Around The World' (Vacation Work Publication £9.99). |
G2. |
Oh no, here comes another timber truck
Public school may be a fine preparation
for prison, but nothing in I had pitched up in rural |
talked, so we were wearing fibreglass hearing protectors. I yelled and grinned and nodded, and so did they; and at the end of the interview we decided that my Swedish was up to the job. That was all Leif needed to know: had it not been, he would have been obliged by law to pay for me to go to end-less language lessons. He and his foreman, Rolf, were among the hardest-working men I have ever known. We built the wooden pallets on which Volvo marine diesels were shipped around the world. We also sawed the wood; stacked them man-high by |
hand; delivered them to the factories; repaired our own fork-lift trucks and cars; spread asphalt, and, worst of all, unloaded the great timber lorries that drove up once a fortnight. Everything was done at tremendous speed from 6.30 in the morning until 3.30 in the afternoon. For the first two months, I ate ravenously, except when I fell asleep while eating, and still lost weight. The pallets weighed 40 to 50 kilos, and I had to make and stack 72 a day. I decided I would never do an honest job again. Andrew Brown |
G3. | ||||
Task |
Choose a partner from each of the 2 other groups.
Fill in the missing information with the help of those who have read the other two extracts.
G1. | ||||
G2. | ||||
G3. |
Task |
In your group of 3, discuss the following questions:
Do the articles describe summer jobs and odd jobs abroad in a positive light?
Have you ever worked abroad ? What are your experiences?
Have you heard of any friends or acquaintances to have done work abroad? How did they like it? Did they have any difficulties?
Task |
Make a note of slang or colloquial expressions from all the three texts.
Work with a partner and compare your lists.
Try to give the formal equivalent of the words.
Task |
These are synonyms or definitions of words you may not have met before.
1. singing or playing music for money
2. victory
3. to be given a job
4. tray or big plate
5. minor details to arrange or work on
6. arrange
7. mainly
8. two weeks
9. official; adhering to rules and regulations
really easy
14. transported
15. very fast
Task |
Find the relative clauses in Texts 1 and 3. Decide whether they are Defining (D) or Non-defining (ND) ones.
1. We unloaded the great timber lorries that drove up once a fortnight. (D)
2. He and his foreman, Rolf, were among the hardest-working men I have ever
known. (D)
3. Au pairing, which is almost exclusively taken by women, is one of the major fields of temporary overseas employment. (ND)
Task |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate relative pronouns (who, that, which or -).
The one concern I have is that I have is that I am not putting sufficient quantities of P and K on.
I have just received my cheque for the bulk of feed wheat I sold forward last January at F
I am presently sitting on a tonnage of milling wheat, feed barley, and the balance of rape was not sold forward and paid in August.
They are currently considering a report has embarrassed organic farmers acutely.
Organic agriculture is a different system is characterised by low external inputs but focuses on re-structuring and optimising processes within the systems.
His main reason for using the product is the service comes with it.
The business also employs an agronomist, also oversees the purchase of fertiliser and pesticides.
Student and professional life often takes people to different countries. The fastest way to travel is by air.
Task |
Study the following expressions used to describe places at an airport.
Put them into the order passengers must visit them when they are preparing to fly.
a. security gate
b. departure lounge
c. customs
d. check-in desk
e. passport control
Task |
In pairs, work out what is happening in the listed places, using the verbs below.
go through
go to
Task |
When travelling, you need to have certain documents on you, and you might be asked to fill in some forms as well.
Make a list of these documents and forms.
Task |
arriving in
Fill in the form and explain why this information is important for the authorities. Guess what might be written under the last rubric.
is at the airport to meet some American students who have just arrived in
Task |
Read the dialogue between Mark and Mary .
Student A has Mark's part missing.
Student B has Mary's part missing. ( Student B's sheet is at the pairwork section, at the end of the book)
Fill in the missing part of the conversation.
Student A
Mary: Oh, thank you!
Mary: Oh, yes, there was fog in
Mary: Yes, but there is one more problem. I only have one of my baggages.
Mary: I I talked to a man at the baggage
reclaim and they said that the bag is in
Mary: Yes,
Mary: OK.
Mary: Yes, but thank you.
Mary: It is a large brown or light tan bag CUT (and about medium size). Very, very heavy.
Mary: Yes, I did. It was two kilograms over the limit.
Mary: Good.
Mary: There weren't too many problems. There was a
little bit of turbulence, we flew on North-West Airlines, out of
Mary: Yes, actually, it was very good.
Mary: Yes, we had about five hours. So we had a
chance to go into the city. At the airport
we exchanged about ten dollars, for some
Mary: Yes, I do. Where could I get those?
Mary: I'll start with twenty dollars.
Mary: OK.
Mary: OK. Great.
Task |
Work in pairs - Student A and B are asked to work together.
Read out the dialogue with your own answers. See if they match, if you get a meaningful dialogue.
Task |
Explain what the following words mean:
aisle seat
excess baggage
baggage reclaim
exchange rate
Your friend has received an information leaflet from Haygrove Fruit in reply to his letter.
Task |
Read the information on the next two pages and discuss in class:
Is there anything surprising in the information provided?
What are the most inviting aspects in this scheme?
What are the least attractive aspects in this scheme?
Would you like to work in shifts? Why? Why not?
What is your overall opinion about this job?
Task |
Work in pairs.
Look back at the letter at the end of Unit 7 Lesson 2. Note down the answers to the questions.
Task |
Change the verb in CAPITAL LETTERS into an appropriate noun to complete the
It offers a valuable addition to many courses. ADD
If your country has a reciprocal with the British Government for
medical costs, you will not be charged. AGREE
If it does not, you are required to take out before leaving home. INSURE
You are advised to take out insurance for personal POSSESS
Our is important for us. REPUTE
Showers and other are provided. FACILITATE
£1 per lesson will be deducted automatically from your weekly .
Haygrove Fruit charges £30 for administration and Work fees. PERMIT
Redbank, Ledbury,
Tel. (01531) 633659, Fax (01531) 635969
Haygrove Fruit is a diverse but specialised
fruit farm producing and marketing soft fruit from 114 acres to most major
The programme has been specially designed to
complement in a practical way the courses which students are following in their
home countries. Based in the
We will also offer 1 day training courses covering the following topics:
In addition, English language lessons are offered to all students.
Planting, picking, packing: April to late October. Also some general farm work. The main crop is strawberries from May to October, starting in a glasshouse. Raspberries are also grown inside in May, outside July to October. Blackberries and blackcurrants start in July, plums and apples in August. Most of the work is with strawberries.
Picking begins at 6 am in mid-summer and usually finishes 2-4 pm depending on the weather. Packing starts from 7-9 am and continues till 6-9, in two shifts when necessary. We have one day off each week, usually Saturday, when coach trips to places of interest are often arranged.
The Work Permit states a weekly allowance of £120 per week. This is not a guaranteed amount, but a guideline of expected average earnings. For most jobs payment is piece rate, which means you earn according to how much you work.
Students are expected to open a bank account. Pay will be put into this account by us by the Friday of the following week. Students working for three months or less will not pay Income Tax. Students staying longer than three months must pay Income Tax but may be able to reclaim it or some of it at the end of the Work Experience.
You are advised to take out insurance for personal possessions. If your country has a reciprocal agreement with the British Government for medical costs you will not be charged. If it does not, you are advised to take out insurance before leaving home.
Haygrove Fruit charges £30 for administration and Work Permit fees. In addition, some TWES students are required by law to register with the Police and pay a charge of £30 to them. Both these fees can be deducted from your weekly allowance.
It is a requirement of the Work Experience that you attend English lessons. These are available at £1 per lesson, which will be deducted automatically from your weekly allowance.
TWES students are housed in self-catering mobile homes. Showers and other washing facilities are provided.
Sleeping bag, eating utensils, plate, bowl, cup and saucepan, wet weather jacket, trousers, gloves and boots, 'good' clothes for weekend outings. You will need about £25 for your first week on the farm for food, etc.
Haygrove Fruit at
Redbank Farm is situated 1 mile from Ledbury, one of
Our reputation and a friendly atmosphere is important to us. Students who disobey farm rules or the laws of the country, or who are disruptive in any way, will be sent home immediately.
In 1994 we had more than 20 different nationalities working together at Haygrove Fruit, making it truly international experience.
NATIONAL EXPRESS Coaches run every two hours
from Heathrow Central Bus Station to
As an alternative, PRIMROSE Coaches leave Heathrow Central Bus Station, Bay C at 18.35 hrs, arriving Ledbury 21.25 hrs.
BY TRAIN (from Heathrow)
Trains run several times a day to Ledbury.
You must take the Coach Rail-Air link to
From Ledbury to Redbank
In the centre of the town is a black and
white market-house on pillars with no walls. Walk under the clock opposite
this, down
BY TAXI: ring 01531 633596 or 0836 777196. Cost: about £3 from station, £2.50 from town.
CARS: We do not allow cars on the farm with prior arrangement and permission.
National Express Coaches (0171) 7300202
British Rail (01452) 529501
Primrose Coaches (01568) 612271
are invited to a farm in
Task |
Work in pairs. Match the pictures and the names.
a. blackberries c. gooseberries e. raspberries
b. blackcurrants d. bilberries f. strawberries
The Metric system
GB and US
10 millimetres(mm)= 1 centimetre (cm)= 0.3937 inches (in)
100 centimetres(cm)=1metre(m)=39.37inches or 1.094 yards (yd)
1000metres(m)=1 kilometre(km)=0.62137 miles or about 5/8 mile
GB and US
100 square metres( sq m )= 1 are (a)= 0.0247 acres
100 ares = 1 hectare (ha)= 2.471 acres
100 hectares = 1 square kilometre = 0.386 square miles
are [h(r), ee
hectare ['hecth(r)
The Imperial system (GB and US)
Length Metric
1 inch (in)= 25.3995 millimetres (mm)
12 inches = 1 foot (ft)= 30.479 centimetres(cm)
3 feet = 1 yard (yd)= 0.9144metre (m)
220 yards = 1 furlong (fur)= 201.168 metres
8 furlongs = 1 mile = 1.6093 kilometres (km)
1760 yards = 1 mile = 1.6093 kilometres
Task |
Study and read out these measurements.
10 millimetres (mm)= 1 centimetre (cm)= 0.3937 inches (in)
100 centimetres(cm)=1 metre(m)=39.37inches or 1.094 yards(yd)
1000 metres(m)=1kilometre(km)=0.62137 miles or about 5/8 mile
100 square metres (sq m) = 1 are (a)= 0.0247 acres
100 ares = 1 hectare (ha)= 2.471 acres
100 hectares = 1 square kilometre = 0.386 square miles
1 acre = 0.405 hectares (oh point four oh five)
1 square mile = 2.599 sq kilometres
You are going to find out some facts about Oatridge Farm which is a special farm enterprise in Scotland, since it belongs to Oatridge Agricultural College and, apart from being a commercial unit, it also helps train young people who wish to follow a career in agriculture.
Task |
Read the general description of Oatridge Farm below.
Choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph.
There are 2 headings you won't need.
farm objectives
farm workforce
geographical data
summary of cropping and land use
parts of the farm
Oatridge farm extends to 289 hectares and lies at the eastern side of an area of elevated land known as the Bathgate Hills. Whilst the majority of the farm is between 135-180m (450-600ft.) above sea level, Binny Craig, a volcanic outcrop, rises to 219m (720ft.) almost central to the farm.
comprising three steadings, Oatridge,
The soils within the College farm boundaries are complex and very varied deriving from a series of exposed soft carboniferous shales and sandstones giving rise to sandy clay loams and clay loams which have impermeable subsoils requiring artificial drainage. On almost all parts of the farm the soils are easily damaged by cultivation, farm traffic and livestock throughout the winter months.
Rainfall averages 940 mm (37ins) per annum and the 'growing temperature' for soils of 6 C is not generally reached until late April.
Ten people are employed on Oatridge Farm. They are the Manager, Assistant Manager,Dairyman, Pigman, Beefman, Shepherd, Calf Rearer/Stockperson, 2 Tractor Drivers and the Estate Carpenter.
Task |
Work with a partner.
Make a list of the activities you would expect to find on this farm.
Task |
Read the text on the following page to see which of your ideas are included.
Complete your list with the activities mentioned in the text.
Cereal Production The farm is divided into three main rotational areas for cropping purposes. Basically the rotation is grass followed by winter wheat, winter barley, roots and spring barley which has been undersown to grass. The majority of the grain is stored moist in a tower silo (200 tonnes)for winter feeding, and surplus is sold off the field for malting or feed. One of the most important crops on Oatridge Farm is grass and this is either grazed in the summer, or cut and stored as silage for feeding to cattle and sheep during the winter. Hay is also made on the farm but it is more difficult to make than silage as a spell of dry, sunny weather is needed to ensure a good crop. | |
A flock of 190 Scottish Blackface ewes are kept on Binny Craig and are the only stock remaining unhoused during the winter. Whilst the bulk of the ewes lamb from
lst April,140-150 Homebred ewe lamb replacements for the
crossbred ewe flock are put to the Texel and Housing is available for 700 sheep in a 1983 purpose-built sheep house capable of housing 400 in-lamb ewes, other modified accommodation houses a further 300 sheep. | |
Oatridge runs a dairy herd of 90 cows.
Traditionally these were all Friesians, but in 1988 During the summer months, the herd runs as one group at grass. They are buffer fed silage as grass supply dictates. The cows are housed in cubicles from around the end of September until the end of April. A number of dairy improvements are to be carried out during the next 12 months including extending the milking parlour from a 6 x 12 to an 8 x 16 Herringbone. This will aid throughput at milking and allow the dairyman more time for husbandry and routine stock work. | |
Beef production is centred around 70
suckler cows which include The suckler cow winter feeding is based on straw and big bale silage. The beef stockman may have to carry out some veterinary tasks and weighing stock in the cattle handling pens. | |
A herd approaching 70 large white x landrace sows and gilts are kept producing approximately 1200 finishing pigs/annum. The sows are housed in a variety of systems whilst dry and in raised farrowing crates while suckling piglets. The piglets are weaned at 4 weeks into insulated weaner boxes with a slatted dunging area. At about 60kg the growers are moved into a slatted finishing house. The majority of the progeny are sold as baconers at weight of 95-l00kg to D.A. Halls Ltd of Broxburn. | |
Horse and Stable Management A number of horses are stabled on the farm and provide practical work and instruction for students. Facilities include a menage, cross country course and indoor school. | |
Estate Department Both building maintenance/construction and forestry are carried out by college staff and, where possible, students are involved in all aspects of this work including drystone dyking. Recent emphasis has been on the building of pole type structures with economy in mind (sheep housing). |
Task |
Look at the map and work out which buildings are used for which activities.
Write the names of the buildings against the corresponding parts in the text you have just read.
Task |
Some of the buildings on the list are marked with an asterisk and you are told to keep out.
Work in pairs and discuss why entry to these buildings are prohibited.
Task |
Work in groups.
Discuss the following questions.
Have you ever been to a model farm?
What activities was it involved in?
What buildings did you work in?
What jobs did you have to do?
Task |
Find the words in the texts under Task 4 which can be used both as a verb and as a noun.
Example: a purpose-built sheep house (noun); capable of housing (gerund < verb)
Task |
Homework assignment.
Draw up a word list for sheep, pigs and horses similar to the one below
(young of the cow for the first year)
heifer bull
(young cow that has (uncastrated male of any
not yet had a calf) animal of the ox family)
cow bullock steer
(fully grown female of (castrated bull)young (usually
the ox family) castrated) male of the ox family,
raised for beef
(fully grown castrated bullock,
used as a draught animal)
NB: beef the flesh of an ox, bull or cow, used as meat
~ cattle bred and reared for ~
bull (GB) = steer (US)
Task |
Read the text on the following page. Discuss any vocabulary you don't know.
Adrienne has done her field practice on a
farm in Bridgwater, in the
Adrienne had to help with the morning milking. It was very easy to milk the cows, because the cows were standing in a ditch. They were all standing on one side - this is the so-called herring bone system. Their udders had to be disinfected after milking to prevent them from getting dirty. The farm used a computerised system for giving the cows their portion of fodder, according to the size of the animals.
The main difference between Romanian farms and Bridgwater farm in Adrienne's opinion is that Romanian farm workers work harder than labourers in Bridgwater.
Task |
Underline the statements that are incorrect.
Task |
Correct the statements.
Task |
Extend the following expressions into sentences.
Cow / milk / day / increase / yield.
I / show / disinfect / udder / prevent / infections.
Number / bottom / cow / type / machine / automatically / give / fodder
I / teach / calf / walk / take / exhibition.
Farm workers / lazy / weekend / holiday / 5 / 7.
Task |
What do you know about farming in the
1. How many farms are
there in the
a 0.5m b 1m c 1.5m d over 2m
2. Of these farms, what proportion keep livestock and poultry?
a 1/4 b 1/3 c 1/2 d 3/4
3. Which type of
livestock is most commonly kept in the
a hogs and pigs c sheep and lambs
b beef cattle d dairy cows and calves
4. What other livestock is kept for purposes other than to provide food products? Name the animals and the reasons for which they are kept.
5. What is by far the
most widely produced crop in the
6. What are the next three most important crops? Place them in order of importance.
7. How specialised do
farms in the
a most are highly specialised c about 1/2 the farms are specialised
b most are general farms d few are specialised
8. What criterion is used to designate a farm as a 'specialised' farm?
9. What of the following
is the most common type of farm in the
a dairy b grain crops c beef cattle d cotton
Task |
Compare your answers with a partner or with the rest of the class.
Task |
With a partner,
write four other questions you would like answered about agriculture in the
Task |
Read the text on the following page and see whether your answers are correct.
Hundreds of Commodities
Produced on
Beef cattle, hogs, milk, corn, wheat, and
cotton come readily to mind when we think about what The diversity of the farm sector reflects
not only the climatic and resource variations across the Livestock In 1987, nearly 1.5 million farms, representing about three-quarters of the 2.1 million farms counted in the 1987 Census of Agriculture, produced livestock. Although more farms produce beef cattle than any other kind of livestock, roughly one-third of these farms keep 10 or fewer beef cows. These are frequently part-time or rural residence farms. Because of its low labor requirement, the raising of beef cattle is well suited to small operations where farming is a sideline to the farm operator's primary occupation. Although most farmers focus on raising livestock and poultry that produce the major meat, milk, and poultry items, some produce specialty livestock commodities that not only add variety to our food and fiber supply but also serve other needs. Nearly 90,000 farmers raise horses and ponies for sale to fill recreational demands. Other recreational demands are filled by farmers who raise game birds, such as pheasant and quail. Nearly 40,000 honeybee keepers not only provide our tables with a delicious sweetener but also provide a vital pollination service to many crop farmers. Beekeepers rent hives of bees to farmers to pollinate crops and ensure high yields. Without bees, the production of most fruits, legume seeds, and many vegetables would be sharply reduced. For many beekeepers, the production of honey is secondary to the pollination services they provide for other farmers. |
Crops Crops were produced on more than 1.6
million Hay is also commonly produced on other types of crop farms - such as grain, vegetable, potato, cotton, and tobacco farms - as a rotation crop. Hay crops grown in rotation with other crops serve as soil builders, reduce soil erosion, and help farmers control insects and other pests. Legume hay crops, such as alfalfa and clover, also add nitrogen, a vital crop nutrient, to the soil. In addition to hay, grains, and oilseeds, The fruit and vegetable categories also
include a large number of commodities. In addition to apples and oranges,
fruits include such products as raspberries, olives, kiwis, and mangoes. The
1987 Census of Agriculture lists nearly 50 different major fruits, berries,
and nuts produced in the |
Farm types Most farmers produce more than one
commodity. For example, it is common for corn and soybeans to be raised on
the same farm. Many livestock producers grow feedgrain and forage crops, such
as hay or silage, to feed to their animals. Also, sound agricultural
practices often call for several crops to be grown in rotation for soil
building, disease control, and insect control. Even so, most farms in the One method of classifying a farm is by type, based on the commodity that accounts for the largest proportion of the farm's gross sales. A farm is classified as a cotton farm, for example, if 50 percent or more of the value of its commodity sales comes from cotton. A farm on which no one commodity (or commodity group) accounts for at least half the value of products sold is classified as a general farm-either general crop or general livestock, depending on whether crop or livestock products generate the most sales value. Using this scheme, the Census of |
classifies The specialization ratio is the proportion of a farm's commodity sales that are generated from its primary commodity or commodity group (specialty). General farms, both crop and livestock, are the least specialized, because they produce a variety of commodities with no single commodity domin-ating their product sales. Among the specialized farm types, cotton and tobacco farms are the least specialized. On average, they ob-tain the smallest proportion (less than 80 percent) of their total sales values from their primary com-modities. The most highly special-ized farm types are horticultural specialty, animal specialty, fruit and tree nut, and poultry farms. These farm types, on average, obtain over 96 percent of their total sales values from their primary commodities. |
Americans in Agriculture 1990 Yearbook of Agriculture |
Number of farms by type and specialization ratio, 1987 Specialization Type of farm Number ratio Cash grain 458,396 0.863 Cotton 27,674 0.796 Tobacco 87,776 0.793 Other field crops 128,178 0.811 Veg and melon 28,801 0.873 Fruit and tree nut 88,323 0.963 Horticult. speciality 31,469 0.985 General, primarily crops 57,888 NA Beef cattle (excludes feedlots) 643,831 0.879 Livestock, except dairy, poultry and animal specialties (includes feedlots) 248,436 0.865 Dairy 138,311 0.842 Poultry 38,494 0.963 Animal specialty 87,855 0.966 General, primarily livestock 22,327 NA All farms 2,087,759 NA NA, Not applicable. Source:1987 Census of Agriculture. |
Task |
Discuss in groups:
what you found most surprising
whether all the questions you had before you read the text were answered
whether anyone can answer those unanswered questions
if not, where you can find the answers
how you think things have changed since the 1987 Census
Task |
The text provides many specialised terms and expressions which should become part
of your vocabulary. Without looking back at the text, try to give the technical terms for the following definitions. The figures in brackets will help you later to find the answers.
1. Goods for sale at home and abroad (1)
2. Collective name for animals kept on a farm (3)
3. Collective name for birds kept for eggs and/or meat (3)
4. Another way of saying 'leisure-time activities' (4)
5. Different crops grown one after the other to prevent soil depletion (7)
6. Plants grown for their beauty, not for food (8)
7. Young plants sold commercially for planting out or planting in greenhouses (8)
8. Crops whose seeds are used for animal feed (10)
9. Crops like hay grown to feed animals (10)
10. A building or area where animals are fattened for market (12)
11. A farm's most important product (13)
12. Plants produced specially for the garden (13)
Task |
Check your answers by going through the text again. The numbers in brackets will indicate the paragraph in which you will find the answer.
Vulgar fractions
1/2 a/one half 1/3 a/one third 1/4 a/one quarter 2/5 two fifths
1/8 a/one eighth [eitp
Task |
Using the data below, ask and answer questions. Take turns.
Example: What is the approximate proportion of the woodlands to the total land area?
About one fifth.
LAND USE IN HUNGARY (1 000 hectares)
Arable land 4 705
Gardens 339
Orchads 99
Vineyards 147
Meadows and pastures 1 234
Woodlands 1 659
Reeds 40
8 223
Task |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word/s.
1. Two thirds the production exported.
2. The Danish farm run unaided the owner and his family only.
3. The annual output person working farming trebled 1960.
4. The farm size is 35 hectares.
5. Grain grown about 55 of
6. The major grown are barley, wheat, oats and rye.
roots and potatoes as well as grass are also grown to the livestock.
Task |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word. The first letter of the word has been given for you.
In 1987, nearly 15 million farms produced (1) l and poultry. Because of its low labour requirement, the raising of (2) b (3) c is well suited to small operations.
Although most farmers focus on raising livestock and poultry, some produce specialty livestock (4) c . Nearly 90,000 farmers raise horses and ponies for sale to fill (5) r (6) d s.
The most widely
produced crop in the
One method of classifying a farm is by type, based on the commodity that accounts for the largest proportion of the farm's (11) g (12) s s.
the last lesson you got an introduction to farming in the
Task |
Open discussion.
What types of presentations do you know?
Where are they given and to what audience?
What is the aim of presentations based on posters?
Have you ever seen one presented or have you ever given one?
What audience was it given to?
What was the ratio of the presentation and the questions following it?
Task |
Work in groups.
Rank the following items according to how important you think they are in the case of a presentation based on a poster (1 stands for the most important idea, 10 for the least important one).
a. clear pronunciation of individual words
b. expressive intonation
c. well-designed poster
d. confident posture
e. fluent speech
f. loud, understandable volume of voice
g. helpful signposting
h. ability to answer the follow-up questions
i. ability to deal with interruptions
j. well-structured presentation
Task |
Form 3 groups.
Make a plan for a poster based presentation
of your country's agriculture to be given to a group of visiting students from
which pieces of information to present
in what order to present them
in what visual way to present them (text, graphs and charts, other illustrations etc.)
what materials you will need to prepare a poster
If you don't have any material at your disposal, use the samples provided in the book.
Facts Danish |
about Farming |
Published by the Agricultural Council of Denmark on behalf of its member organisations
Denmark's Farming Industry Today
In spite of its key role in
Number of Farms: There are approx 78,000 farms today compared with 200,000 in 1950. Their average size has risen from 21 to 35 hectares over the last decade. Since the number of farmhands is approx.13,000 - one fifth compared with 1950 - only one farm in five employs outside labour on a permanent basis. The average age of Danish farmers is 52. The typical age of people setting up on their own for the first time is 32.
Processing and supplies: Rapid rationalisation has reduced the number of dairy factories from aprox. 1500 in 1950 to ca.60. The huge pig industry is covered by 9 slaughterhouse companies. Similar developments have changed the structure of poultry and egg production as well as the sector supplying farms with seed grain, feeding stuffs and fertilisers.
Exports: Farm production is so keyed to
exports that two-thirds are sold abroad. Of that, half goes to other EC
countries (the
These exports earned 48.0 billion Danish
kroner in 1989. Since only approx. one-quarter of this is spent on the
purchase abroad of production aids, machinery, fuel etc., agriculture is by far
Prices and costs: Since 1972, the prices received by farmers for their products have risen 127 per cent while they have to pay 228 per cent more for their production aids etc.
Danish Agriculture in Profile 1. Two-thirds of the production is exported. 2. The organisational structure of Danish agriculture is very strong and comprehensive. The Farmers' and Family Farmers' Unions membership include virtually all farmers and the various production sectors are dominated by co-operative societies. 3. Only every fifth farm employs full-time outside labour. More than ever, the Danish farm is run unaided by the owner and his family only. 4. Increasingly, the typical farmer and his wife earn part of their income from work outside the farm. 5. The annual output per person working in farming has trebled since 1960. 6. The average farm size is 35 hectares, second-largest in |
Facts about
Geographical position: Area: 43,000 km2. 65 per cent agricultural. 360 km from south to north, 400 km from east to west. Population: 5,120,000, an average of 119 per km2. Principal regions: Jylland (Jutland) and the islands of Fyn (Funen), Sjaelland
(Zealand), Lolland-Falster and Principal cities: Climate: Average temperature 7.9°C. Warmest month, July, 16.6°C; coldest, February, minus 0.4°C. Average annual rainfall 662 mm. Wettest month, August, 80 mm; driest, February, 33 mm. The Kingdom of Denmark also includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland |
Danish Agriculture - past and present
Owner-occupancy is characteristic of Danish agriculture and more widespread than anywhere in Europe, with a very small proportion of farms tenant-run.
Full-time employees on the farms in 1990 numbered 13.000 compared with 16,000 in 1985. Only on in six farms has full-time employees. Including industries directly linked to agriculture, the farming sector provides jobs for 238.000 people.
Approx. 2,000 young people embark on an agricultural education every year.
The average age of people setting up in farming is 32-33 years. The average age of all farmers is 52 years.
No of farms: 76,900 in 1990, compared with 140,200 in 1970. The average size rose from 21 to 36 hectares, second-largest in Europe after the UK.
Production: The annual output of animal products could satisfy the requirements of 15 million people, or 178 per farm.
Processing and supply: Today, there are approx. 64 dairy factories, compared with 1,350 in 1960 while the number of slaughterhouse companies has dropped from 77 to 6. The poultry sector, grain trade and feeding stuffs and fertiliser supply have also been rationalised considerably.
Exports: More than two-thirds of the total farm production is exported. In 1990, 55 per cent of exports went to other EC countries (Britain and West Germany 18 per cent each), while the US and Japan were the major markets outside the EC.
Agricultural exports in 1990 were worth 48 billion kroner in foreign currency. The industry's requirements for imported operational materials accounted for 10 billion only. The difference - 38 billion - contributed significantly to payment for imported raw materials and equipment for other industries as well as foreign cars and other consumer goods.
Farm product prices and costs: Between 1980/84 and 1990, the farmgate prices on products for the home market rose by 28 per cent only while the general price level rose by 66 per cent.
The EC and Denmark: Since joining the European Community in 1972, continuous improvements in productivity have led to an volume increase of 44 per cent, while exports increased by 60 per cent. This has served not only to stabilise the Danish economy and lessen Denmark's considerable balance-of-payment problems but has ensured that agriculture remains a significant employer in spite of the rapid rationalisation.
Farm Figures and Fact from
Annotated statistics 1991 |
Task |
Prepare your poster . Pay special attention to logical and clear layout and to eye-catching colours and arrangement of your material.
Prepare notes for your presentation. Rehearse it together.
Each student will now have the opportunity to present their group's poster. While you listen to the presentations, make notes on the evaluation sheet below so that you can compare the presenters' performances. EVALUATION SHEET
Work in groups. Now discuss which poster and which presentation you found the best and why. Come to a consensus and give your reasons. Copyright © 2025 - Toate drepturile rezervate |