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Past Perfect Continuous se formeaza din verbul BE la mai- mult-ca perfect si din participiul in -ing al verbului de conjugat.
El are aceleasi valori ca si Present Perfect Continuu, momentul de referinta fiind insa axa trecutului.
Aceasta forma verbala exprima
actiune trecuta, inceputa inaintea altei actiuni trecute si continua pina la ea
I had been waiting for my friend since two o'clock when he finally arrived.
Il asteptam pe prietenul meu de la ora 2 cand in sfarsit, a sosit
o actiune trecuta inceputa inaintea unui moment sau a unei actiuni trecute, continuand pana in acel moment sau pana la acea actiune si poate si dupa aceea:
eg.: They had been playing piano all morning.
Ei cantasera la pian toata dimineata.
o actiune repetata frecvent intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, anterioara unui moment sau unei actiuni de asemenea trecute:
- folosim in general FOR si SINCE in sensul de
< de cand > cu Present Perfect;
Folosim For pentru durata : For 2 hours 2 hours ago now (cu doua ore in urma) eg.: Sally 's been working here for 6 months. Sally lucreaza aici de 6 luni I haven't seen Tom for three days. Nu l-am vazut pe Tom de 3 zile. |
Folosim SINCE cu un punct de plecare precis: SINCE 8 O'CLOCK 8 o'clock now eg.: Sally's been working here since April. Sally lucreaza aici din luna aprilie. I haven't seen Tom since Monday. Nu l-am vazut pe Tom de luni. |
FOR two hours a week twenty minutes fifty years five days a long time six months |
SINCE 8 o'clock 1977 Monday Christmas 12 May lunchtime April they were at school |
Cand FOR
eg .:
He lived in
A locuit in Londra timp de 2 ani.
Ago + marcator de timp = exista, era, se afla;
I went to Canada two years ago.
Am fost in Canada acum doi ani (cu doi ani in urma).
She found a job four hours ago.
Si-a gasit o slujba acum 4 ore( cu patru ore in urma).
New words
Monday = luni ;
clock = ceas;
- long time = mult timp;
- day = zi;
- Chirstmas = Craciun
- six = sase;
- April = aprilie;
- May = mai;
- school = scoala
- minute = minut;
- twenty = 20 ;
- to find = a gasi
- four = 4;
- job = slujba
Transformati frazele urmatoare urmand exemplul urmator :
She last called me at 2 o'clock = She hasn't called me since 2 o'clock.
(Ultima data m-a sunat la ora 2 = Nu m-a sunat de la ora 2.)
a.He last read a newspaper last week.
b.We last received a letter from them on June 6 th.
c.John last came here at the beginning of the month.
d.Bob last caught a fish when we arrived.
e.They last visited London in 1982.
f. I last rode a bike when I was a boy.
g.She last had lunch at a restaurant in March.
h.We last drank beer at the beginning of the week.
2.Transformati frazele urmatoare urmand exemplul urmator :
eg. :
We started walking 2 hours ago ; we'are still walking = We have been walking for 2 hours.
(Am inceput sa ne plimbam acum doua ore = inca ne plimbam. Ne plimbam de doua ore.)
a.John started sleeping at 10 ; he's still sleeping ;
b.I started waiting three hours ago; I'm still waiting.
c. He started working for us in 1980; he's still working for us.
d.We started living
e.She started fishing one hours ago ; she's still fishing.
f.The girls started playing chess at 4 ; they're still playing.
g.The sun started shining a fortnight ago ; it's still shining.
h. Bill started reading that book at the beginning of the afternoon ; he 's still reading it.
New words :
- newspaper = ziar ;
- week = saptamana
- last = ultimul (a), trecut (a);
- to receive = a primi;
- fish = peste;
- to wait = a astepta;
- to ride = a calari, a merge;
- bike = bicicleta
- restaurant = restaurant;
- March = martie;
- beer = bere;
- beginning = inceput
- chess = sah
- book = carte;
- afternoon = dupa-amiaza
- girl = fata
- fortnight = doua saptamani;14 zile;
there = acolo;
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