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I : WAS/WERE+S+Ving?
eg.: I was reading.( Citeam).
Was your
brother watching T.V.? (Se uita fratele tau
No, he wasn't.( Nu, nu se uita).
o actiune in curs de derulare (desfasurare) la un moment dat din trecut;
progresiv - actiune in curs, simplu - fapt nou care are loc si care vine uneori sa intrerupa actiunea aflata deja in desfasurare ( o actiune durativa, intrerupta de o actiune non-durativa, momentana
eg.: She was walking in a desert street.
Se plimba pe o strada pustie
Suddenly she heard a footstep.
Deodata a auzit pasi.
When I arrived, he was repairing his car.
Cand am sosit, el isi repara masina.
actiunea s-a terminat in totalitate
actiunea este in desfasurare la un moment dat din trecut;
eg.: It was getting dark.
Se intuneca.
Viitor in trecut ( poate exprima si o actiune viitoare, planificata intr-un moment trecut, fiind subinteleasa neindeplinirea ei ).
He told met that he was taking an exam in June .
Mi-a spus ca avea un examen in iunie.
New words
- to read = a citi;
- brother = frate;
- to walk = a (se) plimba;
- suddenly = deodata
- to arrive = a sosi;
- car = masina;
- street = strada
- dark = intuneric
- to tell = a spune;
- to take = a lua;
- exam = examen;
- June = iunie;
1. Puneti verbele din paranteza la timpul potrivit:
a.When I (meet) her, she (go) to the shops.
b.When I (call) him he (tell) me he (paint) the door.
c.As I (come) to her a policeman (stop) me.
d.While I (dig) in the garden it (begin) to rain.
e.When they (leave) we (work) in the kitchen.
f. I (sleep) very well when the dog (wake) me up.
g.What (you/do) when I (ring) the doorbell?
h.The sun (shine) when we (get up).
i. He (try) to open the door when he suddenly (remember) he had no key.
. Traduceti in limba engleza
Casa era foarte mare.
Cand am sunat la
mai adaugat ca, atunci cand
sotul ei va iesi la pensie, vor calatori mult. Am fost
impresionati de aceasta femeie placuta care vorbea cu
accent strain. Stia multe lucruri iar noi am ascultat-o cu
atentie. Catre sfarsitul conversatiei noastre, am
inteles ca se afla pe punctul de a pleca
3. Completati propozitiile folosind Past Tense Simple sau Past Tense Continuous
Yesterday I (go) to London where I (buy) a few things that I (need). The sun (shine) and the birds (sing) when we (arrive) at Hyde Park Corner. Lots of people (sit) on benches and (look) at what (go on) on the streets.We (see) many foreigners. A young man who (say) he (be) from Sydney (give) a speech.
He (make) people laugh with his Australian jokes. Finally he (decide) to leave and (say) he would come back as soon as he (find) a $ 5 note to buy his lunch. The jokes (amuse) and old man who (give) him a handfull of coins. The young Australian (be) pleased with the money and he (thank ) the old man heartly.
New words
- to amuse = a amuza;
- old = batran
- to meet = a intalni
- shop = magazin;
- to call = a chema;
- to paint = a vopsi;
- door =
- while = in timp ce
- garden = gradinita;
- to begin = a incepe
- rain = ploaie;
- kitchen = bucatarie
- very well = foarte bine;
- dog = caine
- to wake up = a trezi;
- to ring = a suna;
- doorbell = sonerie;
- sun = soare;
- lunch = pranz
- to laugh = a rade
- joke = gluma
- to decide = a decide;
- to find = a gasi;
- to shine = a straluci
- to open = a deschide;
- to remember = a aminti(a-si aduce aminte );
- key = cheie;
- yesterday = ieri;
- thing = lucru;
- bird = pasare
- to sing = a canta
- young = tanar(a)
- man = barbat
- speech = cuvantare
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