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» Prepozitia (the preposition)

Prepozitia (the preposition)


(lat. prae = inainte, positia = pozitie)

Prepozitia este partea de vorbire care uneste diferite unitati sintactice in cadrul unei propozitii, realizand relatii de timp, loc etc.

The book is on the table. = Cartea este pe masa.

He will be there at three o'clock. = El va fi acolo la ora trei.

Prepozitiile sunt: - simple : about, on, under etc.

- compuse : into, within, without etc.

- complexe : because of, instead of etc.

- locutiuni prepozitionale : by means of, in the middle of etc.

Termenii intre care prepozitia realizeaza un raport au functii sintactice diferite. Ea leaga un verb de complementul lui sau un substantiv de un adjectiv sau adverb.

Prepozitia of este cea cu care se formeaza genitivul prepozitional/analitic, iar prepozitia to este aceea a dativului prepozitional

S-a vazut cu ocazia prezentarii declinarii substantivelor si conjugarii verbelor ca limba engleza este o limba analitica. La conjugarea verbelor este obligatorie prezenta pronumelui personal alaturi de verb pentru realizarea persoanei acestuia.

In cazul substantivelor insa, prepozitiile preiau functiile terminatiilor cazurilor limbilor sintetice. Ele sunt considerate instrumente gramaticale, dar rolul lor este important. Cei ce doresc sa stie bine limba engleza, trebuie sa acorde o atentie la fel de mare si prepozitiei.

In limba engleza prepozitia sta fie inaintea substanivului sau altui cuvant cu care este in relatie, fie la sfarsitul unei propozitii.

What is he talking about About what is he talking? Despre ce vorbeste el?

Who(m) is he talking about About whom is he talking ? Despre cine vorbeste el ?

Whose friend are you talking about About whose friend are you talking ? = Despre prietenul cui vorbesti tu ? = Despre al cui prieten vorbesti tu ?

What are you looking at At what are you looking ? La ce privesti tu ?

Who(m) is this poem by By whom is this poem ? De cine este poezia aceasta ?

Who(m) is this book written by By whom is this book written ? De cine este scrisa cartea aceasta ?

To whom must you give the book ? = Who(m) must you give the book to Cui trebuie sa-i dai cartea ?

He is the boy who(m) I must give the book to = El este baiatul caruia trebuie sa-i dau eu cartea.

The boy to whom I must = Baiatul caruia trebuie sa

In concluzie, prepozitiile in limba engleza pot aparea in post - pozitie in :

1. - intrebarile care incep cu cuvintele who, what, which

2. - in subordonatele atributive

3. - in unele exclamatii: What trouble they've got into ! = In ce incurcatura au intrat !

4. - in unele constructii pasive: He is looked for by us. dar He is sought by us este forma preferata

5. - in propozitii infinitivale: They are impossible to talk to. = Cu ei este imposibil de discutat.

6. - in propozitii/fraze afirmative care incep cu who, what, which: What I am looking at is John's house. = La (ceea) ce privesc eu este casa lui John.

Cele mai importante prepozitii in limba engleza sunt :

about = despre

above = deasupra

across = de-a curmezisul/ latul

along = de-a lungul

alongside unul langa altul, alaturi

among = intre

around = imprejur; vreo

at = la

before = inainte

below = dedesubt

beneath = sub; mai jos de

besides = in afara de

beyond = dincolo de

by = de, de catre, prin

for = pentru

in = in

inside = inauntru

into = in, spre

near = langa

notwithstanding = cu toate ca

of = de

on = pe

opposite = peste drum de, vizavi

over = peste

past = pe langa; dincolo de

round = in jurul

since = de, de la

throughout = prin, peste, dupa

to = la, catre

under = sub

up = in susul; catre

within = in, inauntrul; nu mai tarziu de

without = fara

1. Expresii / structuri idiomatice cu prepozitii, cu adverbe sau cu adjective

about = cam, in jurul; despre; prin etc.

about the town = prin oras

a journey about the world = o calatorie prin lume

it is about two o'clock = este in jurul orei doua

to have money about oneself = a avea bani asupra sa

above = deasupra

a plane above the clouds = un avion deasupra norilor

above my head = deasupra capului meu

across = peste, de-a curmezisul

a bridge across the Danube = un pod peste Dunare

to sail across the ocean = a naviga peste ocean

to walk across a street = a traversa (pe jos) o strada

to be able to swim across = a fi in stare sa traverseze inot

the hotel across the road = hotelul de peste drum

after (prep.) = dupa, de etc.

after breakfast = dupa micul dejun

day after day = zi de zi

after five o'clock = dupa ora cinci

soon after five o'clock = imediat/curand dupa ora cinci

after all his care = cu/dupa toata grija lui

time after time = deseori, foarte adesea

to run after somebody = a alerga dupa cineva

to inquire after smb. = a intreba de cineva

after (adv.) = dupa

They came two days after. = Ei au venit doua zile dupa aceea.

soon after = curand dupa aceea

against = contra, impotriva

against the enemy = impotriva dusmanului

against the laws = impotriva/contra legilor

a race against time = o cursa contra cronometru

to swim against the stream = a inota contra curentului

to marry against one's will = a se casatori impotriva vointei proprii

to hit one's head against a wall = a se lovi cu capul de un perete

to lean against a wall a se rezema de un perete

to save money against a rainy day = a economisi bani albi pentru zile negre

along = de-a lungul, pe, etc.

to walk along the road = a merge pe drum

along a valley = de-a lungul unei vai

along the sea shore = de-a lungul tarmului

among/amongst = intre/ printre etc

among us = intre noi (intre trei sau mai multi)

among his friends = intre prietenii lui

a house among the trees = o casa intre copaci

to hide among the bushes = a se ascunde intre/printre tufisuri

they divided the money among themselves = au impartit banii intre ei

a city among the largest cities of the world = un oras printre cele mai mari orase ale lumii

amongst the most important reasons = printre cele mai importante cauze

lots of flowers amongst the trees = multe flori intre/printre copaci

I chose him from among those boys. = L-am ales pe el dintre baietii aceia.

around (prep.) = in jurul, prin etc.

a trip around the country = o calatorie prin tara

Put a coat around the baby ! = Pune o haina pe copil ! = ]nveleste copilul cu o haina !

The planets move around the sun. = Planetele se misca in jurul soarelui.

to sail around the world = a naviga in jurul lumii

in a voyage around the world = intr-o calatorie in jurul lumii

to sit around the table = a sedea in jurul mesei

She had a scarf around her neck. = Ea avea o esarfa in jurul gatului.

He showed us around the house. = Ne-a prezentat casa lui. = Ne-a condus prin casa lui.

around (adv.) = de jur imprejur etc.

Is an island a land with water all around ? = Este o insula un uscat/pamant inconjurat de ape ?

Winter will soon be around again. = Iarna se va instala din nou.

We could have fruit all the year around = Am putea avea fructe tot timpul anului.

to have a wall all around = a avea un zid de jur imprejur

Come around to see us tomorrow ! = Treceti/Veniti maine pe la noi !

at = la etc.

at noon = la pranz

at day break = la revarsatul zorilor, in zori

at that time = la/pe vremea aceea

at random = la intamplare, haotic

to be at school = a fi la scoala

at what time ? = la ce ora ?

at one/two etc. o'clock = la ora unu/doua etc.

at any moment = in orice clipa

at my command = la ordinul meu, la comanda mea

at the age of = la varsta de

at the same time = in acelasi timp

at first = la inceput

at last = in cele din urma, in final

to be at smb.'s mercy = a fi la mila cuiva

at the end of a book = la sfarsitul unei carti

at the end of the week = la sfarstul saptamanii

before (prep.) = inainte de etc.

two days before Easter = (cu) doua zile inainte de Pasti

since before the war de dinainte de razboi

before the war = inainte de razboi

to come before the fixed time = a veni inainte de ora fixata

before (adv.) = inainte

I've met him before = l-am cunoscut (mai) inainte

the day before = cu o zi inainte

before long = soon curand

before (conj.) = inainte

You must eat smth. before you go. = Trebuie sa mananci ceva inainte de a pleca.

Tell him now before you forget. = Spune-i acum inainte de a uita.

That happened in the year 55 B.C. (B.C. = Before Christ) = Asta s-a intamplat in anul 55 inainte de Christos.

behind (prep.) = in spatele

to hide behind a tree = a se ascunde dupa un copac = a se ascunde in spatele unui copac

to hide behind the door = a se ascunde dupa usa

to come out from behind the door = a iesi de dupa usa

behind (adv.) = in spate, in urma, inapoia etc.

to attack from behind = a ataca din spate

to be behind with one's work = a fi in urma cu lucrul

to fall on one's behind = a cadea pe spate

below (prep.) = sub ,dedesubt

The sun goes below the horizon. = Soarele se deplaseaza sub orizont.

a leg broken below the knee = un picior fracturat sub genunchi

below sea level = sub nivelul marii

to be below fifty = a fi sub cincizeci de ani

below the average = sub nivelul mediu

below (adv.) = sub, dedesubt

We could see the lake below. = Puteam sa vedem lacul dedesubt.

He lived in the room below. = El locuia in camera de dedesubt.

here below = on earth = pe pamant

beneath (prep.) = dedesubt, sub

beneath one's dignity = sub demnitatea cuiva

beside = by the side of = langa, alaturi de

a small park beside the river = un parculet langa rau

to live beside the sea = a trai langa mare, a locui pe tarmul marii

besides (prep.) = pe langa

besides this = pe langa asta/aceasta.

besides (adv.) = moreover = in addition to = in plus, pe deasupra

He is tired and besides, away from home. = Este obosit si in plus, departe de casa.

between (prep.) = intre

between Africa and Europe intre Africa si Europa

an understanding between us = o intelegere intre noi

between the two World Wars = intre cele doua razboaie mondiale

a war between two countries = un razboi intre doua tari

a comparison between two things = o comparatie intre doua lucruri

between (adv.) = intre

They visited the two museums with a quick lunch between. = Ei au vizitat cele doua muzee cu un pranz rapid intre ele.

Prepozitia/Adverbul between se foloseste cand este vorba de doua elemente, persoane etc. Cand este vorba de mai multe elemente se foloseste prepozitia among.

beyond (prep.) = dincolo, etc

a hill beyond the village. = un deal dincolo de sat.

the country beyond the sea = tara de dincolo de mare

What is there beyond the stars ? = Ce se afla dincolo de stele ?

Those apples are beyond reach. = Nu se poate ajunge la merele acelea.

It was a scene beyond description. = A fost o scena indescriptibila.

beyond limits = peste limita

beyond (adv.) = dincolo, peste etc.

Alaska and the lands beyond = Alaska si teritoriile de dincolo de ea

John loves her beyond measure. = John o iubeste peste masura.

by (prep.) = langa, cu, dupa, pe etc.

to sit by smb. = a sedea langa cineva

a house by the river = o casa langa rau, o casa pe malul raului

to have a day by the sea = a petrece o zi pe malul marii, a petrece o zi pe litoral

to open by force = a deschide ceva cu forta

to travel by bus/train/plane/etc. = a calatori cu autobuzul/trenul/avionul/etc.

to travel by ship/steamer = a calatori cu vaporul

to travel by day not by night = a calatori ziua nu noaptea

to come by the nearest road = a veni pe drumul cel mai apropiat

to travel to Bucharest by Pitesti = a calatori la Bucuresti prin Pitesti

to tell the time by the sun = a spune ora dupa soare

to live by oneself = to live alone = a locui/trai singur

to pay smth. by cheque = a plati ceva cu cec

by (adv.) = deoparte

to put/lay/set smth. by = a pune ceva deoparte

by and by = later on = mai tarziu, apoi; curand, dupa putin timp

by and large = on the whole = in mare, in ansamblu

down (prep.) = in jos, la vale

to run/walk down a hill = a alerga/merge la vale pe un deal

tears running down her face lacrimi rostogolindu-se pe chipul / fata ei

He is swimming down the river. = El inoata in rau la vale.

to walk down the street = a merge la vale pe strada, a merge in josul strazii

down (adv.) = jos

The sun goes down in the west. = Soarele coboara la apus.

to be knocked down by a bus = a fi doborat la pamant de un autobuz

to sit down = a sta jos, a se aseza

during (prep.) = in timpul

They came to see us during our absence. = Au venit pe la noi in absenta noastra.

during our lifetime = in timpul vietii noastre

during our holidays = in timpul vacantei noastre

except (prep.) = not including = apart from = cu exceptia

every day except Saturday = in fiecare zi cu exceptia zilei de sambata

all my friends except Jim = toti prietenii mei cu exceptia lui Jim

for (prep.) = de la, pentru etc.

something good for food = ceva comestibil, ceva bun de mancare

to sail for Sidney = a naviga spre Sidney

to be ready for smth. = a fi gata pentru ceva

for a time = (pentru) un timp

They have been here for a week. = Ei sunt aici de o saptamana.

to leave for school = a pleca la scoala

to go for a walk = a merge la o plimbare

to look for aid/help = a cauta ajutor

from (prep.) = din, de la

from one place to another = dintr-un loc in altul

to jump from the roof = a sari de pe acoperis

to be far from home = a fi departe de casa

from flower to flower = din floare in floare

wine made of grapes = vin facut din struguri

from first to last = de la primul la ultimul

in (prep.) = din, in, la

the best tennis player in the world = cel mai bun jucator de tenis din lume

it is in the house = este in casa

to live in the country = a trai la tara

to have a picnic in the woods = a servi un picnic la padure

a holiday in the mountains = o vacanta la munte

to lie in bed = a sta intins in pat

in (adv.) = inauntru, intr-un

to be in = a fi inauntru (in casa/camera)

There is nobody in. = Nu este nimeni inauntru.

in conclusion = in concluzie

in fact = de fapt

in general = in general

in brief / short = pe scurt

in a word = intr-un cuvant

in the meantime, meanwhile = intre timp

into (prep.) = in, inspre

to come into the house/room = a intra in casa/camera

to fall into the river/lake = a cadea in rau/lac

to get into difficulties = a da de greutati/dificultati

to get into trouble = a da de bucluc/necaz/belea

to turn English into Romanian = a traduce din engleza in romana

near (prep.) = langa, aproape de

near the seashore = langa tarmul marii

near me or near my friend = langa mine sau langa prietenul meu

to have a dictionary near at hand = a avea un dictionar la indemana

near (adj.) = apropiat

there is a near way to = este un drum mai apropiat catre

the nearest way to = cel mai apropiat drum spre

near (adv.) = aproape

the river/lake is quite near = raul/lacul este foarte aproape

to live nearby = a locui in apropiere

Come near and listen to what I say ! = Vino aproape si asculta la ce spun !

of (prep.) = de, cu, din etc.

ten kilometers south of Constanta = zece kilometri la sud de Constanta

a book of proverbs = o carte de proverbe

to die of hunger and thirst = a muri de foame si sete

a bottle full of wine = o sticla plina cu/de vin

a family of five = o familie din cinci membri

off [of] (adv.)

the lake is six kilometers off = lacul este la o departare de sase kilometri

how far is it off? = la ce distanta/departare este de aici?

the holidays are far off = e mult pana la vacanta

to take off one's coat = a-si dezbraca haina

to take off one's shoes = a-si descalta pantofii

to turn the light off = a stinge lumina

to take a day off = a-si lua o zi libera de la serviciu

off (prep.)

to fall off the ladder/bicycle = a cadea de pe scara/bicicleta

to fall off the horse = a cadea de pe cal

to be off duty = a fi liber, a nu fi la serviciu

off (adj.)

on the off chance that = in cazul in care, daca

my off time = timpul meu liber

an off season = un sezon mort/slab

on (prep.) = pe

a book on the table = o carte pe masa

a picture on the wall = un tablou pe perete

a hat on her/his head = o palarie pe capul ei/lui

to sit on the grass = a sta jos pe iarba

to write smth. on paper = a scrie ceva pe hartie

to go on foot = a merge pe jos/picioare

out of (prep.) = afara din, din

to go/walk out of a room = a iesi dintr-o camera

to do smth. out of pity = a face ceva de/din mila

trees grow out of the earth = copacii cresc din pamant

to ask out of curiosity = a intreba de/din curiozitate

to be out of work = a fi somer

something out of use = ceva iesit din uz

over (prep) = peste, deasupra, asupra

over their heads = deasupra capetelor lor

a bridge over the river = un pod peste rau

to be over forty = a avea mai mult de patruzeci de ani

to have authority over smb. = a avea autoritate asupra cuiva

over (adv.)

I am to turn over the page. = Urmeaza sa dau pagina.

to boil over with rage = a spumega de manie

over again = inca o data

over and again = de mai multe ori

to turn over the leaves of a book = a da/intoarce foile unei carti

past (prep.) = peste, si, trecut de

half past one, two etc. = unu, doua etc. si jumatate

past (adv.)

to run past smb. = a trece in fuga pe langa cineva, a trece de cineva in fuga

round (adj.) = rotund

a round table = o masa rotunda

a round peg in a square hole = potrivit ca nuca in perete

round (prep.) = in jurul

to run round a house = a alerga in jurul unei case

round the sun = in jurul soarelui

since (prep. & adv.) = de, din, de la

since four o'clock = de la ora patru

I haven't seen them since. = Nu i-am vazut de atunci.

through (prep.) = pe, prin, printre

to come in through the door = a intra pe usa

to look through a telescope = a privi printr-un telescop

to go through life = a trece prin viata

throughout (prep.) = in, prin, peste

throughout our holidays = pe tot parcursul vacantei noastre

to revise a book throughout = a revizui o carte complet

throughout this country = de-a lungul si de-a latul acestei tari

to (prep.) = la, catre, spre

this road leads to Brasov. = drumul acesta duce la Brasov.

to go to school/church = a merge la scoala/biserica

to walk to school = a merge la scoala pe jos

to go to school by bus = a merge la scoala cu autobuzul

to go to the baker's = a merge la patiserie/brutarie

to go to bed = a merge la culcare

to come to an end = to finish = a lua sfarsit, a se termina

to turn to the right and to the left = a se intoarce la dreapta si la stanga

to go from place to place = a merge dintr-un loc intr-altul

under (prep.) = dedesubt, sub, mai jos de

to swim under water = a inota pe sub apa

to be under arms = a fi sub arme

under the age of fourteen = sub varsta de paisprezece ani

to be under treatment = a fi sub ingrijire medicala, a fi in tratament

under my, your etc. feet = sub talpile mele, tale etc.

to be under observation = a fi sub observatie

this question under examination = aceasta chestiune in studiu

under (adv.)

That boat went under. = Barca aceea a mers la fund.

underneath (prep.) = sub, dedesubtul

The ball rolled underneath a table. = Mingea s-a rostogolit sub o masa.

up (prep.) = catre, spre, in susul

to run up the hill = a alerga pe deal in sus, a urca dealul in fuga

to walk up a hill/mountain = a urca un deal/munte

the ups and downs of life = vicisitudinile/valurile vietii

up (adv. particle)

to be up for sometime = a fi in picioare de catva timp, a fi sculat de catva timp

to be up till late = a nu se culca pana tarziu

He lifted his head up. = El si-a ridicat capul.

Up with him ! = Sus cu el ! = Sa se scoale !

Time's up. You must leave. = Timpul s-a terminat. Trebuie sa pleci.

upon = on (prep.) = pe, in

many books upon that desk = multe carti pe banca aceea

a tree upon the top of the hill = un copac in/pe varful dealului

We see two boats upon the lake. = Vedem doua barci pe lac.

upon the surface of the sea = pe suprafata marii

upon our word = pe cuvantul nostru

with (prep.) = cu

in the mountains with my friends = la munte cu prietenii mei

to cut smth. with a knife = a taia ceva cu un cutit

to travel with smb. = a calatori cu cineva

to walk with haste = a merge grabit

to go for a walk with smb. = a merge la plimbare cu cineva

to discuss smth. with smb. = a discuta ceva cu cineva

to help smb. with smth. = a ajuta pe cineva la ceva

in comparison with = in comparatie cu

in conection with = in legatura cu

within (prep.) = in, in cadrul / interiorul / limita

They are running within a circle = Ei alearga intr-un cerc.

within our room = in interiorul camerei noastre

within a week/month = in mai putin de o saptamana/luna

within the law = in limita/limitele legii

without (prep.) = fara

not to succeed without money a nu reusi fara bani

to escape without damage = a scapa nevatamat

to be without help = a fi fara ajutor, a fi lipsit de ajutor

to do smth. without success = a face ceva fara succes

to come without delay = a veni fara intarziere

to come without doubt = a veni fara indoiala

It goes without saying. = Se intelege de la sine.

They passed without saying a word. = Ei au trecut fara a spune vreun cuvant.

I cannot speak German without mistakes. = Nu pot vorbi germana fara greseli.

2. Verbe cu prepozitii obligatorii

to accuse smb. of smth. = a acuza pe cineva de ceva

to agree with smb./smth. = a fi de acord cu cineva/ceva

to agree on = a fi de acord asupra

to apologize for = a-si cere iertare pentru

to approve of smth. = a aproba ceva

to arrive at/in = a ajunge la/in

to ask smb. for smth. = a cere cuiva ceva

to be accustomed to smth. = a fi obisnuit/ familiar cu ceva

to be acquainted with smth.=a fi obisnuit cu ceva

to be afraid of smb./smth. = a se teme de cineva/ ceva

to be angry with smb. = a fi suparat pe cineva

to be anxious about smth. = a fi ingrijorat de ceva

to be astonished at = a fi uimit/uluit de

to be aware of = a fi constient de, a-si da seama de

to be characteristic of = a fi caracteristic pentru

to be close to = a fi aproape/ alaturi de

to be concerned with = a fi preocupat de

to be confident of = a fi increzator in

to be crazy about = a fi nebun dupa

to be cruel to = a fi crud cu, a fi crud/rau fata de

to be dependent on/upon = a fi dependent de

to be deprived of = a fi lipsit/deposedat de

to be different from = a fi diferit de

to be fond of = a fi amator de

to be good at = a fi bun la, a se pricepe la

to be good/kind to = a fi amabil cu

to be grateful to = a fi recunoscator fata de

to be indignant at = a fi indignat de

to be of opinion that = a fi de parere ca

to be bent on/upon = a fi hotarat sa

to be on the move = a fi in miscare

to be impressed by = a fi impresionat de

to be independent of = a fi independent de

to be indifferent to = a fi indiferent fata de

to be intent on = a fi absorbit de

to be interested in = a fi interesat de

to be jealous of = a fi gelos pe

to be patient with = a fi rabdator cu

to be polite to = a fi politicos/civilizat cu

to be preoccupied by = a fi preocupat de

to be proud of = a fi mandru de

to be satisfied with = a fi multumit cu/de

to be seized with = a fi prins de

to be similar to = a fi asemanator cu

to be sorry for = a-i parea rau pentru; a-si cere scuze

to be superior to = a fi superior

to be surprised at = a fi surprins de

to be typical of = a fi caracteristic pentru

to beg for = a cersi/implora

to begin by = a incepe prin

to belong to = a apartine

to beware of = a se feri/pazi de

to boast of = a se lauda/fali cu

to borrow from = a imprumuta de la

to call for = a cere, a necesita

to call on smb. = a vizita pe cineva

to call at a place = a trece printr-un loc

to care for = a tine la, a-i placea

to compare to/with = a compara cu

to complain of = a se plange/vaita de

to conceal from = a se ascunde de

to congratulate on = a felicita pentru

to contribute to = a contribui la

to count/rely on/upon = a se bizui / baza pe/ conta pe

to cure of = a vindeca de

to deal with = a se ocupa cu/de

to defend from = a apara de

to depend on/upon = a depinde de

to die of = a muri de

to differ from = a diferi de

to do without = a se lipsi de, a face fara

to doubt of = a se indoi de

to embark on = a o porni intr-o directie;

to escape from = a scapa de

to feed on = a hrani cu

to fill with = a umple cu

to forgive for = a ierta pentru

to glance at = a arunca o privire la

to go to = a merge la, a se duce la

to go in for = a se prezenta la

to hope for = a spera la

to indulge in = a se deda la, a se complace in; a indemna sa

to insist on = a insista asupra

to interfere in = a interveni in, a se amesteca in

to introduce to = a prezenta (cuiva)

to intrude on = a deranja, a tulbura

to knock at = a bate la

to leave for = a pleca la

to laugh at = a rade de

to laugh with joy = a rade de bucurie

to lend to smb. = a da imprumut cuiva

to live on = a trai din/cu

to long for = a tanji dupa

to look at = a privi la

to look after = a ingriji de, a avea grija de

to look for = a cauta

to look into = a examina

to look like = a semana cu

to look on/upon = a considera

to look to = a se ingriji de

to meet with = a intampina

to mistake for = a confunda cu, a lua drept

to move from to = a se muta din la/in

to object to = a obiecta asupra/ impotriva

to part with = a se desparti de

to participate in = a participa la

to pass for = a trece drept

to peep at = a privi pe furis la

to pine for = a tanji dupa

to play at = a se juca de-a

to prevent from = a impiedica/opri sa

to profit by smth. = a profita de ceva

to protect from = a proteja/apara de

to provide with = a inzestra cu

to pull at = a trage la

to put in(to) practice = a pune in practica

to recover from = a-si reveni dupa, a se face bine dupa

to refer to = a se referi la

to refrain from = a se abtine de la

to remind smb. of smth. = a aminti cuiva de ceva

to resort to smb. = a se adresa cuiva, a apela la cineva

to retire from = a se retrage din

to reproach smb. with smth. = a reprosa cuiva ceva

to rush at smth. = a se repezi la ceva

to be sated with = a fi satul/dezgustat de

to see to = a se ingriji/ocupa de

to send for = a trimite dupa

to separate from = a separa de

to smell of = a mirosi a

to stand for = a reprezenta

to stare at = a privi fix/intens la

to start for = a porni catre/spre

to subtract from = a scadea din

to succeed in = a reusi sa

to supply with = a aproviziona cu

to take into account/consideration = a lua in seama/consideratie

to think about/of = a se gandi la

to threaten with = a ameninta cu

to transform/change into = a transforma/schimba in

to translate from into = a traduce din in

to wait for smb. = a astepta pe cineva

to worry about = a-si face griji in privinta

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