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Present Perfect Continous este alcatuit din forma de Present
Perfect a verbului be urmata de paricipiul prezent (-ing) al verbului de conjugat.
Aceasta forma verbala exprima
o actiune inceputa intr-un moment trecut care continua si in prezent si poate si in viitor:
They have been playing tennis for half an hour.
Ei joaca tenis de o jumatate de ora.
o actiune repetata frecvent, intr-o perioada de timp care se intinde din trecut pana in prezent:
I have been working of this composition for three hours.
Lucrez la aceasta compunere de trei ore.
o actiune trecuta, incheiata recent, care este cauza unui efect simtit in prezent.
Why are your hands so dirty?
I have been repairing my car.
De ce ai mainile atat de murdare
Mi-am reparat masina.
Actiunea incepe in trecut si continua si in prezent. Implicarea puternica a interlocutorului - are valoarea peiorativa. I've been waiting for ages ! Astept de ani de zile I've been working on this file since the morning Lucrez la acest fisier de dimineata |
S+ have not + been + v-ing |
They haven't been working on it for long. N-am mai lucrat la el de mult timp. |
(Wh-) have+ S +been + Vb- ING |
How long has he been working on it De cat timp lucreaza la el? |
1.Puneti verbele
din paranteza
a.He (not pay) the telephone bill.
b.I (buy) a few oranges.
c.She (not finish) her homework yet.
d.John (cut) the grass ?
e.Someone (steal) Mary's car!
f.They (repair) the road.
g.(You/see ) my keys anywhere ?
h.We (not hear) from him lately.
2.Puneti verbele din paranteza la timpul corect
a) I don't know where Amy is.(you/see ) her ?
b) When I (get) home last night, I (be) very tired and I (go) straight to bed.
c) Your car looks very clean.(you/wash ) it ?
d) George (not be) very well last week.
e) Mrs. Clark (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
f) Molly lives in Dublin. She (live) there all her life.
g) (You/go) to the cinema last night ? Yes,but it (be) a mistake. The film (be) awful.
h) My grandfather (die) 30 years ago. I (never meet) him.
i) I don't know Carol's husband. I (never meet) him.
j) -Is your father at home ? - No, I'm afraid he (go ) out.
k) When exactly (go out) ? - About ten minutes ago.
l) -Where do you live ? - In Boston .
m) How long (you/live) there ? -Five years.
n) Where (you/live) before that ? -In Chicago.
o) And how long (you/live) in Chicago ? -Two years .
.Puneti verbele la timpul potrivit
a. It (not rain) this week.
b.The weather (be) cold recently.
c. It (be) cold last week.
d. I (not read) a newspaper yesterday.
e. Ann (earn) a lot of money this year.
f. She (not earn) so much last year.
g.(You/have) a holiday recently ?
4. Puneti verbele din paranteza la timpul corect :
a. My neighbours (just buy) a new VCR.
b. We (never be) in
c. Peter and I (go) to the cinema last night.
d. Patricia (start) practicing tennis last month.
e. We (leave) home at 9.00 and (get) there by 11.30.
f. She (not finish) her homework yet.
g. The Simpons (live) here since January.
h. I (wait) for a few minutes.
i. Last year Jim (break) his leg.
j. They (arrive) at 10.00 this morning.
5.Alege raspunsul corect
We (a /have met /b/met/ c/have been meeting) John' s parents last week.
I (a/ started b/ have started /c/starting ) playing football two years ago.
He (a/hasn't been having b/hasn't had /c /didn't have ) a cooked breakfast for ages.
(a/Did you lock /b/Where you locking /c/ Have you locked) the door before leaving the house ?
They (a/have stopped b/ stopped /c /having stopped ) working at 5 p.m.
(a/has just come b/just came c/was just coming ) back from
What (a/have you done b/have you been doing /c/did you do ) last night?
They (a /never were b/ have never been c/were never being ) abroad because they can afford it.
Mr. Jenkins (a/was arriving /b/has arrived /c/ arrived) at 9 o'clock.
10)Yesterday morning we (a/ have got up/b/ got up/ having got up ) very early.
New words
- to pay = a plati
- bill = factura ;
- telephone = telefon;
- homework = tema
- to cut = a taia;
- grass = iarba;
- to steal = a fura;
- to repair = a repara;
- road = strada;
- lately = in ultimul timp;
- to know = a sti
- last night = noaptea trecuta;
- clean = curat(a)
- to clean = a curata;
- bank = banca
- life = viata
- mistake = greseala
- awful = groaznic(a)
- to die = a muri;
- husband = sot
- to be afraid = a-i fi frica;
- in = in
- how long? = de cat timp ?
- to cook = a gati
- great = grozav;
- early = devreme;
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