![]() | Biologie | Chimie | Didactica | Fizica | Geografie | Informatica |
Istorie | Literatura | Matematica | Psihologie |
Exista trei tipuri mari de propozitii circumstantiale :
O conditie reala viitoare sau generala, care exprima o situatie anticipata sau posibila
- intr-un moment viitor:
We'll leave tomorrow if the weather is fine.
Vom pleca maine daca vremea este buna.
in general:
If I make a mistake, my boss always knows it.
Daca fac o greseala, seful meu intotdeauna stie.
O conditie ireala prezenta sau viitoare, care se refera la:
situatie imaginara, contrara unei realitati prezente:
If the weather were better now, we could go for a picnic.
Daca vremea ar fi mai buna, am putea face o plimbare.
- o situatie improbabila intr-un moment viitor
If I had money I would buy a car. Daca as avea bani, as cumpara o masina.
O conditie ireala trecuta, cu referire la o situatie imaginaa sau contrara realitatii intr-un moment trecut:
If the weather had been better, I would have left last Sunday.
Daca vremea ar fi fost mai buna as fi plecat duminica trecuta.
Tipul de propozitie conditionala |
In propozitia principala |
Timpul in propozitia conditionala |
Viitor/Prezent/Imperativ |
Prezent |
I'll go swimming. |
If th water is warm. |
A teacher is always happy |
If his pupils work hard |
Go and buy tickets |
If you want to see the play. |
Conditional prezent |
Past Tense |
She would go on a trip |
If she were on holiday |
Conditionalul trecut |
Past Perfect |
I would have spoken to Ann |
If I had seen her yesterday. |
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