![]() | Biologie | Chimie | Didactica | Fizica | Geografie | Informatica |
Istorie | Literatura | Matematica | Psihologie |
Read the verbs:
to sing |
singing |
to come |
coming |
to see |
seeing |
to try |
trying |
to lie |
lying |
to sit |
sitting |
to travel |
travelling |
2. Write the -ING form of the following verbs:
to play | |
to study | |
to live | |
to regret | |
to stop | |
to agree | |
to make | |
to die | |
to drop | |
to cry | |
to listen | |
to enter |
3. Fill in the blanks with the right form of he verb to be:
1. It . raining today.
2. I . listening to the teacher.
3. The teacher . explaining the new Iesson right now.
4. Caroline . writing a composition at the moment.
5. Tom and Jim . studying their lesson.
6. Father . coming from his office.
7. Man . walking home now.
8. My grandparents . watching television.
9. The cat . sleeping by the fire.
10. Dan and l . going to the dance now.
11. I . feeling well , thank you.
12. My friends . singing an old song now.
4. What is happening now ? Use the cues below to make sentences in the present tense continuous.
Model: Tom / read a book.
Tom is reading a book.
I / watch TV.
I am watching TV.
At school:
1. I / write a composition. ..
2. The other students / have a test. ..
3. They / study English. .
4. The girls / clean the classroom. ..
5. The teacher / ask question.
6. The boys / plant trees. .
At home:
7. Mother / cook dinner.
8. I / wash the dishes.
9. Mary / do her homework. ..
10. Father / fix the car.
11. Grandfather / help father. ..
12. My brother / play football.
5. Write what activities are going on in the classroom at the moment . Use the verbs : sit, stand, write, listen, look at, open, shut, draw, ask, answer, explain, do, translate.
6. Make comments on the sentences below.
Use the present tense continuous:
Example: Mother is in the kitchen.
She is cooking.
1. Father is in the garage. .
2. Grandfather is in the garden.
3. The children are in the park.
4. Jane is in the living-room; the TV set is on.
5. Mr. Smith is in his office. .
6. The students are in schoolyard. .
7. The opera - singer is on the stage.
8. Mr. Brown is in his car.
9. The girls are in their sewing-class.
10. Baby brother is in bed.
11. All the family is at table.
12. The painter is in his studio.
7. Ask questions using the words in brackets:
Example: John is doing his homework. (you )
Are you doing your homework, too?
1. Dan is studying English. (his friends)
2. I'm listening to the teacher (you)
3. Mother is washing up ( Betty)
4. We are practising. (they )
5. Mother is cleaning the house for the holidays. (the neighbours)
6. The boys are playing tennis (the girls)
7. We are enjoying the English class. (they)
8. The doctor is coming. (the nurse)
9. We are going to the cinema (you)
10. Nick is watching TV. (his friend)
11. John is taking a difficult exam. (Diana)
8. Make these sentences negative using the words in brackets:
Example: I'm studying English. (French)
I'm not studying French.
1. They 're learning their lesson at home. (at school)
2. I'm eating an apple. (a pear)
3. We're helping Dan. (Nick)
4. The, boys are playing tennis. (football)
5. We're drinking cocoa (coffee)
6. The cat is sleeping near the fire .( near the door)
7. I'm reading a poem . (novel)
8. The pupils are writing a composition (an exercise)
9. Alice is wearing a blue dress today. (a white dress)
10. They are swimming in the lake. (in the sea)
11. He is carrying a bay. ( an umbrella)
9. Put the verbs in brackets in the present tense continuous: positive, interrogative, negative (affirmative)
Example: I to him now. (write)
I am writing to him now.
1. We English at this moment. (speak)
2. The little boy to swim. (learn)
3. Grandmother the children a story. (not tell)
4. television? (you / not watch)
5. She now. (not sleep. She . a cake. (eat)
6. What song ? (you / sing)
7. in the library? (Mary / not study)
8. Listen! The baby (cry)
9. by bus? (you / come)
10. What to say? (he / try)
10. Comment on the following situations using the present tense continuous:
Example: Jack is at home. The TV set is on and he is in front of it.
Jack is watching TV.
1. Bob has breakfast at 7 o'clock every day. It's 7 o'clock now.
2. Mr. Brown usually drives to his office. This week his car is in the garage.
3. It's Tom again! He seems to sing me up every minute!
4. Robert and his wife go to the concert every Saturday. It is Saturday today.
5. The teacher will give a test in Maths this afternoon. It's 10 o'clock in the morning and all the pupils are at home.
6. My father has a bath at 7 o'clock every morning. This morning he is late. It is 8 o'clock and he is in the bathroom.
7. It is a lovely summer day. All the boys are on the football field. Most of the girls are in the lake. Some other children are in the park , with books in their hands.
Read the short sentences below with he or she as the subject.
He stops it. |
She enjoys. |
helps. |
needs. |
wants. |
reads. |
writes. |
comes here. |
thinks. |
lives. |
goes. |
plays. |
She waits here. |
He catches. |
works. |
watches. |
sleeps a lot. |
changes. |
laughs. |
dances. |
talks. |
teaches here. |
washes |
Put these sentences in the 3rd person singular.
Model: I watch TV in the evening. Jane
Jane watches TV in the evening, too.
1. I walk to school. My classmate .
2. All the pupils work hard. Jane .
3. My parents live in Brasov. My aunt .
4. I know the answer. M desk-mate .
5. I wash my hands before dinner. She .
6. We like school very much. Mary .
7. The children play in the park. Tom .
8. Those pupils study in the library. My friend .
9. I received a lot of letters. My sister .
10. They finish work at 5 o'clock. She .
11. We cross the street over there. He .
12. You want a bicycle. She .
3. Write about your father's / mother's / friend 's / deskmate's every day programme. Use the verbs: get up, get dressed, wash, eat, go to, work. sleep, watch TV, practise, listen to the radio, study, finish, walk, etc.
Model: My father gets at 6 o'clock.
Then ..
At half past six, he ..
After that ..
4. Make these sentences negative:
Model: a) I speak English. ( French)
I speak English but I don't speak French.
b) He collects stamps. (coins)
He collects stamps hut he doesn't collect coins.
1. I like tea. ( milk )
2. He understands French. (German )
3. Mrs. Smith teaches English. (Spanish)
4. I visit my friends on Sunday. ( on Saturday)
5. Paul reads novels. (poems)
6. They study history. (geography)
7. My baby brother cries at night. (in the daytime)
8. He likes classical music (modern music)
9. She writes postcards. (letters)
10. My friends see a play every week. (a film)
5. Put the verbs in brackets in the affirmative or negative form, choosing whichever is true about your English teacher:
Model: My English teacher to school. (walk)
My English teacher walks to school.
My English teacher doesn't walk to school.
1. My English teacher .. with his parents. (lives)
2. He .. in a new block of flats. (live)
3. He .. in a secondary school. (teach)
4. He .. to school in the morning. (come)
5. He .. beginners. (teach)
6. He .. brightly coloured clothes. (wear)
7. He .. a uniform at school. (wear)
8. He .. in school. (smoke)
9. He .. tennis in his spare time. (play)
10. He .. watching TV. (like)
6. Write about some of the things or activities you and other people don't like.
Example: I don't like coffee.
My brother doesn't like to travel by bus.
1. My friends
2. My sister
3. I
4. My English teacher
5. My parents
6. Grandmother
7. My neighbours
8. My desk-mate
9. Teachers
10. My classmates
7. Make questions:
Model: a) The students / go on trips every summer.
Do the students go on trips every summer?
b) John / like English
Does John like English?
1. We / watch TV every Sunday.
2. Mr. Brown / read the newspaper on the bus.
3. Sally / work at home every morning.
4. Your parents / like old films.
5. The students in the 9th form / study economics.
6. The shops / close at 8 o'clock.
7. Michael / understand the question.
8. You / attend a good school.
9. It / rain much in summer.
10. You / enjoy winter sports.
11. She / know what she is doing.
12. These magazines / publish interesting articles.
8. Put the words in brackets in the right place in the sentence.
Example: Peter goes swimming. (on Sundays, usually)
Peter usually goes swimming on Sundays.
On Sundays Peter usually goes swimming.
1.The English teacher uses the lab. ( often)
2. Diana drinks two cups of coffee. (usually, before lunch)
3. I go skiing. (often, in winter)
4. John drives his father's car. ( never)
5. Father smokes cigars. ( seldom, in the evening)
6. We go to school. (in the morning)
7. We visit the Village Museum. (occasionally, at weekends)
8. nick reads the newspaper. ( always. after lunch)
9. My bother reads detective stories. (usually, on holiday)
10. We go out. ( usually . in the evening)
11. The Danube freezes. (sometimes, in January)
9. Write a paragraph about how you spend the morning of your weekly holiday (weekend) by answering the questions below. Use the present tense simple.
1. What time do you get up on Sunday?
2. Do you cook your own breakfast or does someone else cook it for you?
3. Who do you have breakfast with ?
4. What do you usually have for breakfast?
5. What do you always do after breakfast?
6. What do you do from time to time?)
10. Write a paragraph describing yourself, by answering the questions below.
1. How old are you?
2. How tall are you?
3. What is the colour of your hair?
4. What is your favourite colour?
5. What kind of clothes do you wear?
6. What do you like to eat?
7. Where do you study?
8. What do you like to do in your spare time?
9. Which is your favourite sport?
10. Where do you live?
11. Write a paragraph describing Marie Osmond, a young American pop singer. Use the information below:
1. I play the piano and violin.
2. Love singing.
3. Make records.
4. Favourite colour - pink.
5. Like salad and fruit.
6. Wear comfortable clothes at home.
7. Dress up for special occasions.
8. Enjoy designing clothes.
9. Make jewelry.
10. Collect recipes of cooking.
11. Know shorthand and typing.
12. Favourite sport - swimming.
12. Answer the following questions to pracise the present tense simple:
Model: a) What does a postman do? (deliver)
A postman delivers letters.
b) What does a baker sell? (bread)
A baker sells bread.
1. What does a tailor do ? ( make)
2. What do stamp- collectors collect? (stamps)
3. What does a photographer do? (take)
4. What does a lecturer do? (give)
5. What do doctors and nurses do ? (look after)
6. What do pilots fly? (planes)
7. What does a footballer do ? (play)
8. What do waiters do ? ( serve)
9. What do butchers sell? (meat)
10. What does an architect design? (buildings)
1. Describe your everyday programme.
2. Describe the activities of your school.
3. Describe the activity of a doctor, policeman, driver, poastman, shop-assistant.
4. Describe the appearance, activities and characteristics of a friend of yours.
14. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form of the present tense ( simple or continuous):
1. He . a telephone call right now. (make)
2. Look ! It . again. (rain)
3. They . breakfast at the moment. (have)
4. I always . my friends to the station. (drive)
5. Listen! Somebody . Paganini. (plays)
6. Mary . her shopping on Mondays. (do)
7. The boys . football every afternoon. (play)
8. I . letters this morning. (write)
9. Mother . in the park with her daughter, Alice now. (walk)
10. Kate . flowers and mushrooms now. (pick)
11. What you ? (do) I'm testing the soup.
12. What time . you .? (usually, get up)
13. Everybody . summer. (like)
14. During the week we generally . early. (get up)
15. Translate into English. Use the present tense simple or continuous:
1. In fiecare an mergem doua saptamani la mare.
2. E sambata si facem curat in casa. Sora mea sterge praful din camera iar eu fac paturile.
3. Parintii mei locuiesc in Bucuresti. Ii vizitez in fiecare luna.
4. Copiii se joaca in parc in fiecare zi.
5. Luam micul dejun. Mama bea cafea, iar tata mananca omleta.
6. Tata e in garaj. reparta masina. (acum)
7. Uneori Dunarea (the danube) ingheata in luna ianuarie.
8. Totdeauna seara ne uitam la televizor.
9. Mary poarta astazi o rochie verde.
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the simple future"
1. (go) We .. to the Danube Delta next summer.
2. (wear) Mary .. her new dress at the party.
3. (go) I .. home after school.
4. (come) The Parkers .. later.
5. (take) I .. the dog for a walk in the evening.
6. (stay) Father .. at home on Sunday.
7. (buy) We .. a new fridge next month.
8. (do) The children .. their homework after dinner.
9, (go) I .. to the post-office this afternoon.
10. (study) Sandra .. Economics next year.
2. Put these statements into the future negative.
Model: a) I'll get her some flowers. (a box of chocolates)
I'll get her some flowers.
I shan't get her a box of chocolates.
I won't get her a box of chocolates.
b) They'll visit their friends. (cousins)
They'll visit their friends but they won't visit their cousins.
1. I'll drink tea. (coffee)
2. I'll be at home tonight. (tomorrow evening)
3. Mrs. Green will travel by train. (by plane)
4. The boys will play football. (volleyball)
5. We'll invite Helen. (Alice)
6. I'll have new shoes. (a new dress)
7. Grandma will read the children a story. (a poem)
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