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niciodata " -s"la persoana a treia singular;
se conjuga fara DO
sunt urmate de infinitiv fara " to ";
Verbul modal must are doar o singura forma. Este inlocuit , la formele lipsa , prin verbul to have to- care insa, spre deosebire de el, implica o necesitate izvorata din imprejurimi.Absenta necesitatii se reda prin needn't.
You must go now.
Trebuie sa pleci acum.
You mustn't talk to your sister like that.
Nu trebuie sa-i vorbesti surorii tale pe un asemenea ton.
indica o probabilitate cu caracter aproape de certitudine: "probabil","de buna seama", " trebuie"(in constructii afirmative):
She must be very clever.
Trebuie sa fie foarte inteligenta
He must feel very lonely now.
Trebuie sa se simta foarte singur acum.
MUST NOT : interdictie - (MUSTN'T ) = nu trebuie ;
- Must : obligatia impusa de catre vorbitor;
- To have to : exprima obligatia impusa din exterior;
DAR Don't have to = absenta obligatiei;
1.capacitatea subiectului ( fizica si intelectuala ):
I can swim Pot sa inot
I can speak English . (Pot sa vorbesc lb. enleza
Accidents can happen. (Accidentele se pot produce ).
.pentru a cere permisiunea, cerere , rugaminte politicoasa :
(Ca o alternativa a lui MAY in exprimarea familiara).
Can I go to the city ?
Pot pleca la oras?
Of course you can.
Desigur ( ca poti).
4.verbe de perceptie
I can see you. te vad).
CAN urmat de un verb de perceptie senzoriala (ex.: see ) corespunde aspectului continuu al verbului respectiv.
imposibilitate contrariul lui must )
It can't be true.
Nu poate fi adevarat.
You can't behave like that !
Nu te poti comporta astfel
( a fi in stare de, a fi capabil sa /de . .)
(la timpul trecut I was able to swim.
Eram in stare sa inot
We were able to swim.
I 'm able to swim ( sunt in stare sa inot).
1. nuanta de indoiala (30%)
That could be true.
Asta poate fi adevarata.
2. capacitatea trecutului:
folosim COULD pentru o capacitate permanenta (as putea sa-l fac, ceea ce include faptul ca actiunea nu se realizeaza fortat ) si WAS ABLE TO pentru o actiune precisa.
He could help us if he weren't so busy
Putea sa ne ajute daca nu era atat de ocupat
4.a cere un serviciu politicos
Could you please open the window ?
Poti sa deschizi fereastra
1) permisiunea( si cerere)
You may leave (iti dau voie sa pleci = Poti pleca.
to be allowed to = a i se da voie, a i se permite
2) ipoteza
She may change her mind.( Ea poate sa-si schimbe parerea).
incertitudine (20%) ;
It might rain.
S-ar putea sa ploua.
Politicos - -----l---------l---------l--------- Politicos +
can't might may can must will
- Probabil ----- +Probabil
- atat verb obisnuit cat si verb modal;
- verbul modal se gaseste in principal la formele negative si
Negativ : absenta necesitatii
You needn't worry.
Nu trebuie sa te ingrijorezi.
Interogativ:sens apropiat de MUST( asteptarea unui raspuns negativ)
Need I go to school ? - Yes, you must./No, you needn't.
Trebuie sa merg la scoala ? Da, trebuie/Nu, nu este nevoie.
1.cere un serviciu in mod politicos :
Will you help me carry my suitcase ?
Vrei sa ma ajuti sa car valiza?
2. intentie ferma
You will do!
Vei face!
3.auxiliarul viitorului :
You will succeed
Vei reusi!
1) would folosit in mod repetat - caracteristic trecutului
When he was four,Tom would wake up at night.
Cand avea 4 ani, Tom se trezea noaptea.
2)auxiliarul conditionalului
If he was not that stupid, he would be such a nice guy.
Daca nu era atat de idiot, ar fi putut fi un baiat atat de dragut.
3) a cere un serviciu, in mod politicos;
Would you please open the window ?
Vrei sa deschizi fereastra
1) constrangere, regulament:
eg.: You shall not kill.( Nu trebuia sa ucizi).
2) angajament :
eg. : We shall overcome (Vom invinge).
3) intrebare politicoasa, sugestie :
eg.: Shall we go to the cinema tonight ?
Mergem diseara la cinema?
4) auxiliarul viitorului
1) infinitivul prezent : sfat
eg : You should be more careful.
Ar trebui sa fii mult mai atent .
2) infinitivul trecut : repros
You should have been more careful.
Ar fi trebuit sa fii mult mai atent.
are o singura forma
este urmat intotdeauna de un infinitiv to;
indica o obligatie, o datorie morala, de obicei sub forma de sfat dat de catre vorbitor :
You ought to write a thank you letter.
Ar trebui sa scrii o scrisoare de multumire.
Valoare semantica |
Negatie -Nu |
Valoare epistemica |
Echi- valent |
-Obligatie |
-Interdictie; |
-o probabili-tate foarte mare(95)%) |
-fara indoiala; |
capacitate - verbe de perceptie -cererea unei permisii foarte politicos; -raspuns pozitiv; |
incapacitate - negatia perceptiei; - raspuns negativ; |
-posibilitate foarte mare |
imposibil - respingere |
-cererea unei permisii foarte politicos; -raspuns pozitiv |
-raspuns negativ; |
-posibilitate (50/50) |
-negatie 50%; |
capacitate trecuta; - cererea unui serviciu in mod politicos; |
-incapa- citate trecuta; |
posibilitate |
imposibi- litate trecuta; |
New words
- now = acum ;
- clever = inteligent (a)
- to swim = a inota
- accident = accident;
- to happen = a se intampla
- city = oras
- of course = desigur;
- true = adevarat
- to behave = a se comporta;
- to help = a ajuta;
- to change = a schimba;
- to rain = a ploua;
- school = scoala
- suitcase = valiza
- night = noapte;
- window = fereastra
- cinema = cinema;
- careful = atent(a)
1.Inlocuiti cuvintele scrise ingrosat cu un verb modal
1.You can try phoning but it's possible that the car has been sold now.
2.He asked if he to would be allowed write in ballpoint pen during the exam.
3.If you've been out of the country, you obviously haven't heard about the robbery.
4. Where would there be a chance of finding a flat to rent.
5. If you want to apply for a council improvement grant, it is compulsory to fill in form RC4.
6.It's important for me to come to a decision soon. Otherwise I might lose the chance.
7.She's unlikely to have left without warning anyone.
8.I miss having a view. In my last house it was possible to see for miles on a clear day.
9. I've forgotten to return the key of the safe.I'm sure people have been looking everywhere for it.
10. It's possible that you wont't even have to show a pass to get it.
11.Do you think it would be advisable for me to book a seat in advance?
12.It was thoughtless of you not to give me a hand with the washing-up. After all, it was your friends we had for dinner, not mine !
13.Don't bother to make out a receipt. I only throw them away.
14.Don't start worrying. It's possible that he took a later plane.
New words
- to try = a incerca
- but = dar;
- it's possible = este posibil;
- ballpoint = pix cu pasta;
- during = in timp ce .
- country = tara
- about = despre;
- robbery = jaf;
- chance = sansa
- to find = a gasi
- flat = apartament;
- to rent = a inchiria
- to apply = a aplica;
- compulsory = compulsive;
- to fill = a umple;a intregi;
- it's important = este important;
- decision = decizie;
- chance = sansa
- unlikely = neplacut(a);
- to worn = a avertiza;
- clear day = zi senina
- to return = a inapoia
- do you think = crezi ca .
- to book a seat in advance = a retine un loc
- thoughless = nepasare
- don't bother = nu te deranja;
- receipt = chitanta
- plane = avion;
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