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Vorbirea directa si indirecta (Direct and Indirect Speech)
Exista doua posibilitati de redarea a spuselor cuiva: prin vorbire directa si indirecta.
1. Vorbirea directa (Direct Speech)
In vorbirea directa se reproduc intocmai cuvintele persoanei care le-a rostit. Acestea se introduc de obicei prin virgula si sunt incadrate intre ghilimele, spre deosebire de limba romana: He asked me, "Where is Dan ? M-a intrebat: - Unde este Dan?
Enuntul reprodus indeplineste functia de propozitie completiva directa a predicatului din propozitia principala. Propozitia principala poate aparea inainte, intercalata sau dupa completiva directa. Cu exceptia pozitiei initiale, poate avea loc inversiune intre subiect si predicat cand subiectul este exprimat printr-un substantiv, iar verbul este la Present saau Past Tense Simple: Tom said, I can come with you,
I can come with you said Tom.
I can come with you Tom said.
I can come with you he said.
1.3. Folosirea timpurilor in vorbirea directa nu este afectata de timpul predicatului din propozitia principala:
He is saying -I'll see him tomorrow.
- I met her last night.
- I've just arrived.
He has said -I'll see him tomorrow.
- I met her last night.
- I've just arrived.
He said -I'll see him tomorrow.
- I met her last night.
- I've just arrived.
2. Vorbirea indirecta (Indirect / Reported Speech)
In vorbirea indirecta, o a treia persoana reda spusele cuiva, fara a reproduce totdeauna intocmai cuvintele sale: John said to Peter, Shall I meet you at the station tomorrow ?
John suggested that he should meet Peter at the station the next day.
John suggested meeting Peter at the station the next day.
Propozitia reprodusa indeplineste de asemenea functia de completiva directa a predicatului din propozitia principala.
3. Transformarea vorbirii directe in vorbire indirecta (Change form Direct to Indirect Speech)
Candva spusele cuiva sunt trecute de la vorbirea directa la cea indirecta, procedeul frecvent utilizat in coversatie, au loc anumite schimbari atat in propozitia principala cat si in completiva directa. Modificarile sunt de doua feluri: A) generale, care afecteaza orice fel de enunt reprodus; B) specifice, caracteristice fiecarui tip de propozitie: enuntiativa, interogativa, exclamativa, imperativa.
3.1. A. Modificarile generale se refera la: persoana, determinanti si timpuri verbale.
Pronumele personal, reflexiv si posesiv se schimba dupa inteles: persoana I si II-a devin de obicei persoana a III-a: Tom said to Mary, You should have asked me first. Tom told Mary that she should have asked him first.
Pot aparea insa si cazuri ca: You are right, Diana, said Paul. Diana: Paul said that I was right.
Pronumele ramane neschimbat cand vorbitorul isi reproduce propriile lui cuvinte: I think we should leave immediately, I said. I said I thought we should leave immediately.
Pronumele / adjectivele demonstrative si adverbele de loc si timp ce indica apropierea sunt inlocuite cu altele care exprima departarea. Astfel:
this devine that
this devine those
here devine there
today devine that day
yesterday devine the day before
tomorrow devine the next / following day
next week devine the previous week / the week before
Schimbarea adverbelor de loc si timp nu are loc in mod automat. Contextul si momentul vorbirii indirecte indica schimbarile necesare: The teacher said, Tom, bring your paintings here the day after tomorrow. The teacher told Tom to bring his paintings to school in two days time.
In ceea ce priveste adverbele de timp, ele sunt inlocuite numai daca relatia dintre momentul vorbirii indirecte si momentul vorbirii directe nu mai este aceeasi: 7 : 00 a.m. Radio-news report: British steel workers are planning a rade-union meeting tomorrow. Tom : They said on the radio yesterday that British steel workers are planning a trade-union meeting today.
Daca actul de vorbire are loc si este reprodus in acceasi zi, schimbarea pronumelor si adverbelor determinative nu mai este necesare, deoarece intelesul lor este acelasi fata de momentul prezent: Dan: They said on the radio this morning that British steel workers are planning a trade-union meeting tomorrow.
Folosirea timpurilor in vorbirea indirecta
Daca predicatul din propozitia principala este la prezent, Present Perfect sau viitor, timpul din propozitia redata in vorbirea indirecta (completiva directa) ramana neschimbat.
Alice is saying to Tom, I'll help you if I can.
Alice has said to Tom, I'll help you if I can.
Vorbire indirecta:
Adjectivele /
pronumele demonstrative sau adverbele din completiva directa raman de
asemenea neschimbate:
Daca predicatul propozitiei principale este la un timp trecut: Past Tense, Past Perfect, Future -in-the-Past, timpurile verbale din enuntul reprodus devin si ele trecute. Aceasta schimbare a timpurilor este denumita back-shift in limba engleza, deoarece ea are loc dinspre prezent spre trecut sau dinspre trecut spre un timp si mai trecut:
Present devine Past Tense;
Past Tense, Present Perfect, Past Perfect devin Past Perfect;
Future devine Future-in-the-Past.
Schimbarea timpurilor in completiva directa se aplica la propozitiile enuntiative, exclamative si interogative.
Mr Brown said to his wife I've been very busy today.
Mr Brown said to his wife How hungry I am.
Mr Brown said to his wife will you give me something to eat ?
Mr Brown told his wife that he had been very busy that day. He exclaimed that he was very hungry. He asked his wife is she would give him something to eat.
Propozitiile impserative, care devin infinitive in vorbirea indirecta, nu se supun acestei reguli, deoarece nu contin un verb la o forma personala: Mrs Brown said to her husband, Be careful! Don't drive so fast! Mrs Brown told her husband to be careful and not to drive so fast.
Conform regulilor de corespondenta a timpurilor, dupa un verb la un timp trecut, Present simple devine de obicei Past Simple in vorbirea indirecta:
a) cand prezentul nedefinit exprima o actiune repetata, un obicei sau o caracteristica a subiectului, timpul poate ramana neschimbat daca actiunea are acelasi caracter si in momentul prezent (momentul vorbirii indirecte): George said I go to the seaside every summer.
George said that he went to the seaside every summer.
George said that he goes to the seaside every summer.
b) cand vorbirea directa exprima un fapt universal valabil, un adevar absolut, timpul nu se schimba: The teacher said, Water boils at 100 Celsius. The teacher said that water boils at 100 Celsius.
c) cand continutul enuntului este valabil si in momentul vorbirii: George said I can't buy a pair of skis now, I haven't saved enough money. george said, he can't buy a pair of skis as he hasn't saved enough money.
Prezentul continuu se transforma de obicei in Past Tense continuu: I'm reading. He said he was reading.
O actiune viitoare este exprimata in vorbirea indirecta in modul urmator:
will (+infinitiv) devin: would (+infinitiv)
would (+infinitiv) devin: would (+infinitiv)
I, we shall (+infinitiv) devine: he, they, would (+infintiv) am / is / are going to (+infinitiv) devin: was / were going to (+infinitiv)
Frank said, I'm going to buy a new car next year.
Frank said I shall buy a
Frank said he was going to buy a new car the following
year and added he would buy a
Exceptie: Corespondenta timpurilor nu se aplica in cazul in care actiunea e viitoare si momentul vorbirii indirecte, nu numai in momentul vorbirii directe: George said, I'll take up engineering after graduation. George said he'll take up engineering after graduation.
Past Simple devine Past Perfect Simple In vorbirea indirecta: Mother said, Tom hurt himself. Mother said that Tom had hurt himself.
Past Simple poate ramane neschimbat pentru:
a) actiuni repetate in trecut: Harry said, I invited all my friend to my birthday parties when I was young. Harry said he invited all his friends to his birthday parties when he was young.
b) exprimarea unui fapt: The children asked, Were there any animals on the farm ? The children asked if there were any animals on the farm.
c) enunturi redate in vorbirea indirecta imediat dupa rostirea lor (in aceeasi zi): Paul said, I played football this morning. Paul said he played football this morning.
d) cand intre predicatele din principala si completiva directa nu exista un raport de anterioritate: He said, Sadoveanu was the greatest writer of his time. he said that Sadoveanu was the greatest writer of his time.
e) in vorbire, daca nu se produce confuzie cu privire la momentele celor doua actiuni: My friend said to me, i saw good film last night. My friend told me he saw a good film last night.
f) in propozitiile circumstantiale de timp. Propozitia regenta circumstantialei de timp poate fi de asemenea mentinuta la Past Tense sau deveni Past Perfect:
Our neighbour told us he met our father when he was
living in
Our neighbour told us he had met our father when he
was living in
g) in propozitiile conditionale de tipul 2: Harry said, I would go to the museum if it was open. Harry said he would go to the museum if it was open.
h) dupa wish, would rather, it is time: It's time you finished your papers, the teacher said. The teacher told the pupils it was time they finished their papers.
Past Tense Continuous devine in principiu Past Perfect Continuous, dar in practica ramane adesea neschimbat.
Schimbarea are loc doar cand acest timp se refera la o actiune terminata: He said, We were thinking of moving house but have changed our minds. He said that they had been thinking of moving house but had changed their minds.
Verbele modale se schimba in felul urmator: may devine might, will devine would, can devine could:
The typist said, The mecanic can fix my typewriter but he won't. The typist complained that the mechanic could fix her typewriter but he wouldn't.
Daca verbele modale exprimate in vorbire directa nu au forme pentru trecut, ca de exemplu must, need, should, ought to, had better, sau sunt deja la trecut sau conditional, ca would, could, might si used to (numai Past Tense), ele raman neschimbate in vorbirea indirecta: We must buy Mother a present for her birthday, the children said. The children said they must buy mother a present for her birthday. You ought to help your parents, Tom, the teacher said. The teacher told Tom he ought to help his parents.
Atentie! In general must se mentine in vorbirea indirecta. Cand insa must exprima o obligatie, el poate deveni would have to sau had to, in functie de sens: Harry said, I must go to school now. Harry said he had to go to school immediately. Father said, I must go to a conference tomorrow. Father said he would have to go a conference the next day.
In mod similar, could este mentinut in vorbirea indirecta: George asked, Could I use your pen ? George asked me if he could use my pen, sau mentinut / schimbat in functie de sens:
He said Could you lend me your dictionary, please ?
He said I could swim when it was fine.
He said I couldn't go into the water alone when I was a child.
He asked me to lend him my dictionary.
He asked me if I could lend him my dictionary.
He said he could swim when it was fine.
He said he had been able to swim when it was fine.
He added he couldn't go into the water alone when he was a child.
He added he had not been allowed to go into the water alone when he was a child.
Frazele conditionale de tipul 2 si 3 nu se schimba in vorbirea indirecta. Cele de tipul 1 devin identice ca forma cu conditionalele de tipul 2: He said, You'll hurt yourself if you are not careful. he told me I would hurt myself if was not careful.
B. Modificarile specifice se refera la verbele care trebuie folosite in fiecare fel de propozitie reprodusa (enuntiativa, exclamativa, interogativa, imperativa), la punctuatie, ordinea cuvintelor etc.
3.12. Propozitiile enuntiative (Declarative Sentence)
Verbul say este caracteristic vorbirii directe, cu sau fara complement indirect.
Daca este urmat de un complement indirect, verbul say urmeaza de obicei cuvintele reproduse: I don't understand the question, Cathy said to her teacher.
In vorbirea indirecta, se pastreaza de regula say cand complementul indirect nu este mentionat, iar verbul ocupa pozitia initiala: Cathy said she didn't understand the lesson.
In celelalte cazuri se intrebuinteaza tell + complement indirect: Cathy told the teacher she didn't understand the question.
Semnele citarii sunt omise in vorbirea indirecta, iar enuntul reprodus se introduce prin conjunctia that: I've just arrived, Fred said. Fred said (that) he had just arrived.
In unele situatii, spusele cuiva nu pot fi reproduse in vorbirea indirecta, ci trebuie parafrazate, in functie de sens:
Paula said, I'm sorry I'm late.
You'd better stay in bed for a few days, Peter, the doctor said.
Yes si no sunt exprimate in vorbirea indirecta cu ajutorul unui subiect si verb auxiliar: Is this device safe ? Yes. The man asked if the device was safe and the mechanic replied that it was.
sau prin inlocuirea cu verbe de afirmare sau negare:
He said, No. He refused.
He said, No. He denied it.
He said, No. He answered in the negative.
He said, Yes. He agreed.
He said, Yes. He accepted.
He said, Yes. He answered in the affirmative.
3.13. Propozitiile interogative
Daca Verbul din principala este say, acesta trebuie inlocuit cu verbe ca: ask, wonder, want to know, inquire etc. Why is Tom angry ? Helen said to me.
Helen asked (me) why Tom was angry.
Helen wondered why Tom was angry.
Cand propozitiile interogative sunt redate in vorbirea indirecta, ele devin propozitii enuntiative. In consecinta forma interogativa a verbului devine afirmativa sau negativa: subiectul precede predicatul, verbul auxiliar do este omis, iar semnul intrebarii se transforma in punct:
Peter is saying Isn't Bob coming ?
Peter is saying Where does he live ?
Peter wants to know if Bob is not coming.
Peter wants to know where he lives.
Exceptie: Cand un cuvand interogativ: who, what, how much este subiectul propozitiei interogative, se mentine ordinea cuvintelor din vorbirea directa: Laura says, How many arrived last night ? Laura wants to know how many (people) arrived last night.
De asemenea: I said, What's the matter ? I asked (him) what was the matter.
Daca in vorbirea directa propozitia interogativa este o intrebare speciala , adica daca ea incepe cu un pronume, adjectiv interogativ, acesta este pastrat in vorbirea indirecta: How do you spell this word ? the teacher has asked. The teacher has asked how we spell this word.
In cazul unor intrebari generale, legatura intre propozitia principala si completiva directa se face cu ajutorul conjunctiei if sau whether: He is saying Have you been to Suceava?
He is asking if we have been to Suceava.
He is asking whether we have been to Suceava.
Whether este folosit in mod obligatoriu pentru redarea in vorbirea indirecta a intrebarilor alternative: Are you going to the theatre or to the cinema ? Tommy said to his sister. Tommy asked his sister wheter she was going to the theatre or to the cinema.
Tommy asked his sister wheter she was going to the theatre or not.
Intrebarile generale incepand cu will / would / could you se transforma in vorbirea indirecta in mod diferentiat, in functie de sensul intrebarii.
a) o intrebare despre o actiune viitoare: Will you sing in the choir tomorrow ?
He said . He asked me if I would sing in the choir the next day.
b) o rugaminte, cerere: Could you serve the coffee ? Bob said.
Bob asked me to serve the coffee.
Bob asked if I could serve the coffee.
c) o invitatie: Would you attend our meeting ? The children said to their teacher.
The children asked their teacher to their meeting.
The children invited their teacher to their meeting.
d) un ordin, o comanda: Copy the lesson, Mary. The teacher told Mary to copy the lesson.
In mod similar, intrebarile incepand cu shall I / we se transforma diferentiat in vorbire indirecta, devenind:
a) o intrebare despre o actiune viitoare: would + infinitiv: Shall I see you tomorrow ? Bob said. Bob wanted to know if he would see me the next day.
b) cererea unui sfat: should + infinitiv: Shall I buy the long dress, mother?
c) o oferta: offer + infinitiv lung: Shall I bring you your glasses ? Patricia said. Patricia offered to bring me my glasses.
d) o sugestie: suggest + Gerund / should + infinitiv: Shall we have a snack? Denise said.
Denise suggested having a snack.
Denise suggested that they should have a snack.
Schimbarile de timp in propozitiile interogative au loc la fel ca si in cele enuntiative:
He said, Where have you been?
He said, What is Tom doing ?
He said, When will they leave?
He wanted to know where we had been.
He wanted to know what Tom was doing.
He wanted to know when they would leave.
3.14. Propozitiile exclamative
Propozitiile exclamative devin propozitii enuntiative in vorbirea indirecta. In consecinta, semnul exclamarii din vorbirea directa nu mai este necesar: What a funny joke! he said. He exclaimed that it was a funny joke.
Sunt posibile mai multe transformari, in functie de natura exclamatiei:
a) Exclamatii incepand cu what(a), how se transforma in completive directe Exclimed that it was very kind of him to help! mother said. Mother exclaimed that it was very kind of him to help them.
b) Exclamatii ca Oh! Ah! Ugh! devin
He exclaimed with surprise / disgust, etc.
He gave an exclamation of surprise / disgust, etc.
In functie de sens se intrebuinteaza diverse verbe (+ adverbe de mod) ca: exclaim, complain, shout, remark, observe, say admiringly, say scornfully, etc., pentru redarea propozitiilor exclamative in vorbirea indirecta: What a delicious cake! the quest said. The qest said asmiringly that the cake was delicious. How tired I am! the old woman said. The old woman complained that she was very tired.
Observati de asemenea:
She said, Thank you.
He said, Damn it!
They said, Good morning!
She said, A happy new year!
He said, Well done!
She said, Liar!
She thanked me.
He swore.
They greeted me / wished me a good morning.
She wished me a happy new year.
He congratulated me.
She called me a liar.
Predicatul propozitiei exclamative se supune corespondentei timpurilor fata de un predicat trecut in propozitia principala.
He said, How beautifully she sang!
He said, How pretty she is!
He said, What a delightful trip we'll have!
He exclaimed that she had sung beautifully.
He said admiringly that she had sung beautifully.
He remarked that she had sung beautifully.
He exclaimed that she was pretty.
He said admiringly that she was pretty.
He remarked that she was pretty.
He exclaimed that they would have a delightful trip.
He said admiringly that they would have a delightful trip.
He remarked that they would have a delightful trip.
Daca exclamatia in vorbirea directa nu contine un verb la un timp personal, in vorbirea indirecta se foloseste verbul be: Helen said, What a lovely present! Helen exclaimed that the present was lovely.
3.15. Propozitiile imperative
In vorbirea indirecta, propozitiile imperative defin infinitive:
a) afirmative: He said, Sit down, Peter.
b) negative: He said , Don't interrupt the speaker please.
Verbul din propozitia principala (say, tell) se inlocuieste cu un verb care exprima un ordin (tell, order, command), o rugaminte (ask, request, urge), un sfat (warn, advise, recommand), etc., in functie de sens: Officer to soldiers: Clean the barracks! The officer ordered his soldiers to clean the barracks. Mother to Ann: Pass me the salt, will you ? Mother asked Ann to pass her the salt. Teacher to Tom: (You shouls) go to the doctor . The teacher advised Tom to go to the doctor.
Aceste verbe sunt urmate in mod obligatoriu de complemente indirecte sau prepozitionale. Daca ele nu mentionate in vorbirea directa, vor fi adaugate: Give me my ball! the little boy shouted. The little boy shouted at the bigger to give him his ball.
Daca verbul din principala este la diateza pasiva, complementul indirect nu mai este necesar: Go to bed! they said to Tommy. Tommy was told to go to bed.
Imperativul pentru persoana I plural (let's + infinitiv) exprima de obicei o sugestie si se exprima in vorbirea indirecta prin verbul suggest + Gerund / completiva directa introdusa de that:
Nick said, Let's watch TV.
Nick said, What about watching TV?
Nick suggested watching TV.
Nick suggested that they should watch TV.
Nick suggested that they watch
TV. (in engleza
Imperativele exprimand un ordin in general se pot transforma in vorbire indirecta si:
- cu ajutorul verbului be to, in special cand:
a) verbul din principala este la prezent: He says, Do the next exercise! He says that we are to do the next exercise.
b) ordinul este precedat de o propozitie temporala sau conditionala: He said, If she comes, ring me up. He said that if she came we were to ring him up.
- cu ajutorul lui should: The Captain ordered that the sailors should clean the deck./
4. Vorbirea indirecta libera
Acesta reprezinta un stadiu intermediar intre vorbirea directa si indirecta si este utilizata frecvent in stilul narativ. Se caracterizeaza prin schimbarea timpurilor, a pronumelor si adverbelor ca si in vorbirea indirecta, dar propozitia principala este de obicei omisa si se pastreaza unele forme din vorbirea directa: propozitii interogative, vocative, intrebari disjunctive etc.
Aceasta forma este adeseori folosita in literatura pentru exprimarea gandurilor unui personaj. In consecinta, verbul he thought este de obicei mai potrivit decat he said in asemenea cazuri.
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