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Cateva jocuri

Cateva jocuri

Intrebare anonima

Fiecare primeste o foaie goala pe care va scrie o intrebare pentru cei doi miri (daca doreste, pt fiecare separat).Apoi acestia vor raspunde la intrebari (fie prin sorti, fie intercalat cu alte jocuri pt a nu fi plictisitor).

Cat stiu despre tine?

Concurs cu intrebari pt cei doi viitori miri.Se selecteaza o lista de 15-20 intrebari despre ei la care trebuie sa raspunda (ea despre el si el despre ea).(carti preferate, culoare, mancare, familie, etc)

Cantecul nostru?

Se selecteaza un nr de melodii de dragoste si se impart oaspetii in 2 echipe. Cativa reprezentanti de la cele 2 echipe vor juca un fel de "mim muzical" fiind nevoiti sa fredoneze o melodie pe care o asculta la casti (fara cuvinte elaborate, doar monosilabice) pt ca restul echipei sa o ghiceasca.

Povestea vietii in 10 cuvinte

Fiecare invitat noteaza pe o foaie povestea vietii sale in doar 10 cuvinte (date, nume, locuri, etc).A poi cei doi sarbatoriti sunt rugati sa spuna povestile lor personale, timp in care ceilalti incearca sa identifice cuvinte identice sau macar asemanatoare cu propria poveste. Cel ce regaseste cele mai multe cuvinte cu unul din cei 2 miri este castigator (poate anunta identificarea strigand Bingo!)

O idee.

Faceti un cufar de zestre in care fiecare va pune un biletel pt cei doi miri cu un sfat, un citat, o urare, etc

'Love is.'

Write 25 romantic words on index cards, such as, passion, candlelight, roses, chocolate, and so on. On another 25 index cards write some non-romantic images, such as ironing board, wallpaper paste motor oil, and so on. Stack the two piles separately, and distribute paper and pencil. Have each player draw a card from each pile. When everyone has 2 cards, ask them to write a silly love poem using the two words or phrases they have drawn.

Bride/Groom Trivia

Test your partygoers' knowledge of the bride and groom to be. I was at a party recently where we played this game and it was really funny. Ask the guests questions like, 'Where did the couple go on their first date?' 'How did the couple get engaged?', 'How did the couple meet?' The person who answers the most questions correctly wins a prize.

Recipe for Happiness

Give each guest a piece of stationary and have them each write down what they feel is a recipe for a good/happy marriage. When everyone is done, fold the 'recipes' in half and place them in a box. Have somebody pull them out one by one and read them out loud. As they are being read, have everyone try to guess who wrote each recipe. There really is no 'winner' except for the bride-to-be (if she takes and follows the combined advice

Word Chain

Have all of your guests sit in a circle. Have one person start the chain by saying one word that describes a wedding. As you go around the circle, have each person state their new word (could be more than one word) in addition to the words that were spoken by the people preceding them. For example, first person says 'veil', second person says 'veil, best man', third person says 'veil, best man, gifts', and so on.

'I never.'

Supply each of your guests with 20 jellybeans (or any candy of your choice). The first person makes a true statement about themselves that begins with the words 'I never.' For example, if one person has never cheated on a mate, then she would say 'I never cheated on a mate in my life.' If the statement (without the 'I never.') is true for other guests, then they must eat a piece of candy. Everyone should take at least one turn. Keep playing until it is obvious who will end up with the most candy - that's your winner!

The Name Game
To find words that can be made from letters in the bride and groom's names.
Number of Players:
2 and up
Required Equipment:
Pens - one for each guest Magazines - one for each guest to have a hard writing surface Name Game worksheets - one for each guest
Write the bride and groom's names on the included worksheet on the lines just above the directions. Be sure that you get the correct spelling. Make enough photocopies so that there is one worksheet for each guest. Note: There are four identical worksheets on the 8˝ x 11 paper. If there will be 12 guests, photocopy the master 3 times and then cut each paper in fourths and there will be 12 worksheets.
Pass out one worksheet and pen to each guest. Instruct the guests to try and make as many words as they are able to using the letters from the bride and groom's names. Give them a certain amount of time (2-5 minutes). At the end of the time, the guest with the most valid words is declared the winner. The hostess then gives the guest a small gift as a prize.

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