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The influence of the English language over the Romanian language
Transcriere fonetica:
[silicon] - in Romanian
['silikən] - in English
The noun silicon is used in the domain of chemistry and has the same sense as in English, but it is also used frequently in Romanian, not in English, in the domain of aesthetic and plastic surgery, e.g.: implanturile din silicon, proteze cu silicon. But we also meet this word in tre expression Silicon Valley, that it is borrowed from English, e.g.: dupa 25 de ani mai tarziu, aceasta decizie avea sa dea startul la ceea ce se numeste astazi Silicon Valley.
The noun silicon has one sense in English - silicon (symbol) Si, atomic number 14 - (a tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant element in the earth s crust; occurs in clay and feldspar and granite and quartz and sand; used as a semiconductor in transistors). Chemical element, element, substance, matter, physical entity, semiconductor, conductor.
Criteriul filierei: imprumutat indirect < fr. silicone
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: imprumut bine asimilat
The pronunciation and the orthography are exactly like in English.
The sense is the same just in one example, in the domain of chemistry.
Criteriul temporal: before World War II, with the sense of chemical element, but after '90's with the sense of implant with silicon.
Criteriul necesitatii: it is necessary, because is one of the symbols from Mendelev's Table and used in the domain of surgery.
Transcriere fonetica
[singal] - in Romanian
['siηgəl] - in English
Format/sens: In Romanian, the noun single has the same orthography, pronunciation and senses as in English and it is used in music: disc single - a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base; in sport: individual and individual, being or characteristic of a single thing or person; unmarried state; individual, separate.
e.g.: Noul site de matrimoniale dedicat tuturor persoanelor single din Romania si strainatate!; single player, la un joc pe calculator.
Criteriul filierei imprumtat direct < engl. single
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: xenism
The pronunciation, the orthography and senses are exactly like in English.
Criteriul temporal: after '90
Transcriere fonetica:
[sit in] in Romanian
[sit in] in English
In Romanian, sit-in (<engl. sit-in) has the same meaning as in English, the noun sit-in has one sense a form of civil disobedience in which demonstrators occupy seats and refuse to move.
The verb sit-in in English has two senses
- attend as a visitor;
- participate in an act of civil disobedience
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: xenism
The pronunciation, the orthography and sense are the same like in English.
Criteriul temporal: very recent
Criteriul necesitatii: it is not necessary
Transcriere fonetica:
[scaileab] in Romanian
['skailǽb] in English
In English, the noun Skylab has one sense - United States space station; in orbit from 1973 to 1979, space station, space platform, space laboratory, satellite, artificial satellite, orbiter, equipment; e.g.: Cosmos-Skylab, Skylab Lab, Skylab Impex SRL.
In Romanian has the same sense, ortography and pronunciation: the Skylab satellite. e.g.: 1973 - dupa lansarea sa, marele laborator spatial american Skylab" a adapostit in cursul acelui an trei echipaje de cosmonauti specializati; but it is used and with some other senses: forerunner "skylab" for children (premergator skylab pentru copii)
Criteriul gradului de asimilare imprumutat pentru un anumit domeniu, intra in categoria cuvintelor straine
The pronunciation, the orthography and sense are the same like in English.
Criteriul temporal: exists in Romanian from the time the word moved on in English
Criteriul necesitatii: it is an English word and we need it to refer to the space station, than it is necessary only in this field
Transcriere fonetica:
[slep-stic] in Romanian,
['slǽp,stick] in English
In Romanian different pronunciation from English, but the same orthography and the same meaning: - boisterous comedy with chases and collisions and practical jokes; - acoustic device consisting of two paddles hinged together; used by an actor to make a loud noise without inflicting injury when striking someone, "slapstick style of humor".
e.g.: ce se intelegea odata prin slapstick (comedie fizica) - nu "slapstick-ul" degradat, obosit si meschin al atitor comedii de azi, ci "slapstick-ul" curat; actiunea la climax era prezenta intr-o succesiune de "slapstick episodes", adica "episoade misto" Cu un umor destul de negru si cu influente "slapstick", comedia asta o sa atraga pe toata lumea, indiferent de gusturi; Evolueaza de la comedia de tip slapstick la comedia dramatica
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: xenism
The orthography and sense are the same like in English.
Criteriul necesitatii: it is not necessary, because we can use our Romanian words
Transcriere fonetica
[slais] in Romanian
[slais] in English
Format/sens: The word is borrowed from English with the same spelling and pronunciation. In Romanian we find it only in the domain of electronics, computers: bit-slice and hair-styling and in tenis "the slice effect".
e.g.: - tehnici de tuns pivot-point, "slice" si free-hand? "Slice" inseamna taiere prin alunecare tangentiala pe suvita;
- urmatoarele parti explica modul de creare a schemei de "slice-uri" exemplu; urmeaza modalitatea de stergere a unui slice; FreeBSD-ul se instaleaza pe un slice, o singura partitie, care se subpartitioneaza;
- serviciul "topspin-slice" este cel mai des
intilnit prin serviciu folosit In acelasi timp, efectul "slice" face ca
traiectoria mingii sa faca o curba (tenis)
In English has another senses: - a
share of something; - a serving that has been cut from a larger portion; - cut,
gash, slash, slice; a golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed
golfer; - a thin flat piece cut off of some object; - a spatula for spreading paint or ink; - cut
into slices.
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: folosit intr-un anumit domeniu
The pronunciation and the orthography are the same in both languages, but different it doesn't inheritted all the meanings ans senses
Criteriul temporal: after '90
Criteriul necesitatii: it is necessary only in the field of tennis and electronics
Transcriere fonetica:
[sil] in Romanian
[sil] in English
Format/sens: - structural member consisting of a continuous horizontal timber forming the lowest member of a framework or supporting structure; - from geology a flat (usually horizontal) mass of igneous rock between two layers of older sedimentary rock.
e.g.: "Sill-ul" provine din dezvelirea lavelor injectate pe planurile de stratificatie ale conului; apare sub forma unor pereti circulari, care inchid o depresiune, relief vulcanic
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: folosit intr-un anumit domeniu
The pronunciation and the meaning are the same, the ortography is the same in most cases, but sometimes it is written "sil"
Criteriul temporal: after World War II
Criteriul necesitatii: it is necessary, because the word is explaining a phenomenon from a field, geology
. singleton
Transcriere fonetica:
[singlton] in Romanian
['siŋgəlton] in English
Format/sens: - a single object (as distinguished from a pair) used in the domaine of electronics, computers; - a set containing a single member; - the playing card that is the only card in a suit held in a bridge hand.
"Singleton" pentru mai multe conexiuni la db simultane; clasa "singleton" pentru accesul la baza de date; instanta clasei "Singleton" doar prin intermediul operatiei Instance sabloane de proiectare; sablonul Singleton se aplica in situatiile in care - cursuri de informatica, automatica, limbaj al persoanelor specializate
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: folosit intr-un anumit domeniu
The same spelling, pronunciation and senses in both languages
Criteriul temporal: after '90
Criteriul necesitatii: it is necessary in the domain of electronics
Transcriere fonetica:
[scheitbord] in Romanian
[skeitbord] in English
Format/sens:: - a board with wheels or rollers attached to the bottom that is ridden in a standing or crouching position and propelled by foot.
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: imprumu bine asimilat
The noun is borrowed from English with the original sense, the same spelling and pronunciation
Criteriul temporal: after '90
Criteriul necesitatii: we don not have another definition for this object, it will be difficult to explain: o placa pe care poti sta cu picioarele etc., it easier this way
Transcriere fonetica:
[sleng] in Romanian
[slǽŋ] in English
Format/sens: used especially in linguistics: slang expression, slang term - informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar; jargon, lingo, argot, patois, vernacular - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves): e.g. vedeti ce "slang" au raperii, de ex pentru marijuana exista peste 26 de cuvinte
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: imprumut bine asimilat
The noun is borrowed from English with the same orthography and meaning, but the pronunciation is a bit different, we do not use the "ea", we use "e"
Criteriul temporal: after '90
Criteriul necesitatii: it is not that necessary, because we have our own Romanian words to explain
Transcriere fonetica:
[sleming] in Romanian; slam in English [slǽm]
Format/sens: The word is borrowed from English with the different spelling (is written as we hear it) and the same pronunciation and senses, especially when we refer to Slam, we find even the variant "slem". In English we have the noun "slam" - victory, triumph, winning all or all but one of the tricks in bridge - used in tennis: e.g. Grand Slam, Marele Slem, Turneul de Mare Slem Openul Frantei
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: cuvint strain
Criteriul temporal: after '90
Criteriul necesitatii: necessary in tennis' terms
Transcriere fonetica
[slic] in Romanian
[slik] in English
Format/sens: It is used when we refer to cars, tuning and design auto: slick auto (in a car wash, tio give the car a gleamin surface), also photo "slick" (quality paper), "slick" saloon for haircuts (to give someone's hair a glossy appereance),
Criteriul filierei: imprumutat direct < engl. slick
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: xenism
The word is borrowed from English with the same orthography, writing and almost the same meaning.
Criteriul temporal: after 2000
. *sincrofazotron
Transcriere fonetica:
[sincrofazotron] in Romanian,
Format/sens: We find this word in Physics - cyclic
accelerator for heavy particles and whose principal of
function combines sincrofazotron's elements, cosmotron, e.g.: sincrotron,
sincrociclotron, sincrofazotron), si aciclici, cu traiectoria particulei
accelerate dreapta (ex. accelerator de particule in cascada
Sincrofazotron - Accelerator de nuclee usoare si protoni de 10 GeV
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: imprumut integrat pentru cei dintr-un anumit domeniu
The ortography, the meaning are the same, the pronunciation almost the same
Criteriul temporal: after World War II
Criteriul necesitatii: when it is used in the specific field of study
Transcriere fonetica:
[sör] in Romanian
[sə:r] in English
Format/sens: - term of address for a man; - a title used before the name of knight or baronet.
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: imprumut bine asimilat
The noun has the same orthography, pronunciation and sense like in English:
Criteriul temporal: after World War II
Criteriul necesitatii: now it is very popular, it well aknowledged the meaning og this noun
Transcriere fonetica:
[schit] in Romanian
['ski:t] in English
Format/sens: We find it in sport, skeet shooting, trapshooting - the sport of shooting at clay objects that are hurled upward in such a way as to simulate the flight of a bird.
Skeet - cu si despre munte (echipament, alimentatie, marcaje turistice, tehnica mersului
Criteriul filierei: imprumutat direct
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: xenism
This noun has the same orthography, sense and pronunciation like in English
Criteriul temporal: after 2000
Criteriul necesitatii: it is not necessary
Transcriere fonetica:
[slep] in Romanian
[slǽp] in English
Format/sens: In English, the noun slap has two senses - smack: a blow from a flat object (as an open hand); - the act of smacking something; a blow delivered with an open hand, bang, smack, bolt.
In Romanian: slap, sn (Muz.) Efect sonor obtinut la contrabas prin lovirea gatului
Slap Shot - a fast-moving shot made in hockey with a full swinging stroke.
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: imprumut integrat when we refer to the music field, a techinical word and a xenism in the domain of computeres, electronics
The pronunciation is not exactly like in English and the sense is different, in Romanian we find the word in the domain of music - sound effect - and in components of computers: head slap
Criteriul temporal: after '90 in electronics
Criteriul necesitatii: necessary in the domain of music
**slesing / slashing
Transcriere fonetica:
[slesing] in Romanian
['slǽfiŋ] in English
Format/sens In Romanian it is used
in computers games, a language of gamers: e.g. Damage-ul armelor este de patru
feluri: range (arc, sulita), "slashing" (sabie); De asemenea, va
puteti mari rezistenta versus "slashing" sau bludgeoning
gamesuri. In Sports, hochey, scrima.
Slashing has one sense - as if striking
with slashing blows, cut down; piercing
- flog, welt, whip, lather, lash, slash, strap, trounce;
- slash, gash;
- cut drastically;
- convulse, thresh, thresh about, thrash, thrash about, slash, toss, jactitate.
Slash- To cut or form by cutting with forceful sweeping strokes: slash a path
through the underbrush.
Criteriul filierei: imprumutat direct < engl. slashing
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: xenism
The spelling is as its pronunciation in English, but is also used with the the same ortography when we find it in sport - in hockey, scrima, in the language of computers: "hacking and slashing".
Criteriul temporal: after '90
Criteriul necesitatii: it is not necessary, we can say "sabie" in stead of slashing or slesing, but it is a technical term in hockey and scrima
Transcriere fonetica:
[sling] in Romanian
[sli ] in English
Format/sens: Slingback, sling - a shoe that has a strap that wraps around the heel, also used in Romanian, not from very long time, it is a recent borrowing of Romanian fashion designers, and English, e.g.: " . papuci cu toc de 3-4 cm sau pantofi care au doar varful acoperit si bareta la spate (sling-back). Pantofii cu bareta la spate (sling-backs) sunt, de asemenea, acceptabili."
And also in the domain of electronics, internet, computers etc. has the same meaning in both languages, e.g.: "Sling Media prezinta Slingbox TV, PC world - un fel de dispozitiv. Categorie: Hardware. Un gadget electronic care promite sa elibereze utilizatorii de folosirea televizoarelor si care le" , Industrie prelucrare/echipamente-echipamente manufactura. Oferta: JUMBO, SLING-BAGS din tesatura de polipropilena cu inalta stabilizare la razele UV, avand capacitati de incarcare de 500-1000-1500 kg, diferite modele in functie de solicitarile clientilor, saci pp cu valva
Other senses are not familiar in Romanian: - a drink - gin sling, rum sling: a highball with liquor and water with sugar and lemon or lime juice.
- slingshot, sling and catapult - a plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones;
- sling - a simple weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a projectile is whirled and then released
- sling, scarf bandage, triangular bandage - bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around.
A weapon consisting of a looped strap in which
a stone is whirled and then let fly. A slingshot.
Criteriul filierei: imprumutat direct < engl. sling
Criteriul gradului de asimilare: xenism
The pronunciation and the orthography are the same in both languages. The meaning it is the same when we refer to shoes, computers and electronics.
Criteriul temporal: it is quite a new borrowing, after 2000 in fashion
Criteriul necesitatii: it is not that necessary, it is more like a trifle, a trend, when we refer to shoes, but it is necessary when it is used in the domain of electronics, a computer language.
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